What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

I already answered you.... slacker.

I gave it to you off the top of my head... you called me a troll. I show you the QUOTES...and still you stay in denial.

you are 100% incorrect.

You are a moron. Clear enough for you? I can't help you if you can't comprehend what you read.

Al Queda called it THE CENTRAL FRONT ... du du du duh.
2) How the hell is Iraq the central front of Al Qaeda? On what do you base that conclusion? It's ridiculous.

"Al Qaeda" fights a war abroad, on American and British soil. Its job is to terrorise us at home, not in Iraq.

3) Osama Bin Laden is in the Taliban... Which again, has nothing to do with Al Qaeda or Iraq.

Iraq is the central front for AQ because that's where a good portion of our military is stationed. They also operate internationally as seen on 911, Spain, London, and I'm not positive, but I think the Bali and Mumbia attacks were carried out by AQ terrorists.

Osama Bin Ladin is the leader of AQ, not the Taliban, along with Ayman al-Zawahiri;


Mohammad Omar is the current leader of the Taliban;


Also a tip - You get a lot farther without the insults, bro. I know it's tough, trust me, to keep things civil when the opposition doesn't, but if you stoop to that level, not only does the debate/conversation/discussion go NOWHERE, but you end up looking like a little kid who can't keep his cool.

I agree with what that one guy said, media doesn't need to be in war... it's dirty, nasty and when the hug-a-terrorist pussies get ahold of a video like this, THIS is what happens... idiocy.

I would suggest you think a little bit harder about that. There's a couple things I can see that would already cause a problem.

a. Take history for instance, Vietnam specifically, that was the first major war media was allowed to document. So what happened? What did it lead to? More political protests and upheaval back home for peace.

When people actually see the horrors of war, even if it is just through a piece of glass in their living room, it introduces them to the reality of the situation. It no longer becomes just a conflict on the other side of the world that we're not directly connected to, it's real death, real destruction, real pain and suffering.

It sends the message "this is what your tax dollars are paying for", which really hits home to a lot of Americans claiming peace is the goal when it's so obviously anything but.

b. It gives military commanders and soldiers immunity. When such incidents are captured on tape, no one can claim something else happened because the footage would contradict them if they tried. Which leads to no accountability (which some people actually think SHOULD be the case, soldiers should be allowed to do ANYTHING because they're fighting a war, regardless of previous international restrictions regarding the rules of engagement, which were clearly broken during this particular incident).

Could you imagine the exact same thing happening to Americans?

I want yours and Crackers honest opinion about this question, so please don't dodge it;

If 19 American hijackers destroyed 2 skyscrapers in Iraq just like 911, killed 3,000 Iraqi's, then the Iraqi military staged an occupation, just like the American military did in Iraq, and this incident happened on American soil, an Iraqi gunship engaged American soldiers and journalists which led to the exact same outcome as this video did, would you use the same arguments you've been using to support the Iraqi soldiers actions or would you support the American "insurgents" and journalists?

Disregard our 2nd amendment, our right to hold the weapons while walking in a warzone, and consider our rights to be equal of an Iraqi citizen for this hypothetical scenario.

I already answered you.... slacker.

I gave it to you off the top of my head... you called me a troll. I show you the QUOTES...and still you stay in denial.

you are 100% incorrect.

You are a moron. Clear enough for you? I can't help you if you can't comprehend what you read.

Al Queda called it THE CENTRAL FRONT ... du du du duh.

Just like I told RR, man... why do you respond like this? Haven't you realized by now all it does is divide? Is that what you're trying to do, Cracker? Every post I've seen you make lately is condescending and insulting. Why do you do it? Are you capable of posting without bringing that shit with you?

I used to like the back and fourth with you but it feels like you wanna just argue to argue..

It's pretty disappointing dude.
Iraq is the central front for AQ because that's where a good portion of our military is stationed. They also operate internationally as seen on 911, Spain, London, and I'm not positive, but I think the Bali and Mumbia attacks were carried out by AQ terrorists.

