Dropin in and Blazin out Thread..


Well-Known Member
ive had 11 views in only a few minutes but none of them cooters have anything to say

ima drop out for a sec, hit the grav and see if there are any developments


Active Member
ive had 11 views in only a few minutes but none of them cooters have anything to say

ima drop out for a sec, hit the grav and see if there are any developments
lol this bad i saw an African American feminist forum also


Well-Known Member
not enough though

why am i a troll for stating an opinion? i didnt break any site rules and i didnt insult anyone directly. i guess theyd rater be called bitches than cooters


Well-Known Member
Congratulations Kal.

They installed gatekeeper function.

Now one is required to register in order to view the forums.

Manhaters have no sense of humor. :-P

Nicely done.



Well-Known Member
lol they must of really took that thread to the heart.I feel bad for the poor souls that have to deal with them crazy bitches now.