RUI went to shit

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Well-Known Member
why would you ban me... I did nothing but help people out on this site. My sreenname is JN811 look at my posts. You banned me because I was joking around....... You have to be kidding me. I had 3000 posts.. and you ban me I was trying to antagonize someone who was obviously law enforcement. Read my posts.. seriously.. whatever man, I guess I was not a valuable member of the community. I will go elsewhere. You are a piece of work, and NO man I would ever want to be :peace:

If my account is not re-opened I will leave RIU, I know Ive helped many of you in the past so please... send Rollitup a message.. Thanks guys..
read the user agreement.


New Member
i did, ok pdf, good to know you think that.. . lmfao ok im sure u know me cali,, and im also pretty sure FDDs already seen this and just doesnt care.. so fuck it.. dude ur a 40 something year old kid.. grow up dude.. Ill leave you all with my post on this thread... I hope you feel good about such power youve been bestowed... You are the dictator

Mr. Ganja

Join Date: Oct 2009

Posts: 3,147

let me just say in closing before i have to go... RIU was created to help growers during the growing process. It is not here for you to skip the legwork that is required (understanding botani). Read. Learn. Understand. Best advice I can give you.


New Member
ill leave you with this... my advice on this thread.... and im pretty sure fdds already seen this so... its cool dude, dont worry about it...

Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,147

let me just say in closing before i have to go... RIU was created to help growers during the growing process. It is not here for you to skip the legwork that is required (understanding botani). Read. Learn. Understand. Best advice I can give you.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I use less than half. 1.5 ml to 2 gallons of water. it is hella strong but its a miricle worker

yea when i first started using gravity it was also the first time i used kool bloom powder but

i dont know which one caused it but, when i used them it shocks my plants into makin a few seeds here and there but i add it in the last 3 weeks so they are tiny immature seeds and dont got in the way much

i wonder if its the gravity that does that or the koolbloom or both but that gravity made my buds hard as a mofo:hug: actually the word is HEAVY!

thanks humbolt gravity,:hump: i almost shit my pants when i first saw how much it cost but you dont need to use much and that shit is worf every penny:hump:


Well-Known Member
show me the part where you made it "crystal clear that you were joking". i addressed you numerous times and you ignored me. :-|
well after you banned him of course under a different username that I am sure will be sticking around to talk more shit considering the circumstances under which it was conceived.


New Member
show me the part where you made it "crystal clear that you were joking". i addressed you numerous times and you ignored me. :-|
i posted in a matter of minutes... and NEVER once saw you interject... How about when I said Id ship him whatever after he gives me his CC... sounds pretty realistic to me......... Read my posts. Do I sound like a kid or an idiot... dude.. Im really not happy about this.... im not threatining anyone, im making a statement... I feel like you overreacted and want my account back.. I have 2 journal, and hundreds of pics....


New Member
its really pretty ridiculous especially because Ive chatted with you before in threads.. and i thought you would know i was joking... Ive defended you when people slandered ur name.. maybe now i see why... and now, in this thread... LMFAO, look at my previous post here. I defended RIU and you ban me... irony at its finest...


Well-Known Member
i posted in a matter of minutes... and NEVER once saw you interject... How about when I said Id ship him whatever after he gives me his CC... sounds pretty realistic to me......... Read my posts. Do I sound like a kid or an idiot... dude.. Im really not happy about this.... im not threatining anyone, im making a statement... I feel like you overreacted and want my account back.. I have 2 journal, and hundreds of pics....

how about you go back and look at the post where i ask you if you want to get banned as well. you had your opportunity to say you were joking, instead you ask for a cc number. :clap:

you broke the terms of use. you threatened me on my message board.

Big P

Well-Known Member
its really pretty ridiculous especially because Ive chatted with you before in threads.. and i thought you would know i was joking... Ive defended you when people slandered ur name.. maybe now i see why... and now, in this thread... LMFAO, look at my previous post here. I defended RIU and you ban me... irony at its finest...

i dont know man you seem pretty ham handed in your attempt to get unbanded

prolly woulda had a better chance if you just had apoligized & asked if it was "possible" to get a second chance;-)

dont ya think?


Well-Known Member
i dont know man you seem pretty ham handed in your attempt to get unbanded

prolly woulda had a better chance if you just had apoligized & asked if it was "possible" to get a second chance;-)

dont ya think?

he's blaming it all on me instead. :?

i can easily "unban" him. but he threatened me, and i don't deal with terrorists. :peace:

Big P

Well-Known Member
where did i threaten you.. please tell.. i said i want justice.. i was banned for no reason.. whatever dude, does being a mod make you feel like a man? you can ban me for some stupid shit? its cool dude, like i said, maybe the man you always wanted to be isnt a good man... honestly, maybe its for the best... I really was unaware of you saying to stop. I will not appologize for me missing you saying this. Plenty of other people were joking around, i figured id join, my mistake...

dude he was being nice by telling you to stop as you were violating the rules, he could have just kicked ya to the curb but instead he told your ass to chill
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