**Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

How much will my yield be from BOTH plants?

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right on dude! Congrats!

Thanks Man. =) Just got lucky again. lol

that's pretty fucking cool man i'd clone it (take a few clones lol). and i'd reveg it and get some reg WW seed's and bam or maybe JILLY BEAN idk it's all up to u i know i'd try my hand at it though lol. idk if u know how to reveg but it's pretty straight forward i'm not gonna explain caouse i'm sure u know about it alrealy if not i'l explain or send a link too u man (still watching and will be ready from them macros of the 2* BUDSITES) that's gonna be a cool pic. this is the first i've heard of anything like that so idk what to except lol ima proabley be like holy shit ima go do a grow with u lol (u lucky bastard).

Yeaaaa. deff gonna take a few clones.. gonna suck losin out on the buds it woulda produced.. but if the clones carry the same genes.. then it will be well worth it! =D And yeaa I actually did think about re-veggin the plant.. I've never seen it done.. but I do know what it is. basically, you just cut off the buds.. and try to leave as much leaf as u can on there, adn throw it back under 18-6 right? I've always wanted to see that done.. I've never seen pics or anything of somebody doin it.. would be interesting to see. =)

And I will deff have the pics of the double bud sites tomorow. Gonna take the whole plant outta the closet and take a bunch of pics untill i get the best ones. =) It is deff something coll to see! I had never heard of it either till like a week ago.. when that kid posted the comment and called it a Poly-sumthin?? idk, he posted a link with all the info on it too. But i have never heard of it..

I just thought somethign bad was wrong with my plant.. lol. I thought it just had a couple extra leaves.. then i was thinkin like hmmmmm.. I wonder if it could have extra buds.. and sure enough it did.. adn then this branch I just found today like an hour ago.. I couldnt believe it at 1st! lol. I cant wait till the buds start to really form.. then its gonna be REALLY cool looking!!

lmao.. yeaa it's just luck man. lol. just got lucky.. happy as shit about it tho.. well if the clones have the same genetics.. adn I can control it.. and keep the fuckin clones alive for longer than a week. lol.. if your even up in the new england area.. lemme kno.. I'll hook you up with one. lol. I'd love to have my plant end up being passed along all ova the US.. lol. that would be cool. I'd have it re-name it tho. =) Take some credit for what I didnt do. lol. I can name it White Chris... since my name is Chris.. adn I'm white.. lol. real original right? lol
Well, if you couldn't tell... Aaron's just completely blew me off.. and never returned my calls.. soooooo Fuck Them!! :finger::finger::finger:

But.... I have an interview at Lowes tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. =) Soo I will let you guys know how that goes. =D
Well, if you couldn't tell... Aaron's just completely blew me off.. and never returned my calls.. soooooo Fuck Them!! :finger::finger::finger:

But.... I have an interview at Lowes tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. =) Soo I will let you guys know how that goes. =D

They wanted me to take a piss test before they gave me an app. LOL I said No Thanks!:lol:
hey nice cat. just tuned in. very well done. I love your cat. so i took a picture of my fat cat. here she is name harley.


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Hey chb444220, I just came upon this thread and WOW! It was a lot to catch up on, lol! I started my Nirvana WW about when you were gonna start yours 1-9-10. I figure I'm in week 4 of Flowering. Got 2 WW and an LSD from Barney's and Nirvana papaya. The lsd and papaya are huge; papaya is lil over 4ft and lsd is 5ft. Got the 2 WW under my 150w HPS and the bigger 1's under a 250w HPS. WW's are like 2ft and going pretty good. attached a pic thats a week or so old; they're bigger now. Had a 5th in same pot with 1 of the WW's but he was trying to knock up my girls so I had to kill him! Rest are for sure female! Found "him" on Feb 16th so hopefully no damage done. Glad to see things are well with yours and goodluck on the job hunt.


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They wanted me to take a piss test before they gave me an app. LOL I said No Thanks!:lol:

oo damn.. well.. thankfully, I havent been smokinlately cuz I thought I was gonna get the job at Aarons, and I knew they were gonna drug test me.. soo I'm good. lol. That sucks tho that they tried to test you before they even gave u the application.

hey nice cat. just tuned in. very well done. I love your cat. so i took a picture of my fat cat. here she is name harley.

Thats CRAZY!!! Your cat really looks JUST like mine!! just a little bigger. lol. Thats crazy how much alike they look. =) Shes cute tho.

