Are you a teabagger?

Are you a teabagger or what?

  • Yes I'm a teabagger

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • pretty far to the right

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Just a little to the right

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Naw, I just hate Obama

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • i'm just seeking attention

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
i teabag my nuts often......seriously though, it too blows me away with the pot growing right wingers...kinda like christian communists...or poor rich people. or something. i dont understand... and fuck war too...getting shot at sucks. im not into isms, im no patriot, im a man with a woman he loves and children that are my mission to train right and send out into the world to be good people...all i know is, if it were american bombs that hurt any of them, america would have a dangerous enemy...and thats what happens in wars. we just made another set of problems when joe salami who lost all he had in 2004 due to white willy decides he cant go on and straps some explosives to himself and seeks out americans...i dunno..i just sparked up and im ranting a bit.
hmm because we need people like Maxine Waters, Ole Nancy Pelosi, or Barry Soetoro who are in charge of this country:clap: Libs , Republican.. I dont care, fire every single one of them and get back to the basics ,not taking over our companies,health care,jacking up taxes or the goverment give aways go to youtube and search the gems that are speaking for your lib policies and then tell me what you think, unless you just dont care? i dont need to show videos of some toothless ignorant man looking to belong go ahead and search for the ones in power who are dumber than the teabaggers...:wall:

no ignorant respons to the truth huh? Classic!!!!
im patriotic regardless you can send me to an alternate dimension on a differnt planet and if we made group of people i would stand by ever one of my peeps patriotic to the end,

being a patriot means you defend your rights and your nieghbors rights and your village or nations rights

the land of the free can only be a home for the brave

without the the braves theres only slaves
Too many vets are brainwashed. Im sure i'd get punched maybe really fucked up. Brainwashed people fly off the handle all the time to protect their beliefs. Enjoy your televised news broadcasts. Id hope that more of the 10% reside on this forum lol, but I see the same crazyness you see anywhere. Respond to this with more insults please. You're showing your dog side.

Awwwww gee! I was hopin' you weren't serious. You were really startin' to show your ass there for a minute. I particularly like how you keep bringing up this "90%" nonsense and how everybody is a slave to the television. I'm fairly sure that you think you're better than 90% of us here. I love how some people who have never served want to lecture others on the evils of war and how we should fuck our vets. See, I don't believe the wars in afghanistan and Iraq are illegal. If I believed that, you're correct, it would be my obligation to speak up. I think the wars weren't only justified but I think they were necessary. Maybe not Iraq as much as Afghanistan but I'm happy to see Saddam gone as I'm sure millions of Iraqis are as well. I really would like you to tell a vet to their face how you think they should be treated. Hell, I'd pay to see that one! I'm guessing you would never do that especially since you're so busy hiding behind youre computer and its relative safety spouting off outrageous and ignorant shit. Keep it real my man. :peace:
Sheeple are okay with it cause the herd is okay with it.

I'm definently no legal scholar, BUT, If you consider lying to go to war legal, then Iraq is quite , ahem, "legal", But entirely unnecessary. Afghanistan, Ummm, did we get Osama? Well no, but we sure turned the rest of the country against us. We now have more people in that country hating us then ever before. Legal, I doubt it, but entirely unnecessary as well. We have fired up the "holy warriors" of islam around the globe by those two wars. I guess you would consider that a brilliant strategy, eh?
Man screw stand up comedy...Teabaggers have the new type of humor....STUCK ON STUPID BRAND:hump:


We kicked communisms ass in Nam...and then when we were about to land 'em, we let 'em off the hook...and then we stuck our foot in the water and let them nibble of a few of our toes...and then we limped home and pissed our self...
the communists in Vietnam were beaten. the ones in the USA were not.:-|
i teabag my nuts often......seriously though, it too blows me away with the pot growing right wingers...kinda like christian communists...or poor rich people. or something. i dont understand... and fuck war too...getting shot at sucks. im not into isms, im no patriot, im a man with a woman he loves and children that are my mission to train right and send out into the world to be good people...all i know is, if it were american bombs that hurt any of them, america would have a dangerous enemy...and thats what happens in wars. we just made another set of problems when joe salami who lost all he had in 2004 due to white willy decides he cant go on and straps some explosives to himself and seeks out americans...i dunno..i just sparked up and im ranting a bit.
have you ever heard of a libertarian?
what is beyond me is how someone could not understand how a MAN would not to take what he hasnt worked for or earned himself from another man.
that is what your progressive schemes do.
they take from one man who works for what he earns and gives it to another who does not.
just simple ethics (progressives do not have any)would tell you it is theft cheating and destroying the means of production. how could you justify taking from someone in tax's to support your own self . go out and earn it like all good men dont steal it from them through your vote. theft is theft even if it is done by the government.
the reason communism has always failed is because the lazy stupid cheat the smart productive . what happens is the smart productive stop producing then the lazy stupid who were stealing from them starve. GO STUDY SOME ROMAN HISTORY. this shit isnt new and it has NEVER WORKED. you think its the easy way. it is the way that will destroy this country.
A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future.


