Club 600


Well-Known Member
the problem is that flushing with plain water mid grow can wash out a lot of good innoculants. Well first off what medium are we talking about because that can make a difference.

For 1/4 dose I meant this, for example: if your normal feeding consists of 2 liters of water mixed with 100% (or less) strength nutes, comes flush time, use a lot more water (say 6-8 liters) at 1/4 strength.

If at 100% strength your EC was 2.0. At 1/4 strength your EC should be around 0.5-0.7

Before you do any of this I need to know the medium, as everything I mentioned applies mainly to coco, for soil you should wait for some other folks to chime it.

well im using black gold coco mix with added perlite cuz the soil is moisture hold. it drains fine and usally takes 3-4 days to completly dry out. and i think i know what ur sayin about usin 1/4 nutes just more water:bigjoint: thanks a bunch for tryin to help me:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well im using black gold coco mix with added perlite cuz the soil is moisture hold. it drains fine and usally takes 3-4 days to completly dry out. and i think i know what ur sayin about usin 1/4 nutes just more water:bigjoint: thanks a bunch for tryin to help me:mrgreen:

ok good you are in coco, you can take my advice then.

many good folks here have taught me never to flush coco with plain water, just use a very light mix. I also give an injection of innoculants just to give them a boost.

For the next watering give them 75% strength nutes and see how they respond.

By this time your salts will be washed out and you will have fresh nutes in the pot, so the plants should really be thriving.


Well-Known Member
ok good you are in coco, you can take my advice then.

many good folks here have taught me never to flush coco with plain water, just use a very light mix. I also give an injection of innoculants just to give them a boost.

For the next watering give them 75% strength nutes and see how they respond.

By this time your salts will be washed out and you will have fresh nutes in the pot, so the plants should really be thriving.
well it has coco in it it is also has soil in it and its all organic soil. so then ur sayin i should flush again. here is my feed schedule since the flush. ok so its bean more then 8 days since the flush. i flushed on 2-24-10,and then on 2-28-10 i fed them with 1/2 tsp cal/mag, and 1 tsp of veg nutes cuz i thought at first it was a nitro def. and then on 3-5-10 i fed them 1 tsp of veg nutes, 1 tsp of bloom nutes, and also 1tsp of earth juice micro blast. and just today i water with just 1 tsp of mallases


Well-Known Member
well it has coco in it it is also has soil in it and its all organic soil. so then ur sayin i should flush again. here is my feed schedule since the flush. ok so its bean more then 8 days since the flush. i flushed on 2-24-10,and then on 2-28-10 i fed them with 1/2 tsp cal/mag, and 1 tsp of veg nutes cuz i thought at first it was a nitro def. and then on 3-5-10 i fed them 1 tsp of veg nutes, 1 tsp of bloom nutes, and also 1tsp of earth juice micro blast. and just today i water with just 1 tsp of mallases

did you check the run off pH and EC.

I think your ladies should be bounding back soon.

don't flush again. just feed at 75% dose with 10-20% run-off and measure its pH and EC find a bit more about the pot chemistry.


Well-Known Member
hey folks, busy evening in the 600. Just popped out to the potting shed for my last joint of the weekend. Hope you all had (are having) a good one.

Peace, DST

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Those look f-ing fantastic. You got a mighty nice harvest coming your way. Great work.
Thanks integra. I'll be sure to include a smoke report as soon as possible. Still a few weeks left till they're smokable, that is my partner's crop. Mine is still seven to ten weeks away until harvest, they are sativa dominant strains.


Well-Known Member
man it seems like every grow i do has a major prob, and its usalyy the earlly yellowing. my plant is still droppin leafs and their is nothin i can seem to do to help. i have seemed to try every thing i could. she is stil growin great just hella yellow i wish they would stay greener till near the end like everyone elses plants on here. also this fuckin hermie prob. i dont know how they hermied on me but they have
MCP Im starting to think that its the soil itself. I can see with my new grow that the soil i reused is really root restrictive. I pulled #2 last night once i confirmed it was a dude and my roots at 4 wks from seed are not where they were in fresh soil from grow 2. Does this make sense or am i baked. lol. Ive been hearing that reusing soil is a no no. Im a believer now. Although mom is doing ok i can see the diff from fresh new soil to the hot water cleaned and reused. Just fruit for thought my friend. Its shitty because if thats the culprit its a hard fix. Keep your chin up sonny.. Peace 1BMM

Thanks for the kudos Integra but after looking at some of these other 6er's bud porn, mine looks pale by comparison. That montage of bud porn that DST laid out looks like a centerfold spread for High Times...great job DST and great job to all you other 6er's
Alright Tat another WHO DAT brother in the house. Been a Saints fan for years. Actually i used to live just outside nola. But back to roots. Ghetto and wisshin id stayed down south. lol love it down there.