Hey chb444220, I just came upon this thread and WOW! It was a lot to catch up on, lol! I started my Nirvana WW about when you were gonna start yours 1-9-10. I figure I'm in week 4 of Flowering. Got 2 WW and an LSD from Barney's and Nirvana papaya. The lsd and papaya are huge; papaya is lil over 4ft and lsd is 5ft. Got the 2 WW under my 150w HPS and the bigger 1's under a 250w HPS. WW's are like 2ft and going pretty good. attached a pic thats a week or so old; they're bigger now. Had a 5th in same pot with 1 of the WW's but he was trying to knock up my girls so I had to kill him! Rest are for sure female! Found "him" on Feb 16th so hopefully no damage done. Glad to see things are well with yours and goodluck on the job hunt.

Wow.. looking good man!! Its cool how they're all different sizes. You got a journal man?? I would love to follow another WW journal! I love comparing plants with other people. I'm a big fan of LSD too.. I've never grown it, but I've seen a couple grows, and always like dwhat I've seen.. and it seems it's your biggest plant.. soo probably gonna be the biggest yielder! I need to get some better lights tho.. I'm still only working with CFL's.. and I htink I would have much better results with an HPS.

and yeaaa there is alot to catch up on.. Im happy this thread kinda took off! =) My last couple journals didnt get much attention. kinda sucked cuz i was postin up all these pics and info.. but no1 reeally cared.. but now I've already had like 10,000 views.... and I still have another 6-8 weeks left! =)

Thanks for tuning in man.. and if you got a journal def post the link for me. =)
well unfortunately i'm on the eastcoast but i'm down in NC, if i was up there we could definitely trade some cuttings but alass i'm a few hundred miles away lol. and yea some white chris at christmas would be FUCKING BOM ESP IF THE WHOLE PLANT DOUBBE BUDDED
oh and i'll try and find some reveg pic's/journals there were quite a few on my old site OVERGROW.COM but it's not around anymore. hey i was planning a trip to either canada or amsterdam ROAD TRIP SON lol 'can't wait to see the photo shoot pic's lol' my ww's haven't poped yet hopefully tomorrow them and the LR2*AK47 will pop and i'll try and borrow a cam if i can i'll start a journal i wish my 400 dollar one didn't fucking grow leg's and walk away i swear man i hate thieves dude in the middle east motha fuckas that steal get there hand's chopped off lmfao now that is a fucking deterant dude.
well unfortunately i'm on the eastcoast but i'm down in NC, if i was up there we could definitely trade some cuttings but alass i'm a few hundred miles away lol. and yea some white chris at christmas would be FUCKING BOM ESP IF THE WHOLE PLANT DOUBBE BUDDED
oh and i'll try and find some reveg pic's/journals there were quite a few on my old site OVERGROW.COM but it's not around anymore. hey i was planning a trip to either canada or amsterdam ROAD TRIP SON lol 'can't wait to see the photo shoot pic's lol' my ww's haven't poped yet hopefully tomorrow them and the LR2*AK47 will pop and i'll try and borrow a cam if i can i'll start a journal i wish my 400 dollar one didn't fucking grow leg's and walk away i swear man i hate thieves dude in the middle east motha fuckas that steal get there hand's chopped off lmfao now that is a fucking deterant dude.

Awww. thats too bad! =( Well if for sum reason ur ever in the area.. lemme know. lo. adn yeaa me and my girl wanna go to Canada this summer.. that would be maddd fun!!

And thats fuckin gayy about ur camera!! I would be BULLSHIT!! well.. u can get cameras pretty cheap now.. u can get a decent one for under $100.. mine was like 70 i think? and it takes decent pics.. but yeaa people are grimy around here too. =/ Thats why I dont really tell anyone about the plant.. these motherfuckas will try to come in my house and take it... but I'll be right there waitin for them with a sword in 1 hand and a gun in the otha... I gaurentee they wont be makin it outta my room with my plant.. lol. they'll be luck if they can even walk outta my room with all 4 limps still attatched... =D

Anywayz..... lol. Just got home. the interview went really well.. I would be working in the gardening section.. WoooHoo. lol. My favorite section of the store. lol. I told the lady I have alot of experience with plant. lol. Obviously didnt telll her what plants.. lol. but anywayz..she said I should be gettin a call next week for a 2nd interview.. adn then the next week for the 3rd. =) hopefully it all works out!!

