• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)


Active Member
Well,is she budding or just flowering? If she has buds over a dime size don't spray her. Just add to soil. If no buds spray away.


Well-Known Member
Yea she's definitely budding! lol, so I won't be doing any sparying, thanks for the idea/tips tho! And there really isn't any room in the pot for more soil... That's the problem, and there is not enough room in the flower box for a larger pot. I may have just let her veg for 2 long man. She's really not looking bad at all, just a few fucked up leaves that Iwant to get to the bottom of...
Soooooooo any other ideas or takers wanna give it a shot? lol :)

Man,check it out. I rigged my old comp up. Put in new vid card today. But runnin off a non hd tv and everythings blurry.
hahahahahahahahaha, hellyea! funny shit man!


Active Member
I didn't mean add soil. Mix the epson salt and soap with water and add it to your soil. Are all these just fan leaves that are just givin off a little waste on their way out the door? Sorry. Couldn't remember weather or she was budding. And I can't see shit.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean add soil. Mix the epson salt and soap with water and add it to your soil. Are all these just fan leaves that are just givin off a little waste on their way out the door? Sorry. Couldn't remember weather or she was budding. And I can't see shit.
lol, it's all good dog! Thanks for the replies!
Ahhhhh ok I see what your sayin now bout the epson salt and soap. lol, my bad, got a little confused for a sec. I may give that a try.
And yea its only on the fan leaves, and mostly the lower one's where there is literally almost NO light at all! No light get's down below the top cannopy. And only 3 fan leaves that are near the top are doing this, and probably like 8 near the bottom and that's pretty much all that's been effected. All other fan leaves and growth looks fantastic.


Well-Known Member
if its just a few hooked i wouldnt worry to much unless it is progressing fast, epsom salt will only help a sulpher def.wich is rare and a mg def, thats it cuz thast all it has in it nothin more nothin less so unless u are positve thats what it is dont do it it could kill her with all that extra salt the mg nutes u have should do fine. could be a root prob, also whats ur ph i didnt see that, and again with the spray u shouldnt spray in flower but u can i sprayed up untill the fifth week of flower last grow u just have to make sure the plants abd buds are completey dry before they go back into the lights. i do this by spraying my plant and then giving it a small shake to knock of droplets and then place in frony of a fan on low for 30 mins and it drys it all up just be sure to dry it all the way on the buds if u do do it


Well-Known Member
i use epson salt 1 table spoon to gallon for nute lock out. epson salt will break down the bad salts that are causing other nutes to be locked out. b4 i got a flushing agent i would add epson salt on my plain watering all the time. dont know if you were following my first grow at the time but i had a mag deff problem after flushign with 1 table spoon to gallon of watter a few times fixed the problem. are you sure anything bad can come out of using epson salt mcpurple i never heard that.


Well-Known Member
well epsom is a salt and to much i would beleive would cuase a nute lock out form to many salts or a toxic salt build up, i bought a bag and dont even use it cuz i dont want to add to much salt. and 1 table spoon is a small amount to add thats why nothin bad happend it was more like a flush for the plant when u did that with some mag and sulpher in it. the directions say 1/2 cup per gal of water. so i am not 100 percent sure it cancause probs but more then likely it can i will do some lookin around to be sure


Well-Known Member
See thats another thing, I was also wondering if it is a MG DEF. I'm not gonna spray my plants I've already decided that one a bit ago. And the weird part is that all of the plants are on the same exact schedual now of everything! Same size pot/same dirt/same amount of dirt/watering/feeding/lights/temps/humidity everything is the same! And my SC is the only plant showing any of these signs. BUT my SC is also by far my biggest plant!.. So that is what is making me wonder if she's rootbound. I'm really starting to think that's what it is. You know that little trick that everybody tells people that don't know how to water correctly (stick your fingers in the soil and when the top 2 inches are dry your good to water again) yea well I can't stick my fingers even a half inch dow in the soil of the SC plant because the roots have taken over EVERYTHING! If you try to push your finger down in the soil at all your going to hit roots with your finger and that's all there is to it. Roots are EVERYWHERE man!

Oh, and MC to the P, I have absolutely no clue as to what my PH is. I do not have a PH tester and have NEVER tested my PH. lol, I'm using the same water as the last grow, and the same water on the other plants so I don't see why that could be the problem. Unless our PH has suddenly and randomly changed, but again, none of the other plants are showing any of the same signs at all...

So what do you guys think??? Am I rootbound and thats whats causing this problem? Or you guys still thinkin it could be nute deficiency/toxicity?..

Love you guys! :) lol

EDIT: Thanks for that link MCP! That shit's dope! Really, I appreciate it! I may give the epson salt a try, we'll see..... Still trying to decide what the hell is going on here first. lol


Well-Known Member
I also found this on epsom salts, from this website: http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~Linda Chalker-Scott/Horticultural Myths_files/Myths/Epsom salts.pdf
Its a really good read! I'm starting to more and more cinsider the epsom salt direction..... Again, we'll see.....

“Adding Epsom salts to gardens is a safe, natural way to increase plant growth”

The Myth
With the increased interest in managing gardens and landscapes sustainably, products are likewise being marketed as safe and natural. Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), is touted as “one of the most perfect nutrients for gardens and plants.” Numerous claims are made to its effectiveness in increasing seed germination, improving uptake of other nutrients, and enhancing growth and overall health. “Tried and true tips” are provided, which include specific formulations for houseplants, vegetables, turf, shrubs, and trees. Dangers of nutrient overload are minimized by assurances that Epsom salts are “not persistent so you can’t overuse” them.

