Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting


I am a first time grower, growing for medical purposes. I have an aeroflo type hydroponic system. I got several clones from my bro in law and he put them in rockwool and used olivias cloning gel. He told me that when I get home to put them into my system and just use water. So I did this and it has been 2 weeks since I did so. They have been in rockwool cubes in 3.5in net pot in the aeroponic system and have been saturated from that water I figured tere should be roots by now so I looked by pulling rockwool apart gently and come to find out there are no roots. I proceeded to check the rest and same issue. The clones are all still alive but most of them look pretty bad with yellow leave and some look wilted but dark in color. Two of the stems at the very end are curling up. What do I do and is it too late. For now I put them in neoprene inserts and just have them suspended in the spray without rockwool. Please help. Can they still grow roots at this point? 2 weeks no roots what do I do?

They are in plain water in my aeroflo type hydro system suspended without growing medium now as I removed all rockwool because I thought they were getting too much water and no oxygen. I added about 5 drops of super thrive in a 10 gallon Rez. The temp I'm room is 75 degrees and the water temp is 72 degrees. The light is a 400w mh with a 6 in fan and air cooled hood. Cool to touch on glass and 3 layers of white tissue paper to reduce light intensity. Humidity is 45 to 50% rh. The waters ph is 5.9 and ppm is 180 from tap water that I used a pur filter and le it sit for 2 days before I put clones in system. Can someone help?? Will they still grow roots at this point?


Well-Known Member
the clones will not root without a dark period. wuts your light schedule? and clones should not b under intense light. i use one 23 watt cfls for 4 clones and iv never lost a single one. if they dont have to stuggle and search for water they wont grow roots.


Active Member
try changeing the water and use like1/4 strength nutes should have roots in like 2 or 3 days after that
i use an easy cloner with super thrive and as soon as i see any yellowing i change to 1/4 strength nutes and have roots in like 2 to 5 days for the stubborn ones most in 2 to 3


try changeing the water and use like1/4 strength nutes should have roots in like 2 or 3 days after that
i use an easy cloner with super thrive and as soon as i see any yellowing i change to 1/4 strength nutes and have roots in like 2 to 5 days for the stubborn ones most in 2 to 3
Thanks cableguy. I'll give that a try. So is there a good chance they will still get roots?


They really aren't all crispy. They have a little new vertical growth but lower leaves are yellow and dying. A couple of the clones are northern lights and they are droopy and the leaves are dark and flimsy. But no roots whatsoever. I don't even see any signs of roots.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
the clones will not root without a dark period. wuts your light schedule?

I have to disagree w/ that based on personal experience. I clone using a small DWC (bubble cloner to some) w/ a single 23 watt CFL that is on 24/7.
I also use a small aquarium heater in the tub. I go 100%,

This is a Hashplant x Haze cutting at 4 days in the bubbler

I also clone Violator Kush, Kushberry x Skunk at 100% using my light 24/7.

I used to clone in soil but prefer the bubbler as I go around 80% in soil. Ive noticed over the years that no matter what medium you use there are a few things that remain constant.

1. Don't use intense light when rooting

2. Keep temps in your medium around 70 degrees. If you're using a water based system check use an aquarium heater if need be. If using soil a heating pad w/ a face clothe on top works great.

3. Don't mist too often you want to encourage root growth to get water. I only mist my clones 2 times a day.

4. If you use a dome make sure your clones get fresh air.

I dont use a humidity dome on my bubbler. When I first used it I did and noticed the clones didnt like it.


Well-Known Member
the clones will not root without a dark period. wuts your light schedule? and clones should not b under intense light. i use one 23 watt cfls for 4 clones and iv never lost a single one. if they dont have to stuggle and search for water they wont grow roots.
wont root without a dark period????? u serious?


I have to disagree w/ that based on personal experience. I clone using a small DWC (bubble cloner to some) w/ a single 23 watt CFL that is on 24/7.
I also use a small aquarium heater in the tub. I go 100%,

This is a Hashplant x Haze cutting at 4 days in the bubbler

I also clone Violator Kush, Kushberry x Skunk at 100% using my light 24/7.

I used to clone in soil but prefer the bubbler as I go around 80% in soil. Ive noticed over the years that no matter what medium you use there are a few things that remain constant.

1. Don't use intense light when rooting

2. Keep temps in your medium around 70 degrees. If you're using a water based system check use an aquarium heater if need be. If using soil a heating pad w/ a face clothe on top works great.

3. Don't mist too often you want to encourage root growth to get water. I only mist my clones 2 times a day.

4. If you use a dome make sure your clones get fresh air.

I dont use a humidity dome on my bubbler. When I first used it I did and noticed the clones didnt like it.
do you think my lighting is too intense? I really want these to live. I have t5s for my mothers but they are in a diff room and I use dwc for those. They are hash plant and I grew them
from seeds so I have had no problem and they grow like crazy in the dwc.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Could very well be, try just using a single 23 watt cfl, everything else in your setup sounds fine; but i have no experience w/ anything aero.


do you have roots yet
no roots yet but I think they are strting to do something.

I have another problem with some hash plants that I have in dwc and I changed the water and uped the nutes and now the leave tips are turning up and the leave ends are turning down but no yellowing or anything out of the norm. They are a month old


Well-Known Member
i dont even think a dark period is recomended for cloning. they do best in a constant state of being.. just gradually decrease humidity after the first week keep temps at 80f, humidity at 90, and keep them under low light.. i rearly lose a clone and i take 60 plus per tray.

these sit on a bath towel in the dark corner of my veg room under a 4 ft floro strip.. they will be done in 3 days..



I think my problem was the rockwool. Come to find out he didn't soak the rockwool befor taking the clones. They are doing fine I'm starting to see some activity now. Some wart looking thing on the stem where they were cut. And some of the area is turning a white color. No actual root tho.