Plant wont show sex!


Active Member
Hi Im new to this, this is my first grow and I am having some issues with my oldest plant. I put it on a 12/12 light cycle 2 weeks ago and the plant has yet to show what sex it is! I have read that it usually takes 7 days for the plant to start showing, so Im getting worried. When I first moved the plant into the flowering area it grew 12 inches in only 2 days..(plant is at 2 feet 3 inches)..since then it has done nothing except take up space.

Here is what Im working with, let me know if something I am doing is wrong or could be causing my issue.

Plant is in 1.5 gallon pot with pearlite/soil mixture.
using 2 60 watt CFLs, one cool white, one warm and 1 100 watt Reveal bulb.
watering about every 3-4 days
giving nutes at 1/2 strength once a week (mix is 15/15/15)
temp during light is around 72, temp in dark drops to 65.
The plant is in a 4x3x3 area.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site, rhiankellen!

I've waited over a month after switching to 12/12 before verifying sex. Let them do their thing on their own time. If they look healthy - all is well.

one question - you aren't allowing any light into the grow area during dark periods, right?


Active Member
None at all, I have checked on the plant twice during dark because It was my only oportunity that day, I just used the light from my cell phone long enough to see if it needed watering. no more than 1 min.


Well-Known Member
Get more warm white CFL's to help with the flowering once it starts. I said a prayer to the ganja gods to give you a female:-) More light the better but remember keep an eye on them temps. Fans help this.



Active Member
So should the day time temps be higher? Im having some issues keeping the temps in range because its winter where I live and Im growing in an unheated area of the house. It give my plants as much attention as I can, but while Im at work I cant keep an eye on things and adjudust my heaters and fans. I know the lighting is crappy because Im no expert at wiring, and Im just using small lamps I got from a thrift store w/ CFLs. Im afraid that if I wired up a nice set up I may miss something and cause a fire, my house is REALLY old, and would go up in flames if you looked at it the wrong way. (Ive also blown the breaker 3 times....) My boyfriend and I are just growing for ourselves, so yield isnt really an issue.


Well-Known Member
So should the day time temps be higher? Im having some issues keeping the temps in range because its winter where I live and Im growing in an unheated area of the house. It give my plants as much attention as I can, but while Im at work I cant keep an eye on things and adjudust my heaters and fans. I know the lighting is crappy because Im no expert at wiring, and Im just using small lamps I got from a thrift store w/ CFLs. Im afraid that if I wired up a nice set up I may miss something and cause a fire, my house is REALLY old, and would go up in flames if you looked at it the wrong way. (Ive also blown the breaker 3 times....) My boyfriend and I are just growing for ourselves, so yield isnt really an issue.
Ideally the temp would be around 72-75 F during lights on and drop by about 10 degrees during the dark period. I also live in a cold climate and my temps fluctuate significantly more than that but so far has not had too much of a detrimental effect.


Well-Known Member
mine took 6 days it depends on strain. but i have never open the door and no light leaks. maybe you have one before i made my grow room i went into the closet and shut the door had my girlfriend turn the light on and sealed the leaks. the good thing is males show sex sooner so good chance its i girl lets hope good luck.


Active Member
Ive been hoping for at least 1 female out of my 4 plants. I should be able to put my second oldest on 12/12 in about a week. Keep your fingers crossed


Active Member
Ok so another two weeks have passed...The plants are doing 'something' but I keep thinking that its just new leaves, and not pistols. It has taken 4 weeks to get them to do anything, my second plant has been in for about two weeks and seems to be showing signs faster than the older one. Take a look at the photos, The first is 1 small "bump" that is forming, this is on the older plant, the second photo is the 2nd plant, that is showing two small leaf like shoots at the nodes. These dont look like the typical female pistols to me though, they look like small leaves. Im on the verge of trashing the oldest plant becuase it has long outgrown my grow box and all it does is eat and take up room. Even if they were hermies they should still be doing something. Ive been patient with them for the 4 months of there life....they just wont snap out of veg...Ps, the picture quality isnt that great my camera doesent like close ups.



Well-Known Member
rhian....It's gotta be the lights, wiring isn't that hard and you don't need a gigantic light, 150 watt hps & ballast


Active Member
i have an hps bulb but when i hooked it up my temps went up to over 100 and i had leaves burning, eventhough the light was 4 feet away. ever since then ive been alittle afraid of using it. it baked my plant. My cooling and venting isnt good enough to handle that kind of heat. What i have now, i never worry about heat issues, the bulbs warm the room up to about 75 on there own, and never go above that. (the room is unheated and hovers around 40 degrees. I use a space heater during dark to keep the temp up)
Ill hook the hps back up and see if I can get better heat control going.


Well-Known Member
My first several grows were done with a 50w MH (barely got a few joints out of them). When i first got my 1000w lights, i put a plant about the size of yours under them and boy did the new light burn the hell out of them. Crispy, dark brown leaves on the majority of the plant. I thought it was a goner. I just let it go and started getting more seeds ready for germination but after a few days (maybe closer to a week) the plant developed many new leaves and became my very first really bushy plant that actually had a decent yield (especially considering how close to death she came). BUT - i was able to control my temperatures through proper exhausting and venting the light separately

I'm not saying to subject your plants to the same abuse but thought i'd share my story.


Well-Known Member
you want to get a green led torch for checking on them i got 3 off e bay for like £3 for them all there perfect and show crystals up really well too