Osama Bin Ladin is the leader of AQ, not the Taliban, along with Ayman al-Zawahiri;


Mohammad Omar is the current leader of the Taliban;


Also a tip - You get a lot farther without the insults, bro. I know it's tough, trust me, to keep things civil when the opposition doesn't, but if you stoop to that level, not only does the debate/conversation/discussion go NOWHERE, but you end up looking like a little kid who can't keep his cool.

Haha alright, I'll cut the insults - you're pretty right about that.

Yes, as for the Al Qaeda leaders and such - The official version is that Osama Bin Laden is leading it, but I can tell you that from reading books on intelligence and counter terrorism, it's not so easy to point at one man and say he leads such an undergruond organization.

Always think of who's paying for it.


edit :

Here crackjax, watch this, it will make you smarter


Just like I told RR, man... why do you respond like this? Haven't you realized by now all it does is divide? Is that what you're trying to do, Cracker? Every post I've seen you make lately is condescending and insulting. Why do you do it? Are you capable of posting without bringing that shit with you?

I used to like the back and fourth with you but it feels like you wanna just argue to argue..

It's pretty disappointing dude.

Because you are only looking at the LAST post I had to make to that"person"!!!

Go back a bit Paddy.... I responded politely.... then was called a troll for my trouble....even though it became QUITE apparent that the "person" had ZERO info of his/her own to dispute anything....at all.

I was accused of talking out of my arse... so I threw up some DIRECT QUOTES...and THEN am accused of copy/pasting!!!!!!!!!!!

LAWDY PADDY!!! What do I have to do? tie their shoes? dress them?

The post you read... and reposted I STAND BEHIND 100%...100!!

I gave it both ways...and both times I was insulted...

that 'person" can POUND SAND!!!

I don't have time to tie the shoes and dress them all.

a. Take history for instance, Vietnam specifically, that was the first major war media was allowed to document. So what happened? What did it lead to? More political protests and upheaval back home for peace.

Exactly, buncha pussies protesting and causing trouble... there will NEVER be peace, too many people like to wage war, mostly in the name of religion like the towelheads.
Did you hear the south Vietnamese calling for us to leave? No way! And don't tell me any different, I dated a south Vietnamese girl for many years and heard all the stories.

b. It gives military commanders and soldiers immunity. When such incidents are captured on tape, no one can claim something else happened because the footage would contradict them if they tried. Which leads to no accountability (which some people actually think SHOULD be the case, soldiers should be allowed to do ANYTHING because they're fighting a war, regardless of previous international restrictions regarding the rules of engagement, which were clearly broken during this particular incident).

Then fix the system from the inside, if someone does something wrong... other soldiers should have enough honor to tell someone else about it. The reason this doesn't happen is because the military's hiring process is a joke and we have MS-13 members in the goddamn Marines for example.

If 19 American hijackers destroyed 2 skyscrapers in Iraq just like 911, killed 3,000 Iraqi's, then the Iraqi military staged an occupation, just like the American military did in Iraq, and this incident happened on American soil, an Iraqi gunship engaged American soldiers and journalists which led to the exact same outcome as this video did, would you use the same arguments you've been using to support the Iraqi soldiers actions or would you support the American "insurgents" and journalists?

Disregard our 2nd amendment, our right to hold the weapons while walking in a warzone, and consider our rights to be equal of an Iraqi citizen for this hypothetical scenario.

Well, if American's were all about 60 virgins and Allahu akbar, masalaam alakum... strap a vest to your chest and go blow up ZEE INFIDELS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT BELIEVE IN OUR WAYS.

No, I would cheer on the Iraqi's for getting rid of a horrible regime.

However, the Americans I know are freedom loving, choice loving, non-strap your kid to a bomb and send him over the wall... so I would of course take down the Iraqi's...

You are comparing apples to oranges, Americans are in no way the same as an insurgent in true Iraqi's eyes... have you been to Iraq? Anywhere in the middle east? I have... in 2005 even, a more violent time over there... no I was not in the military but while I was there, I cannot tell you how many times my hand was taken to be shaken by some woman or an elderly man, tired of the constant weight of their dictator hovering over them for everything. It is still that way today, the only people who would tell you different are hug-a-terrorist pussies, or Iraqi's who still favor the suicidal idiots, and that is mostly because the suicidal idiots have threatened their lives.