Dude your setup is fucking awesomekiss-assI envy theee. lol Really cool dude. Ill be watchin for your updates bra. Peace 1BMM

So I'm thinkin', if worm castings are so good to use, what about worms themselves in your soil? Anyone?
Heads Up old buddy. I cant see why if the worms where dead that theyd be any diff. Maybe even better cuas of how fresh they are?. They say fruits and veggies start loosing there vitamin & minerals almost immediately after harvest. Maybe could be the same factor?. Interesting topic. Hope some more 600ers will enlighten us. Peace 1BMM.

Bout to go to my cave for a smoke break. Peace fellow Rog 600 Ws. :joint:


Well-Known Member
did you check the run off pH and EC.

I think your ladies should be bounding back soon.

don't flush again. just feed at 75% dose with 10-20% run-off and measure its pH and EC find a bit more about the pot chemistry.
i checked the ph of the run off when i flushed and cant test the ec,i dont know what ec even is. but the ph reading was at about 5. i used the liquid test drops at that time but i never had a prob usin it cause all my plants seem healthy until a few weeks after fower started. i have since got A digi ph meter and have been watering with ph of 6.5-6.8. and they dont seem to be bouncin back their still getin more yellow and leafs droppin also the tips of the yelow leafs start to cutl backwards at the tips and dry up. i wil ph the runoff in the next feed. i can check the runoff when feeding right?

So I'm thinkin', if worm castings are so good to use, what about worms themselves in your soil? Anyone?

i was tld it works to use warms in the soil and it fertilizes it and aireates the soil. i have tried this and the worms just seemed to die and then stink. also having worms constantly requires the soil to be really moist if not a lil wet so once the soil drys up so do the worms.


Well-Known Member
MCP Im starting to think that its the soil itself. I can see with my new grow that the soil i reused is really root restrictive. I pulled #2 last night once i confirmed it was a dude and my roots at 4 wks from seed are not where they were in fresh soil from grow 2. Does this make sense or am i baked. lol. Ive been hearing that reusing soil is a no no. Im a believer now. Although mom is doing ok i can see the diff from fresh new soil to the hot water cleaned and reused. Just fruit for thought my friend. Its shitty because if thats the culprit its a hard fix. Keep your chin up sonny.. Peace 1BMM

thanks for the help but th soil i reused was only used for a day or 2 from the other plant so it was still fresh with no roots in it and i didnt do the water treatment to it also it drains very nicley to compacted soil usally takes a bit longer to absorb the water. thansk again for the input i was told that it could just be a fast finishing strain to though i dont know the strain so i dont know the flower time but the buds are getting bigger by the day so its growing good still


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys, i did the UB prunning for 4 main colas on all, but one of my plants he isn't big enough. I've been using FF GB @ reccommended dosage and results look good. Hope your stuff gets better Mcpurp yellow sucks : (
peace everyone, enjoy


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing that info Willie. :idea:

Question for you. Since you dont follow the chart do you have a manipulated version of it that works better?. I too use FF whole line at the moment and have noticed how potent some of it is. I never nute burned any of mine by feeding. Mostly from the solution dripping on the leaves while watering under the HIDs. Just curious. So far ive been raising a mother plant to clone from. Ive just been kinda trying to sense what it needs rather than follow the chart. This is easier said than done. Im no expert but trying to learn. Thanks for any advice. Peace 1BMM.:leaf:
here is my recipe I feed them every watering and im using bx pro mix.....for vegging i feed them Grow Big, Big bloom and Liquid Karma (Liquid Karma is the secret ingridient and is awesome it will have your leaves reaching for the sky!). When they are seedlings i feed them plain water with 10 drops super thrive ph 6.0 When they start to grow and veg I start them with 1/4 tsp grow big, 1 tsp Liquid Karma and 1 tsp big bloom. I usually keep feeding them the same amounts until I think they are ready for 1/2 tsp grow big (usually 8 inches). They only see maybe 2 or 3 waterings with 1 full teaspoon grow big and then its transplant time ( 15 inches). I keep them at 1 tsp liquid karma and 1 tsp big bloom for entire veg........When I start flower 12/12 I feed them 1 last time 1 tsp grow big, then the next watering i start tiger bloom. I start them out with 1/2 tsp tiger bloom, 1 tsp liquid karma, 3 tsp big bloom. I will feed them the same amounts for a couple waterings and if i think they are hungry i will give them 1 tsp. After 4 weeks i flush with clearex and then start to feed cha ching. I have to stop feeding tiger bloom when using cha ching because it burns every time. 1/4 tsp cha ching. I feed all the way usually up to day 56 then i flush with clearex and let it dry, water 1 time with plain water let it dry then its chop time. Its all golden