K. Well I'm gettin ready to take out the plants adn take some pics for ya guys.. I'll be back with some pics! :weed::weed::weed:
Alright Guys.. I got a BUNCH of pics to put up... I couldnt decide which pics to delete.. sopme just looked soo cool.. soo I didnt delete them. I'm just gonna throw them all up.. I will make a gap and put in writing where the **Double Buds** are.. theres a few pics. since there are now 2 branches like that.. For some reason.. my camera was sucking.. and it was really hard to get a clear photo of the branches with the double buds on each node (4 buds on the node all together) but I did my best.. I will also make a gap.. and out in writing where I have the branches with double buds..

Also.. got some good news.. well 2 things actually.. First off.... MYSTERY IS A GIRL!! =D FINALLY! I tried to get a pic of the small white hair.. but its impossible. lol. I can only see it with a magnifying glass.. adn even withh that.. its realy small.. but its good to know that she is female! =) Only can see 1 tiny hair tho.

2ndly.. I took 2 more clones.. I was gonna just take 1.. can I was looking all over to find a good one to take.. but its hard cuz I dont wanna sacrafice any more buds just in case the clones dont make it again... :-( But I found 2 good branches towards the bottom.. that were too low.. adn too small to get any light.. soo there wasnt many hairs on them.. and they have 3 nodes.. which is good.. soo I took that one.. adn saw another on the opposite side.. adn it was the same way.. really small hairs cuz it didnt have much light.. soo I took some pics for you guys soo u can see them.. Wish me luck with these ones! lol. Okkkkkkk. Heres the pics.. (Sorry theres Soooooo many!!)

Strain : White Widow
Day : 38 -Day 17 of Flowering










***Double Bud Pics***








***Double Buds On Branch Pics***






Strain : Mystery Plant
Day : Day 24 -Day 17 of Flowering




Strain : White Widow Clones
Day : 1





Hope You Enjoyyyyyyy!!:bigjoint::bigjoint:
nice photo shoot man i especially like the pic's of where u misted the WW that was a cool one man. and the dub bud's look very very cool nice. and man that is a VERY HEALTHY LOOKING PLANT.kudos too u dude. and yeah that stealing shit is no more i think i know who took the cam and there not welcome anymore (there lose i was too nice). and yeah i'm armed too the teeth too just for my tactical situations i got a AR15 and a Mossberg 500 double pistol grips laser heatshield (whold nine yard's too much too list) i haven't upgraded the AR yet ima start on it on my BDAY and get a 45 i had a 45 b4 but it got stole ( but it was stolen anyway ). but this new one will be in a lock box beside my bed. but yeah ima get that 45 and go to amsterdam or canada if i got the money so i may just stop by and steal that WW lmao jk i can't give REP but u most definitely deserve it man sry if this bump's to the next page i type too much. if it does the pic's are on page 35 fella's gal's jus so yall know
what up ch I'm not sure but I think my cutting is doing the same thing growing 4 sets at one node here's a pic. It's been 1 week since I took the cutting and no sign of roots but I don't know if it's been growing or what just noticed it. This was the one i tried to fim earlier and than I just decided to try and take cuttings but take a look it's way different than the others.


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nice photo shoot man i especially like the pic's of where u misted the WW that was a cool one man. and the dub bud's look very very cool nice. and man that is a VERY HEALTHY LOOKING PLANT.kudos too u dude. and yeah that stealing shit is no more i think i know who took the cam and there not welcome anymore (there lose i was too nice). and yeah i'm armed too the teeth too just for my tactical situations i got a AR15 and a Mossberg 500 double pistol grips laser heatshield (whold nine yard's too much too list) i haven't upgraded the AR yet ima start on it on my BDAY and get a 45 i had a 45 b4 but it got stole ( but it was stolen anyway ). but this new one will be in a lock box beside my bed. but yeah ima get that 45 and go to amsterdam or canada if i got the money so i may just stop by and steal that WW lmao jk i can't give REP but u most definitely deserve it man sry if this bump's to the next page i type too much. if it does the pic's are on page 35 fella's gal's jus so yall know

