Noob grow, comments/suggestions please.


Active Member
looking good.
just wondering, any reason you chose cfl's over hps or mh?
pretty much was the quickest for me to acquire (Home Depot & Walmart) when I found out the window method wasn't working for me. Also, I like the added benefit that CFLs don't really give off any heat and the light comes from multiple sides.

Here are some of the latest pics from a couple mins ago. All the new growth is looking real healthy and I am rotating the plant 90 degrees each day.



Active Member
Here are the latest pics from a couple mins ago. Today I believe is day 40 of 12/12. She stands about 4.5' tall and about 3-3.5' wide, with about 30 or so branches all in full budding glory. Any guesses for final dry yield for this beauty?



Active Member
Just added four 23w 2700k cfls today, hopefully that will boost the yield a tad. So my total lighting right now is ten 23w 2700 CFLs, and two 26w 6500k CFLs, which makes it a grand total of 282w. I have two CFLs on each clamp light fixture(six fixtures total), with 4 clamp lights, one on each side of the plant and two hanging overhead. Really just wanted to have a couple more for my next grow.


Active Member
Good shit...I use cfl's as well...but only in my veg the 600w HPS for the flower. Plants look pretty good..i have two bagseed flowering ladies i'll tell ya!! enjoy the smoke!


Active Member
today marks week-11 (day-77 flowering) since i switched to 12/12. The trics are about 40-50% milky now, and I'm going to start the flush when its about 75-80% milky, guessing about another week judging from the progress the tricomes have been making in the last two weeks. I do not want any couch lock at all, so I'm trying to avoid amber trics all together.

Something kinda strange that started happening about 10 days ago: New bud growth started forming at first at the top of the main cola (fox-tailing?) which has grown vertically about 5 inches in the last 10 days, and on the top of the fat buds on the end of each branch, and they are growing straight up about 2 inches on each one. Before the new growth however, ~90% of the hairs already turned orange. So I jsut want to make sure I should still go off the tricomes, instead of the "look" of the nugs. I have already read each method for when to harvest, just can't decide which one to use.



Active Member
Well I have been a busy bee... I harvested Thursday afternoon around 6pm, and it took me about 5 hours to manicure the nugs. I set up a spreadsheet and have each of the cut pieces numbered and hung in order so I can track their weight loss from what their weight was measured when it was freshly cut and manicured. Throughout the last couple weeks, I have pulled a couple pre-harvest samples, which have weighed approximately 11g dried. My total starting weight, sans the pre-harvest cuttings, was 246grams. As of ~30mins ago, the nugs are 40% on average of their original weight, with the main cola still at 49% of original, and some other clippings already at the 31% that I am going to start curing at. Here is a pic that was taken right before the nugs were hung. So It's looking like I'm going to yield a total of ~3oz, when you factor in the stem weight and pre-harvest clippings. I'll update with a smoke report and official final weight for my first grow once I am done. All-in-all, I am very pleased with the grow, and am already planning my next one which will begin once I get back from vacation in August.



Active Member
Please find the attached excel sheet that I am using to track the weight changes. Note that I am tracking every 5th cuttings weight, as well as a few select large cuttings. Feel free to use this sheet with updated numbers for yourself.



Active Member
Just to recap, this plant was grown from bagseed that my friend told me was bubblegum. Total yield was just about 3oz., give or take a couple grams. Taken a consensus from a couple of my friends that I shared it with, some of whome have been to Amsterdam and Cali on a couple trips and have sampled many high quality strains, they have all stated it is among the cleanest green they ever smoked. Very smooth and sweet tasting, almost totally devoid of all harshness. The high is around a 8 in potency, and about a 7 in duration of high, which is a very cerebral stone, exhibiting strong sativa, and very little indica traits. Overall, I would give this bud a score of a 7.5, and I am extremely pleased with the results, especially considering it was my first ever grow.

On a side note: The plant turned hermie about 2 weeks before harvest, and I pulled a total of 28 seeds from the entire plant. About 1/3 of the seeds were what I would have considered non-viable (eg. very light green), So I figured only the 1/3rd of the seeds were good, but that I should at least try to germinate the light ones. I ended up splitting up the whole batch of seeds evenly into two groups with even "mature" seeds in each, and to my surprise, 11 of the 13 seeds germinated after ~36 hours. I planted all 13 of them anyway. So I figured at this point that I would have about 6 bud producing plants because ~ half would be male. Well apparently, if you have a female that turns hermie and self pollinates, the seeds are feminized. So now instead of having what I thought would turn into 2 or 3 plants out of the 13 seeds I planted, I am going to have up to 13. I'm not sure what I am going to do with all of them, but I am thinking about flowering much sooner than the mother plant (~2 months in veg), because I am not selling any of it, and it is all just for personal consumption so I don't have to buy any. I'll start a separate grow journal in a week or so for the new grow. and link it in this thread.