typical libs in berkeley

it seems only natural that any subsidization of higher education should be a voluntary matter of personal choice and that, in the end, that burden should be shouldered by those who reap the benefits of that education, the students themselves.

Dude, are you saying you have in no way benefitted thanks to those who have gotten a higher education? The irony is that you typed that statement on your computer, a piece of technology brought to you thanks to someone who got a higher education. You should seriously keep track as you go throughout the day how many advancements you enjoy and how much easier your life is thanks to those who have gone to get a higher education. Economics 101 - subsidize the shit that is good, tax the shit that is bad.
Exactly .... they never learn.

The education system is a shadow of it's potential.

Get rid of the unions and everything would change for the better.

get rid of tenure also.... it's a horrible system.
Exactly .... they never learn.

The education system is a shadow of it's potential.

Get rid of the unions and everything would change for the better.

get rid of tenure also.... it's a horrible system.

When dealing in good intentions, one can't be bothered by the results....:-P
That is my entire problem with liberals....some of the intentions are GOOD.

The execution of those ideas is a NIGHTMARE. They simply Don't know how to get there.

This is why the only societies with mass genocide are SOCIALIST systems. At some point.... the killing starts, because the ideas don't work.
Cali is BROKE.... it's their own fault. Look at any state that has been dominated by Democrats...and I'll show you a state which is BROKE.


Score one for facts produced from thin air. Arizona, #2 behind California for states running in the red. Across the board Republican control from legislature to governor. :clap:
behind Cali...not in front of it. And I didn't say all..... but the pattern is quite CLEAR.

Fiscal responsibility does not exist in the Democrat party ... like children, they want, but can't pay.

I think you will find that Arizona has fallen prey to the real estate bust ... FEDERALLY made ... by DEMOCRATS....yes sometimes there is no escape from democrats.
Dude, are you saying you have in no way benefitted thanks to those who have gotten a higher education? The irony is that you typed that statement on your computer, a piece of technology brought to you thanks to someone who got a higher education. You should seriously keep track as you go throughout the day how many advancements you enjoy and how much easier your life is thanks to those who have gone to get a higher education. Economics 101 - subsidize the shit that is good, tax the shit that is bad.

And who determines what is "good" and what is "bad?"
behind Cali...not in front of it. And I didn't say all..... but the pattern is quite CLEAR.


I love how you give yourself "technicalities" LOL Id say the fact that a Republican controlled state second only to California for a budget deficit shows that the pattern is in fact NOT CLEAR!
Like I said, they got trapped in the real estate bubble formed by the DEMOCRATS....

No technicality. You just don't have it in context.

it's one thing to get a hold of data...it's another to read it correctly in context.
Like I said, they got trapped in the real estate bubble formed by the DEMOCRATS....

No technicality. You just don't have it in context.

it's one thing to get a hold of data...it's another to read it correctly in context.

There is no context to be had for "facts" pulled out of thin air. Your apparent assertion that the real estate bubble is 100% the fault of Democrats proves it. Stick with the herd if thats what works for you though.
You think it was the local state govt. that blew out the Arizona budgets... I just showed you it was the FEDERAL real estate bust.

See if you can figure it out.

Take ur time.

have someone help you.
You think it was the local state govt. that blew out the Arizona budgets... I just showed you it was the FEDERAL real estate bust.

See if you can figure it out.

Take ur time.

have someone help you.

You didn't SHOW anything!!!!!! You just pulled some words out of your ass, blamed everything on Democrats, and hit submit reply!

You don't even make a logical debate of it. A few minutes ago it was show you any state run by democrats and you will show me a broke state. Now that Ive shown the 2nd brokest state is run by Republicans you want to blame it all on the Federal government. You are friggin hilarious! :mrgreen::clap:

It must be nice to live in a world which your perception perfectly matches that of someone like Rush Limbaugh. Where out of control spending and government intrusion in our lives must be fine as long as the one doing it is an (R).
I don't submit what I consider to be "common knowledge". I realize I assume too much with you.

You're not an informed person.
Like I said, they got trapped in the real estate bubble formed by the DEMOCRATS....

No technicality. You just don't have it in context.

it's one thing to get a hold of data...it's another to read it correctly in context.

You guys are funny. Under republcans we lost 3.6 million jobs, a lot of those people couldnt afford their mortgage and got foreclosed on which made the real estate market drop which caused more people to be upside down. Instead of focusing on that which is hard facts you guys twist it and start spouting off the dems and a real estate bubble. Tell a lie long enough and people believe it.
I don't know about any other state, but I live in California, and have for my entire life. California used to have the very best school system that actually taught things. Kids used to come out of high school with the ability to write well, spell well and with the ability to balance a check book. That's all changed since the early 60s when the leftist radicals took over state government. Now, our education system is nothing more than made up of Progressive indoctrination centers. The kids coming out of our schools have no historical reference, no command of the English language, and most cannot write a sentence ... they have to print everything. The state has been run by a Democrat majority in the state legislature for way more years than I can remember. Our inner cities look like something out of a third-world country. Want to see a real sewer and hell-hole? Just drive though downtown Los Angeles or San Francisco. We have an unemployment rate of 12.5 % not counting those who have just given up looking. The taxes and regulations on the private sector are driving businesses, jobs and people out of the state in droves. Because of gerrymandering, it is almost impossible to get the entrenched politicians out office. In California, when it comes to the public employees, the unions rule. We are over 20 billion dollars in the hole on a year to year basis, and the total debt owed by California is over 550 billion. And yet ... we are seeing union led protests because of a raise in tuition rates? Gimme a break!