Yeaa she is comin along.. slowly but surely! lol. well not really slowly.. pretty damn fast actually. But yea I've always liked takin pics after I mist her. Think she looks cool. i remember a couple people thought it was all resin. I was like damnnn I WISH !!. and oo shit. lol. looks like ur ready to go to war.. how much did all that shit cost ya!!??. I ca only imagine.. My friend used to carry a mossberg in his trunk.. never really understood WHY he kept it in the trunk?? lol. u would think u would keep it in the car.. never seen him use it.. but ive seen him smash somebody in the face with is.. breaking a few teeth. lol. soo glad I'm not a dealer anymore. dont have to deal with all that bullshit. =) and thanks for the verbal rep.. thats just as good. =D and its alright man. i actually thougth the pics would take up a whole page all by themselve.
what up ch I'm not sure but I think my cutting is doing the same thing growing 4 sets at one node here's a pic. It's been 1 week since I took the cutting and no sign of roots but I don't know if it's been growing or what just noticed it. This was the one i tried to fim earlier and than I just decided to try and take cuttings but take a look it's way different than the others.

Hmmm. its hard to tell at that stage.. cuz some plants have that at 1st.. and then eventually once the plant stretches more.. it will stretch and become two different nodes... =/ but dont coun t it out yet.. you never know. mine looked like that, and I just assumed it would stretch into 2 diff nodes like all the others.. but it didnt. =) I'm hoping that once the buds start to show a little more.. you will be able to see the 4 bud sites alot easier.

and from what I can understand.. it usually takes a couple weeks for clones to root... The clone I had took before looked the same for over a week.. adn ewn the leaves finally yellowed and started to fall off.. i knnew it was dead. lol and when I pulled it out to throw it out, I looked at it and there were no roots growing at all. =/ I'm praying at least ONE of these clones survives! Cuz I love this WW plant.. adn I took both clones from the "Poly" branch.. soo I'm hoping this one will grow double buds too.
idk pipe dream but that kinda look's like chb was saying it may be a 4 budder though u nvr know that'd be tight if it was (hope it is for u dude).

and the mossberg with all attachments has about 600 maybe 700 in it so far the ar15 was 1200 could've got it cheaper off the net but i don't like ordering gun's or any gun attachment's off the net i prefer to make sure every thing is gravy first. and for the mossber i also have a top folding stock it has a laser, heat shield, front pistol grip, i've got a back pistol grip and the original front and back grips so i can have it in multiple different setups but it kick's like a mule for some reason idk why it's just the 500 kick's hard man it's the hardest hitting 12 ga i've ever shot. and i'm goin get a failzero bolt,m9 bayonet,x400 weaponlight/laser,acog scope, and a diff collapseable stock for it it has a collapseable on it now but i want the one that has the space for extra battery's and stuff. so i'll end up haveing maybe 2500 in the AR in the long run and that's being conservative it's chambered for 556 or 223, i'm thinking of converting it to either the 50beowuld for the 6.8 idk yet though. put it like this it's goin be a nast somabitch 'this country boy don't play' here's a link to RRA=Rock River Arms the type of gun i got they don't have my exact model up there caue it's got the quad rail or whatever u wanna call it u know instead of the plastic grip it's aluminum and can have attachement's on top bottom left and right. sry for typeing so much i got carried away i assumed u are a gun person oh here's the link lmfao (high ppl).

=^^if u look at that second link my gun is basicaley gonna be the exact same but instea of the eotech sight=reflex=close quarter's combat ima have the acog=more for distance but it's also a battle site u'll see both type's being used by the army leo's black ops etc etc

omg let me shut the fuck up lmfao u got me on gun's it's hard for me to stop man lol
Nice chb444220! Looking good man! No I didn't start a journal on here. But I'll definetly keep ya posted with some pics. I started keeping a day planner of when I water and when I add nutes. Hopefully will learn and see paterns with same and similar strains. I am still trying to figure out how to get the branches completely bud covered like other growers. LSD is supposed to be 600gms per 2meter plant. Mines like 5 feet and I'd be happy as shit if I get 4ozs. Funny thing is I started them all at the same time, so WW I'm guessing; is a genetically short plant?? I will probably be growing more Lsd cuz that plant can weather anything!!! Never got ANY nute burn and was juicing the shit out of it; very strong strain. My runt is the papaya. Its almost as tall as the lsd but it was really nute sensative and has the smallest buds. Really scrawny too- thin branches. I use Dyna-gro nutes and they make something called Protekt-The Silicone Solution; supposed to make for stronger branches and extended budding period. Can't wait for my next grow, but am lovin life with this one. Take it easy and I will probably get to my computer tommorow. Peace!
Oh and about your lighting chb444220, Looks like its working well. Lots of documented success with cfl's no doubt about that. When I started my first grow I had just some cheap shitty tube lights and they sucked really bad. In my humble opinion, HPS lights are worth their weight in gold!!! Just traded an Alpine deck to a co-worker for a 250w hydrofarm light and man I love that thing! When you buy a bulb from a grow store, they inscribe the date on the base of the bulb. The date on the bulb was 10-6-93!! and the bulb still worked! Replaced it of course; with a Ultra-Sun cheap bulb- still works great! Go HPS, you won't be sorry. I started with a SunSystem 150w hps. Comes with a GE bulb included and a bulit-in ballast. Was $87 at local grow shop. Highly recommended! Later man.
idk pipe dream but that kinda look's like chb was saying it may be a 4 budder though u nvr know that'd be tight if it was (hope it is for u dude).