Uncle Sam (our parents) paid for the creation Al Qaeda via proxy war against the Soviets.

Gotta love the US government and all their foresight...

We gave them a chance to fight for the right reasons with the right people and they fucked us... oh well, we'll get all our weapons back, and make their months/years of training worthless very soon!
Vietnam is America's TRUE SHAME. Our military was EXCELLENT as usual.. back home.... there was the shame of it all.

We left there....winning the war all the way...and then BROKE our word....and MILLIONS perished at the hands of the Communists.
Because you are only looking at the LAST post I had to make to that"person"!!!

I read every post in threads I partake in.

Go back a bit Paddy.... I responded politely.... then was called a troll for my trouble....even though it became QUITE apparent that the "person" had ZERO info of his/her own to dispute anything....at all.

Who cares man, this is the internet, why are you taking things so personally? Do you really need to resort to that? Can't we talk about this stuff like normal human beings? Aren't you tired of seeing the constant bitching and complaining and never solving anything or talking through anything and proving our politicians right every time we engage in anything?

Seriously, take a second to think about these questions.

I gave it both ways...and both times I was insulted...

that 'person" can POUND SAND!!!

I don't have time to tie the shoes and dress them all.

You shouldn't conduct yourself based on other peoples posts. Present yourself a little better than that, man. If we can't talk to each other without bringing that baggage along with us, how can we ever expect to solve anything?

Exactly, buncha pussies protesting and causing trouble... there will NEVER be peace, too many people like to wage war, mostly in the name of religion like the towelheads.[/COLOR] Did you hear the south Vietnamese calling for us to leave? No way! And don't tell me any different, I dated a south Vietnamese girl for many years and heard all the stories.

Protests for peace are "causing trouble" in your eyes?

Furthermore, why is it "pussy" to protest a war?

When does it go from "pussy protester" to a person like Gandhi, a man who proposed peace under all circumstances, even in the face of violence?

Or is Gandhi and his teachings something that shouldn't be admired?

Then fix the system from the inside, if someone does something wrong... other soldiers should have enough honor to tell someone else about it. The reason this doesn't happen is because the military's hiring process is a joke and we have MS-13 members in the goddamn Marines for example.

You are correct, along with;



Well, if American's were all about 60 virgins and Allahu akbar, masalaam alakum... strap a vest to your chest and go blow up ZEE INFIDELS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT BELIEVE IN OUR WAYS.

Propaganda/minority of the population

No, I would cheer on the Iraqi's for getting rid of a horrible regime.

However, the Americans I know are freedom loving, choice loving, non-strap your kid to a bomb and send him over the wall... so I would of course take down the Iraqi's...

You are comparing apples to oranges, Americans are in no way the same as an insurgent in true Iraqi's eyes... have you been to Iraq? Anywhere in the middle east? I have... in 2005 even, a more violent time over there... no I was not in the military but while I was there, I cannot tell you how many times my hand was taken to be shaken by some woman or an elderly man, tired of the constant weight of their dictator hovering over them for everything. It is still that way today, the only people who would tell you different are hug-a-terrorist pussies, or Iraqi's who still favor the suicidal idiots, and that is mostly because the suicidal idiots have threatened their lives.

Thank you for answering the question. That answers a lot.

Vietnam is America's TRUE SHAME. Our military was EXCELLENT as usual.. back home.... there was the shame of it all.

We left there....winning the war all the way...and then BROKE our word....and MILLIONS perished at the hands of the Communists.

Our military was made up of poorly trained draftee's, in the midst of the civil rights movement, with tension among black and white soldiers present in every squad of soldiers.

Volunteer militaries suffer from many problems already well known, studied and understood.
I am not taking anything personally... if you knew me at all...you wouldn't have even posted that remark.

You asked a question... I answered.

That "person" is COMPLETELY uninformed. Incredibly so....

You cannot ask for my thoughts and then demand quotes and then accuse me of C/P'ing the quotes!!!... IT'S MORONIC....and that TITLE fits that "person" to a F'N T!!!
I do not suffer fools gladly. I am polite to those that are polite to me.

