The UK Growers Thread!

dude youll never be able to pull it yourself get someone else on the case if you can bare it man!? some bonjella wouldnt go amiss too

i'll be alright cheers mate the prob i got is i only got big bulky pliers and the side of my mouth gets in the way so it leaves me trying to pull it from the top which is pretty knackered i need smaller pliers :sad:
good luck mate! i think id rather fork out for a dentist tbh

i don't mind paying but they can't see for just over a wk and i got work so i'll have to be fairly straight for that, i got the misses to try a few dentist's but you gotta register with them and i don't want to leave my dentist's they got a really good rep and a massive waiting list
Oh man, that makes me cringe haha. I would def go for the dentist

i did try yesterday they had a look told me it needs sorting and charged me £20 then sent me on my way witha prescription and over a wk to wait:cuss: they said the 9 day wait is because the nerve is swollen and aggrivated and needs to settle i think it's because their fully booked
tough call id explain the circs and get on the tramadol big time, i love those things anyway

i'd love to get them off the doc but they won't give them to me i had some health probs a little while back and was on them for 18months doing well over the dosage i had to stop taking them due to shakes etc and because they're addictive they won't give them to me again the sods lol
df118s( dihydrocodeine) thats the dogs bollocks, make u itch like a muther fucker though but ur rite off ur nut. i just got offered a regular script of them but not sure if i can find suitably normal customers( ie not screamin junkies) for them. was the same with the valium, i could get real pharma quality ones at a good price but the the customers were all granny robbers and its just to much fuckin hassle .
hahah i got mine from a pal but the internet is your friend

;) i love a good script me

cheers mate i didn't know you could order script type meds on the net i'll have the misses have a look later when she gets back from work if she hasn't got any more for me, i'll have to get educated on this internet thing i bet theirs loads of goodys out there if you know how look i only just figured out how how to use the recycle bin lol
hahahahah clear your cache man set windows to do it on the regular saves getting caught out when youve been havin a crafty hamshank and if god forbid the plod ever nick you there'll be minimum on the machine.

yeah i use the unitedpharmacy site for allsorts sleepers painkillers tho i got a bit carried away n ordered some antidepressants so i wasnt taking the sleepers all the time, coming off them was worse than tabs
df118s( dihydrocodeine) thats the dogs bollocks, make u itch like a muther fucker though but ur rite off ur nut. i just got offered a regular script of them but not sure if i can find suitably normal customers( ie not screamin junkies) for them. was the same with the valium, i could get real pharma quality ones at a good price but the the customers were all granny robbers and its just to much fuckin hassle .

they sound pretty good mate, i don't blame you for not selling them for the most part down hear it's the smackheads that chase scripts, i'm hoping the misses comes back with some tonight her old man broke his collar bone not so long back and he had loads left over but is claiming to have difficulty finding them i think he might like them lol
A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology, which explained the phenomenon of "mixed emotions" where someone is cheerful, happy and joyful and at the same time gloomy, forlorn and dejected.

The husband turned to his wife and said, "Honey, that is a bunch of crap. I bet you can't tell me anything that will make me happy and sad at the same time.

She said: "Out of all your friends, you have the biggest dick."
hahahahah clear your cache man set windows to do it on the regular saves getting caught out when youve been havin a crafty hamshank and if god forbid the plod ever nick you there'll be minimum on the machine.

yeah i use the unitedpharmacy site for allsorts sleepers painkillers tho i got a bit carried away n ordered some antidepressants so i wasnt taking the sleepers all the time, coming off them was worse than tabs

the misses is on the task with regards to wiping our history or so she says i'll get back onto her later about it, and i don't worry about getting caught more my misses always new i was a banker lol if she don't bring me home anything useful later i'll get her to put an order in for me i'd try myself but nothing good comes of me trying on the lappy something always goes wrong or missing or worse those bastard viruses i've been giving some serious thought to picking up the computers and internet for dummies books lol
i knew we were all a bunch of wankers lol. ive gave up even tryin to explain it to the girl but i do scrub the history coz i dont really need her to know 'exactly' what im beatin off too. lol.(milfs in nylons)
homophobia and arachnophobia are the same.
i'm not scared of spiders and i'm not scared of gays but i'd shit myself if i found one in my bath