and the mossberg with all attachments has about 600 maybe 700 in it so far the ar15 was 1200 could've got it cheaper off the net but i don't like ordering gun's or any gun attachment's off the net i prefer to make sure every thing is gravy first. and for the mossber i also have a top folding stock it has a laser, heat shield, front pistol grip, i've got a back pistol grip and the original front and back grips so i can have it in multiple different setups but it kick's like a mule for some reason idk why it's just the 500 kick's hard man it's the hardest hitting 12 ga i've ever shot. and i'm goin get a failzero bolt,m9 bayonet,x400 weaponlight/laser,acog scope, and a diff collapseable stock for it it has a collapseable on it now but i want the one that has the space for extra battery's and stuff. so i'll end up haveing maybe 2500 in the AR in the long run and that's being conservative it's chambered for 556 or 223, i'm thinking of converting it to either the 50beowuld for the 6.8 idk yet though. put it like this it's goin be a nast somabitch 'this country boy don't play' here's a link to RRA=Rock River Arms the type of gun i got they don't have my exact model up there caue it's got the quad rail or whatever u wanna call it u know instead of the plastic grip it's aluminum and can have attachement's on top bottom left and right. sry for typeing so much i got carried away i assumed u are a gun person oh here's the link lmfao (high ppl).

=^^if u look at that second link my gun is basicaley gonna be the exact same but instea of the eotech sight=reflex=close quarter's combat ima have the acog=more for distance but it's also a battle site u'll see both type's being used by the army leo's black ops etc etc

omg let me shut the fuck up lmfao u got me on gun's it's hard for me to stop man lol

lmfao. Holy shit man.. I guess I did get u started on guns huh? lol. Yea I do like guns. =) I like knives alot too tho. well swords and all that good stuff..thats not too bad tho (the mossberg with all those attachments) its crazy in my town tho.. u hear gunshots all the time.. its just like dorchester.. not sure if u kno where that is or heard of it.. its in MA which is where I'm from.. but I live down in the city..and theres gunshotss all night. =/ its nto really somethin to be proud of tho.. kinda sucks.. thats why you gotta stray strapped just walkin to the store.. cuz people down here kill eachother over a few hundred bucks.. its stupid.. we even got those gaurdian angels walkin the streets.. lol. I actually just saw them for the 1st time th eother day roamin the streets.. i guess thats supposed to make us feel safer. lol.

I must say.. those are some nice ass fuckin guns man.. the AR is deff my favorite. I was just checkin out teh links.. I'd love to have some shit like that under my pillow. lol. if it would fit. Idk what model I would choose if I was gonna get 1. theres wayyyy too many to choose from. But I'd be happy with anyone.
No shit Chb, I was in South Boston (Southey) last night! LOL My Dad was born and raised their! He use to run with Whitey LOL ( or so he says) LOL. I'm only 40 min away from Dorchester! It is a tough spot of town. I heard of the gaurdian angels before, I've seen them on the news a lot. They don't help me feel safe walking the street LOL.
Nice chb444220! Looking good man! No I didn't start a journal on here. But I'll definetly keep ya posted with some pics. I started keeping a day planner of when I water and when I add nutes. Hopefully will learn and see paterns with same and similar strains. I am still trying to figure out how to get the branches completely bud covered like other growers. LSD is supposed to be 600gms per 2meter plant. Mines like 5 feet and I'd be happy as shit if I get 4ozs. Funny thing is I started them all at the same time, so WW I'm guessing; is a genetically short plant?? I will probably be growing more Lsd cuz that plant can weather anything!!! Never got ANY nute burn and was juicing the shit out of it; very strong strain. My runt is the papaya. Its almost as tall as the lsd but it was really nute sensative and has the smallest buds. Really scrawny too- thin branches. I use Dyna-gro nutes and they make something called Protekt-The Silicone Solution; supposed to make for stronger branches and extended budding period. Can't wait for my next grow, but am lovin life with this one. Take it easy and I will probably get to my computer tommorow. Peace!