Life is too short to waste on uneducated folks.... but usually THEY KNOW it and don't intentionally make fools out of themselves.... this "person" is obviously comfortable with looking uneducated.

That may slide by some here... but not I.

I adhere to ACCURACY....and I expect it from others....else I WILL correct you.

the only way that "person" gets a pass is if they admit that they are 12 years old.....anything more is frightening.

Vietnam.... my G*D son.... who told you such RUBBISH.
Knew this thread would get nasty,a topic that everyone has opinions on,I think its time the troops came home.I have a friend who is a marine from CA,who is on his way home right now,I also have British squaddie m8s that have been back n forth its a shame they all aren't getting home.I could see the point if it was a war worth fighting but its not.Why the fuck are we still there?Send our troops home, Saddams dead.Hey crackerjack,I have plenty cheap digs that I could throw but I wont cos I would rather be liked on this forum rather than insult people for expressing their views.
yepper.... and it only makes me shine that much brighter!

It's funny to watch them flail about...... no data but plenty of mouth! :lol:

In the end it always comes down to their TRUMP logic card...."don't listen to him!!" :lol:

Forget that we haven't posted anything remotely accurate or provable...just don't LISTEN!!!

Hysterical really.....

They sound like Obama....coincidence?
yepper.... and it only makes me shine that much brighter!

It's funny to watch them flail about...... no data but plenty of mouth! :lol:

In the end it always comes down to their TRUMP logic card...."don't listen to him!!" :lol:

Forget that we haven't posted anything remotely accurate or provable...just don't LISTEN!!!

Hysterical really.....

They sound like Obama....coincidence?

I really don't get what your deal is. What are we even discussing?

The OP was a video of a war crime that you tried to defend. That might work with no documents, but we had a view of what was going on.

You thought that by saying "well the Iraqis do it too" you could somehow justify the actions of the pig behind that gun.

The way he was speaking, clearly showed what calibre he was from. Don't bother trying to defend him, it's pathetic.

Britain and the USA said Saddam had WMDs. We went in there, found none. We captured Saddam and turned him over to the "Iraqi" authorities (people which we decided to put in power). Saddam was executed (or so they say...) and the job was done.

What did we accomplish? Well, in 7 years we managed to turn Iraq upside down, destroy its peoples morale, murder hundreds of thousands of civilians and leave the country unstable.

Sure, we liberated the Iraqi people from Saddam - the guy was a prick. But was it for the better? Is it really democracy that we gave them?

Who are/were the political candidates? They are nothing more than people that we put there. For all we know, they could be CIA or MI5 moles. Forget the "conspiracy theory" bullshit - these things happen; we do not live in a fairy tale.

And other than that, we stirred shit among the ethnic minorities and now Sunnis are shooting up Shias and vice versa and it's a giant political and social shit storm.

I think it's time we left. There is no point going on about how we are better than the Arabs because we have white skin and bear a flag of "democracy".

we weren't discussing anything at all.

we also didn't stir anything up between the tribes...they have been going at it since the big split in Islam many centuries ago. The only reason you didn't see out and out fighting was because they all lived in a dictatorship...and saddam was the one who called the shots....which meant a very small minority of the Baath sect controlled everything.

Where did you go to school?
we weren't discussing anything at all.

we also didn't stir anything up between the tribes...they have been going at it since the big split in Islam many centuries ago. The only reason you didn't see out and out fighting was because they all lived in a dictatorship...and saddam was the one who called the shots....which meant a very small minority of the Baath sect controlled everything.

Where did you go to school?

Did you miss my question I posed specifically to you and SS?

If 19 American hijackers destroyed 2 skyscrapers in Iraq just like 911, killed 3,000 Iraqi's, then the Iraqi military staged an occupation, just like the American military did in Iraq, and this incident happened on American soil, an Iraqi gunship engaged American soldiers and journalists which led to the exact same outcome as this video did, would you use the same arguments you've been using to support the Iraqi soldiers actions or would you support the American "insurgents" and journalists?

Disregard our 2nd amendment, our right to hold the weapons while walking in a warzone, and consider our rights to be equal of an Iraqi citizen for this hypothetical scenario.