The Reality
Epsom salts have been used to relieve magnesium deficiency found during intensive cropping of many fruit and vegetable species worldwide. These include commonly grown North American crops such as alfalfa, apple, beets, carrots, citrus, cauliflower, cotton, grains, hops, kale, nuts, okra, peppers, plums, potatoes, snap beans, sugar beets, sweet potatoes, tobacco, tomatoes, watermelon, and wine grapes, as well as more exotic species including banana, cacao, coffee, rubber, Swedish turnips, and tea. Conifer species grown for timber use have also been treated with Epsom salts under magnesium-deficient conditions. Amongst the diverse plant materials that have been studied under treatment with Epsom salts, there are two commonalities: all are intensively produced crops and all were suffering from magnesium deficiency. It is important to keep these two points in mind as we examine the claims and recommendations regarding Epsom salt use in the landscape.

Causes of deficiency
There are two primary causes of magnesium deficiency in plants: an actual lack of soil magnesium, or an imposed deficiency caused by mineral imbalances in the soil or plant. Magnesium deficiencies most commonly occur in soils described as light, sandy, and/or acid, though occasionally clay soils under intensive production can show magnesium deficiency as well. Regardless of type, soils that are heavily leached by rainfall or irrigation are more likely to exhibit magnesium deficiency. Thus, soil addition of highly soluble Epsom salts under leaching conditions does not improve magnesium-deficient plants but does increase mineral contamination of water passing through the system. Excessive levels of potassium contribute to a mineral imbalance that causes magnesium deficiency in a variety of species, even when soil levels of Mg are adequate. High levels of soil potassium apparently interfere with root uptake of magnesium. Addition of nitrogen and/or reduction of available potassium are both recommended to overcome this indirect magnesium deficiency; trees high in nitrogen were found to be less susceptible to magnesium deficiency than those with reduced nitrogen levels.


Well-Known Member
nice read hoked. i think it is a nute def. cuz it is the biggest girl and the only one showin signs of this and every thing is the same for the plants so maby e a bigger girl needs more food. if u think it might be bound pop her out and check if the root s are well formed wich im sure they are popping her out to inspect wont stress at all so just check


Well-Known Member
nice read hoked. i think it is a nute def. cuz it is the biggest girl and the only one showin signs of this and every thing is the same for the plants so maby e a bigger girl needs more food. if u think it might be bound pop her out and check if the root s are well formed wich im sure they are popping her out to inspect wont stress at all so just check
Kick ass thanks for the info MC! MUCH appreciated as always! I'll pull her outa the pot and check the roots when I get home from work tonight. Then decide where to go from there.


Well-Known Member
new soil never hurts anything either i just transplanted 2 of my girls cuz they were pretty bound


Well-Known Member
ok well I just pulled her outa the pot and put another inch of soil down there. It's all that could fit and that was pushin it, but I figured the more the better at this point. I just got back from the store with some epsom salt (love how cheap that shit is) so I'm gonna mix that up now and water her. Hopefully it'll make miss Farrah (SC, I named her) happy! All the other girls are doin great! :)

i use epson salt 1 table spoon to gallon for nute lock out. epson salt will break down the bad salts that are causing other nutes to be locked out. b4 i got a flushing agent i would add epson salt on my plain watering all the time. dont know if you were following my first grow at the time but i had a mag deff problem after flushign with 1 table spoon to gallon of watter a few times fixed the problem.
Thanks for that advice BTW Delux (I tried to +rep you but it wouldn't let me anymore)! I think you may have solved my problem! Here's hoping!


Well-Known Member
Alright mah peeps, here's a pic update for you. The LostLacyII (first plant I ever grew) is looking the best by FAR! I dunno maybe becuase I've already grown this strain but it's a gorgeous plant! The bagseed looks alright, not un-healthy. It was just some swag seeds though, so you can definitely tell the difference in it and the LL/SC plants.

Alright well here are the pix.

~The fist 4 are of the schwag bagseed

~The next 2 are of Lost Lacy II

~The 2 after that are of the whole flower room, FULL!

~The last 4 are of the Strawberry Cough. Now with a pic of the whole plant you can see the leaves that have been effected by..... whatever the hell is causing this shit. I watered with 1 1/2 tsp of epsom salt mixed with1 gal of water. And it seems to have stopped anything from spredding, but it's still only been 1 day since I did that so we'll see I guess.
Should I water with epsom salt again when it comes feeding time you guys think?

Thanks for any and all help!



Well-Known Member
palnts re lookin good even the swag bag seed. i like the 2 plants in one pot and how u seperated them. also it looks like u could add a few cfls under neatht the plants for extra light under their. and about the girl havin those probs i dont know but it doesnt look good it is already on upper growth.if u havent flushed it yet i would flush it with 1/4 nutes to clear it out and try to restart on her


Well-Known Member
Alright well I am getting off work early I just found out so I'm headed home now to do the flush! Thanks MC
And thats a great idea about the lights down low, i hadn't thought about that before, I'd add more lights but I think that would screw up my temps...


Well-Known Member
oh ya forgot about temps i was thinkin maby just 3 26 watters for between each plant under neath. and be sure to flush with like 1/4 nutes or the plant will yellow out reall quick do to having no nutes at all. thats just the only thing i could think of to help stop the leaf prob, it might slow growth for a half week or so bu i think she will rocover after a flush