I think I would have punch that guy in the face for throwing that money on the old man...speak your mind but show some respect...just sad...freakin teabaggers
A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future.
those are also the aims of every other right thinking person in the world. the difference is that liberals seem to believe that this better day can be forced on the public at the point of government's gun, that tranquility should be gained at the cost of the individual and his liberty, and that the future can be made to happen right now. while more patient minds understand that society may be guided toward an utopian dream, today's liberal seems to believe we can be forced in that direction.


I think I would have punch that guy in the face for throwing that money on the old man...speak your mind but show some respect...just sad...freakin teabaggers

would not doubt if it was a lib put on but assuming it is real thats classless. i would have gone up to that guy and told him he was oughta line and tried to calm the situation. and if that didnt work. i would have fired indescriminately into the air until my 13 shot clip was empty..:lol:
obama just announced he was for anyone who is arrested having DNA taken from them at the time of arrest. not conviction arrest.
obama renewed segments of the patriot act.
the health care bill will give the government complete access to your bank accounts YOU WILL BE FORCED TO PAY FOR THEIR FREE HEALTH CARE COVERAGE.
the CATO institute says the bill will cost american consumers a additional 9 TRILLION DOLLARS . and the government a additional 3 TRILLION DOLLARS.
here is some more bull shit by obama.

Republicans assail IRS provision in health care bill

By Vicki Needham - 03/18/10 03:22 PM ET

House Ways and Means Republicans on Thursday assailed a provision in the proposed health care reform bill under consideration this week.
Subcommittee on Oversight ranking member Charles Boustany (R-La.) said the IRS provision in the bill "dangerously expands, in an ominous way the tentacles of the IRS and it's reach into every American family," he said today during a press conference.
"This is a vast expanse of power," he said.
Boustany said the bill would allow the IRS to confiscate refunds if there are penalties for not buying health care.
Lawmakers have questioned whether the IRS can handle the increased workload to oversee, administer and collect penalties for people who don't buy health insurance.
"This is increasing tax liability and tax scrutiny," said Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.).
Ranking member Dave Camp (R-Mich.) said many Americans have already rejected the call for health care reform for other reasons and an expansion of the IRS should only add to call to "kill the bill."
Taxpayers could be required to buy insurance under President Barack Obama’s reform proposal by 2014 or face penalties of roughly $325 per individual that the IRS would collect.
Assuming it becomes law, the Congressional Budget Office expects the IRS will need roughly $10 billion over the next 10 years and nearly 17,000 new employees to meet its new responsibilities under health reform.
"We're going to fight to the end to see that this does not pass," Boustany said.
the IRS has to much power does the federal government.
the so called republicans have been expanding federal government power every year they were in control to.
the democrat party has been co opted by the communist party without doubt. there is no such thing as a centrist democrat. they are all progressives/communists
then you have progressive republicans like grahm and mccain snow just to name a few.
the republic is in danger from within.
could it be that more and more people are waking up to the fact that the ideology of the left is nothing more than a path to the mediocrity of mob rule? this site is filled with people who believe in the right of the individual to determine what he should or should not put into his body, that seems to be a mindset that is more in keeping with the personal responsibility dear to the right than the totalitarian tendencies of the left.

This thread should have been over with the 4th post.

That is the answer.

More independents are moving away from failing left wing ideology. That's it.

Deep down, and i mean really deep, we are ALL independents anyways.

Your mind can be changed like *SNAP*

You've heard of those dems gone repub gone back dem then back repub right?

It's just flat out stupid to label people anyways.
we dont have any libertarians my way...all we have are republicans and very conservetive judges...the papers have weekly stories of dudes getting 5 to ten for growing...these elected people which reflect the attitudes and the morals of their right leaning constituents would have ANYONE regardless of political leanings locked away for growing The Evil Weed...and from what i hear and see its kinda like that where ever republicans the right is as guilty of forcing some shit down peoples throats as is the left...fuck both the right and the left...while suckers are raging and wearing themselves out hating that group for wanting this and this group for wanting that, some of us have already learned the world aint changing, assholes are forever here, fuck them, fuck em all, life is way too brief...boy am i glad spring is about here........