Well-Known Member
Likewise, Great info, was finding it pretty hot as well. I have been right on i suppose with the grow big but have been feeder per the chart with TB, most likely what it is. I have been noting on a calender how much i've been feeding. it will be useful later in assesing a modified feeding schedule. Thank you for the info, you just saved me a lot of time and experimentation. :wall:
BTW I am using FFOF soil.:fire: hot i've noticed
Very interesting about the BB. have been using it so that is a plus. Do you recommend using as much of that as they say?? it goes pretty fast so that would be nice if you only needed a tsp or a TBl.

do you recommend flushing? i was just thinking cutting nutes for a week and then back on with 1/2 to a 1/4 recommended.
Yea I would flush it if I was you. The problem with the fox farms is you might not be burning them but you can be over feeding and the unused nutrients turn to salts in your soil and create ph issues and lock outs. That is what the big bloom is breaks down the salts. For the molasses i never use it,,,mostly just the organic guys use it it has alot of nutrients and sugars. But we get all that and more with fox farms and try using liquid karma you will love it. I flush with clearex and 5-7 days later it is ready to harvest no chemical taste at all. And I use 1 tsp big bloom for veg and 3 tsp big bloom for flower. 1 tsp would probably work just as good tho

MT Marijuana

Active Member
#1 rule......less is more
you are the man. thanks for the guidelines. should help me a cut down on the burn and i'm sure the results will speak for themselves. Will be getting my hands on some liquid karma and check the superthrive out very soon i believe.

off to see a lil Alice. see how it looks through the looking glass. first to make some tea...:-P

Thanks willie:clap:


Well-Known Member
i checked the ph of the run off when i flushed and cant test the ec,i dont know what ec even is. but the ph reading was at about 5. i used the liquid test drops at that time but i never had a prob usin it cause all my plants seem healthy until a few weeks after fower started. i have since got A digi ph meter and have been watering with ph of 6.5-6.8. and they dont seem to be bouncin back their still getin more yellow and leafs droppin also the tips of the yelow leafs start to cutl backwards at the tips and dry up. i wil ph the runoff in the next feed. i can check the runoff when feeding right?

i was tld it works to use warms in the soil and it fertilizes it and aireates the soil. i have tried this and the worms just seemed to die and then stink. also having worms constantly requires the soil to be really moist if not a lil wet so once the soil drys up so do the worms.
You are growing in coco?? You are watering with too high a ph. Treat coco as a soiless medium and ph 5.8-6.0 Water it at 6 and should bounce back


Well-Known Member
you are the man. thanks for the guidelines. should help me a cut down on the burn and i'm sure the results will speak for themselves. Will be getting my hands on some liquid karma and check the superthrive out very soon i believe.

off to see a lil Alice. see how it looks through the looking glass. first to make some tea...:-P

Thanks willie:clap:
1 thing with the super thrive is it is awesome for root develpement but after they enter veg i cut them off super thrive completely. Too much super thrive and you can have potassium lockouts
This thread is for lovers of peace and weed, so no fighting please, unless it's organised, in a ring, and you have a ref!!!

So, funnily enough I have 600 watt HPS in a cool tube, with 125cm/6' ruck inline fan for cooling purposes, I have an inline fan (god knows the cfm) but it's a 20 watt pulling air in from outside. Temps range between 20-26c, and humidity sits around 55-60. I have a space of around 120cmX140cm (height around 2.6m.) I have set up my girls on steps, and have my 600 vertical in the middle, Trying for an arena type grow. I also have a few girls up in the stalls as an experiment (pics below).

For the ladies we have some Headband, OG Kush, Cali Orange, 2 mystery clones - will reveal later - there is a comp in my grow journal)
And waiting to pop we have a BlackJack, a NewYork47, and some Mango's. It's all in veg time at the moment due to previous clone wars (that I lost.)

So come on peeps, show of your skills!!.

Peace, DST

disclaimer - I searched but could not find a 600 club, but if anyone knows of one, I am happy to hear about it.
That looks too good Don!!!^^^^^^
At the the mo its a bit busy in there. But with the vertical, plus the shelving up above, I get a good bit more room (stack em high)
So/ 5 Cali O, but they are from normal seed, so some of them are going (when it comes to the 12/12 some are going to be male) To be honest, I have my eye on one of them, if thats a girly then I am well chuffed.. Then a few Headbands - 8 :shock: but I will keep the strongest looking ones of them, and 5 OG kush (3 up on shelfs though, and one up in the heavens as well (thats a twin:hump:). There will be added lights when it comes to flower time I am sure....And 2 mysteries. The new seeds I got coming through I want to veg for as long as possible....