the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
Buds looks great homie, Pop your pics are nice, but those budz are really leafy and stemy, still bomb, but the kush i get is nice and dense, no stems at all.
Real sticky icky, ooo weee


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4022732]Buds looks great homie, Pop your pics are nice, but those budz are really leafy and stemy, still bomb, but the kush i get is nice and dense, no stems at all.
Real sticky icky, ooo weee[/QUOTE]

so basically what you're saying is those buds aren't trimmed absolutely perfectly?

sorry bro but I don't see the point you're trying to make here. those buds are no less dank because of that extra leaf and stem in my vaporizer...


Well-Known Member
so you leave me a rep dissing me? hahah

all i said is yours looks fluffy and stemy, dont get mad, you sure do act quick dont you, youre always getting mad over lil shit people say


Well-Known Member
I just don't see the point of your post . . . . I was giving him an example of how I shoot photos to actually tell the difference between strains.

the whole point of that photo was that you could see the definite differences between all 3 buds, NOT THAT THEY WERE NOT TRIMMED WELL OR FLUFFY (which they're not, they're dense as fuck. and as far as the trimming goes I could care less as I traded this shit and I don't trim my bud perfect either. not like I"m selling this shit for 60 an 1/8th.)

I got mad because your post was completely irrelevant, sorry if you don't think I should be annoyed at pointless posts?


Well-Known Member
i stated my opinion, like any one can on this board like you did about his camera, which works pretty good.... just get off your high horse buddy haha


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4023166]i stated my opinion, like any one can on this board like you did about his camera, which works pretty good.... just get off your high horse buddy haha[/QUOTE]

I like butter toast :D

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Is that silk screen or a metal mesh?
nice! ...I was wondering what the hell is that crackling sound in the background,, then I seen your vaporizer! LOL...I'm pretty sure the noize I was hearing was your vapor bag getting filled up :D hahahaa

edit... grabbbed the wrong post. this was meant for Howak


Active Member
nice! ...I was wondering what the hell is that crackling sound in the background,, then I seen your vaporizer! LOL...I'm pretty sure the noize I was hearing was your vapor bag getting filled up :D hahahaa

edit... grabbbed the wrong post. this was meant for Howak
:shock: Cause I was like whoa.....I am filling a bag.....weird