Aiight cool. I'll deff be waitin for updates. =) And I'm not really sure how people get the whole stem covered with buds... the only thing I can think of it is just to keep the lights close so they dont need to stretch as much, so the nodes wont be too far apart, and make them closer together...? =/

As far as I know.. WW is supposed to be tall? thats why I dont understand why mine is sooooo short? WW is more of a sativa.. sooo it should be a little bit taller? But then again, I think it has to do with the way my lights are set up. Since they're so close, they dont need to stretch as all.. soo it just stayed short.. I actually raised the top light up more than I would normally for the last week or so to try to stretch the plant out more.. and it worked .=) the top is a little bit taller now.

And my friend (on here) is growin papaya - WolfScott, and his is doing great.. maye u just got a bad seed? And I have never heard of those types of nutes?? I use ghetto nutes.. well Miracle Grow for Vegging, and Schultz - All purpose (10-15-10) for flowering.. but I cant really complain about how its growing.. soo I guess the nutes cant be that bad right?

Oh and about your lighting chb444220, Looks like its working well. Lots of documented success with cfl's no doubt about that. When I started my first grow I had just some cheap shitty tube lights and they sucked really bad. In my humble opinion, HPS lights are worth their weight in gold!!! Just traded an Alpine deck to a co-worker for a 250w hydrofarm light and man I love that thing! When you buy a bulb from a grow store, they inscribe the date on the base of the bulb. The date on the bulb was 10-6-93!! and the bulb still worked! Replaced it of course; with a Ultra-Sun cheap bulb- still works great! Go HPS, you won't be sorry. I started with a SunSystem 150w hps. Comes with a GE bulb included and a bulit-in ballast. Was $87 at local grow shop. Highly recommended! Later man.

Yeaa I am actually having a lotter better success using CFL's than I thought I would.. my last grow kinda sucked.. but then again. I was still learning alot.. adn I had more plants than I should have for the lights I had.. I prbably had like 6 or 7 CFL's... and 4 plants.. =/thats not even 2 per plant.. during veg they were fine.. they took right off.. but once they got to flowering.. =/ they deff needed more light! I got about an ounce 1/2 tho from 2 of them.. the other died.. well I kinda killed it. =( lol. and the other gave me about 1/2 ounce.

Alotta people will say that CFL's will give you airy buds.. but I think that u will get airy bud ONLY if you place the CFL's too far away.. and make the plant stretch.. cuz once it stretches.. the nodes are gonna be more spaced.. which will make the buds be more airy.. I think anywayz. lol. we'll see when my buds start forming.. I have a feelin since I kept the lights soo close. that they will be prtty tight. =) I hope so. I like tight. =p lol. and I do plan on gettin an HPS eventually. but its jus ta matter of savin money.. i get shit for unemployment.. I get like 190.. give my mom 100 towards bills and shit.. pay renta centa 30, which leaves me with 60 for the week.. and i get alotta mc donalds and taco bell. lol. adn lots f coffee too. soo its hard to save up money when you dont have any..

I plan on sellin some of this WW... not alot. but enough to buy a 400 watt HPS for my next grow(s).. thts my plan. and holy shit! I cant believe that bulb still fuckin worked man!! thats CRAZY!! i thought they were only good for a few years?? And the Sun System 150W light was wat I was lookin at actually at HTGSupply.com theyre really good/cheap. Im deff gonna sell some of this WW and upgreade my system a little.. but I wanna keep it small. I dont want to grow mad plants.. I dont wanna get too cocky/risky.. I'll keep it at 2-3.. that way if cops come.. i will have a better chance of hiding 2-3 than I would 10. lol.
Whats up Whats up! Got some fresh pics taken this morning! I guess the papaya isn't a runt, but buds are real thin. Hoping they fatten up a lot more. The water intake has already slowed so not sure how much bigger they'll get. I pulled the harvest on my first one way too early while the hairs were still at least 50% white. Not going to do that this time around. Its just a fear of not pulling them soon enough and I don't know, maybe have issues?? like mold or less powerful bud? Have heard of people leaving em on too long and shit happens. Anyway whatever, Enjoy the pics everyone and take it easy! Peace!