Big Raw J's 2nd Journal

Big Raw J

Active Member
Thanks for checking on me guys. Been busy lately and just got back from vacation a few days ago. I gave them a big watering and filled the pot drain pans up hoping that would be enough to last a week. I came home to them looking great. The past few weeks have been very dry at my house so I put a humidifier in the tent which has helped quite a bit.

The BH has stretched alot and I'm not really diggin the pheno, but it will have a great big bud on the top. She stands 31 inches now! Has some nice flowers already with short nodes at the top.

The CH is about 18 and has a real nice shape. Short and wide with a few nice side branches. She looks like she is just starting to flower now. She was kinda a runt, but is beautiful now.

I couldnt get any of the clones to take...I'm ok with that tho, I'm gonna stop growing for the summer after this grow and start up with new exciting stuff this fall. Also got some shrooms going, I'll be sure to show you guys that when I get some fruiting...


end of the line

Well-Known Member
looking great, I would imagine those baby's will fillout nicely.
I'm also going to take a break from indoor growing untill the fall. I plan on upgrading my entire set-up.(most likely to what you have)
although I'm going to do an outdoor with my bagseeds & LRseeds.

glad things are going good, keep us updated!!!


Big Raw J

Active Member
looking great, I would imagine those baby's will fillout nicely.
I'm also going to take a break from indoor growing untill the fall. I plan on upgrading my entire set-up.(most likely to what you have)
although I'm going to do an outdoor with my bagseeds & LRseeds.

glad things are going good, keep us updated!!!

Thanks man, link me up to your outdoor grow when you get it going. Man I would love to do an outdoor grow, but it's definitely not an option for me. Keep an eye on me and I'll do the same!

Big Raw J

Active Member
Looking pretty good so far. I did some trimming of fan leaves on the bottom of the BH and used some wire to project the lower branches outward. The plant as a whole is getting alot more light exposure now. The CH is still bushy as hell, I might do some cleaning up soon. She is definitely flowering now. They are beefing up quick, they both flower out in only 50-55 days so this should be interesting. I'll give an update once a week with pics from here on out..:leaf:


Big Raw J

Active Member
Very nice......Very nice indeed
Thank you sir! Not gonna be a haul like yours but in the fall I will be starting a bigger grow up with prob about 6 plants. Whats the size of you tent again? How big is that flood table?


Well-Known Member
Those plants are looking real healthy BigRawJ. Any progress with the shrooms? I just started the remaining 2 easyryders on my balcony. Same shit, not much to look at. Cheers.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Those plants are looking real healthy BigRawJ. Any progress with the shrooms? I just started the remaining 2 easyryders on my balcony. Same shit, not much to look at. Cheers.
Sweet Pablo, yeah I got my three trays of mycelium in my 10 gal fish tank terrarium. I'm using a fogger to create humidity in a little water tub and the mist goes through a tube over to the tank... Once I get some shrooms popping up I will post pics of my setup and of the goods..

Take care man, good luck with the easys.


Well-Known Member
Sweet Pablo, yeah I got my three trays of mycelium in my 10 gal fish tank terrarium. I'm using a fogger to create humidity in a little water tub and the mist goes through a tube over to the tank... Once I get some shrooms popping up I will post pics of my setup and of the goods..

Take care man, good luck with the easys.
Thanks bro. I've browsed the shroom threads awhile back. I get cluster headaches every several years. There's decent research that indicates eating shrooms can prevent and/or aleviate the attack. I just don't feel like tripping out, tho. I tried it a couple of times when I was 17/18 or so. One bad trip. Then again, I had no idea what to eat or how much. I might look into it. It's something I would have to already have on hand or there's no point. Do you have any insight to this? Cheers.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Thanks bro. I've browsed the shroom threads awhile back. I get cluster headaches every several years. There's decent research that indicates eating shrooms can prevent and/or aleviate the attack. I just don't feel like tripping out, tho. I tried it a couple of times when I was 17/18 or so. One bad trip. Then again, I had no idea what to eat or how much. I might look into it. It's something I would have to already have on hand or there's no point. Do you have any insight to this? Cheers.
I'm not sure about them preventing the cluster headaches you're having, but I've taken like a gram and it was just enough to have a mild euphoria to numb everything a bit. Any more than that and you could have a different experience. If you wanna try it again I would start with 1 g of dried and see where that gets you. You might get the giggles and have a mild body buzz, it might help. If you want more effects I would say a good start is 2gs. My first time was prob about 2 and I had a great time. Not alot of visuals, but I didn't really know what to expect anyway.

My opinion about mushrooms is it definitely has to be respected and taken seriously when you are ready. Definitely not a "go to" thing when you had a bad day. If you can take them with a good attitude and outlook for a good experience, then you will probably have a good ride.

I am not a pro by any means, I just always want to have a good trip, so I kinda go by what I've been told. I like the challenge of growing them, and usually just have a trip here or there with my friends. Hopefully Pablo, if you decide to try them again, you can get some relief.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Those plants look quite nice and I imagine they smell terrific!

I'm sure that smoke will taste ggrreat :weed:
Haha yeah they are getting a lil danky now. I havent even been paying attention to how long theyve been flowering yet. I'll have to look back in the journal and figure it out, then I can get an idea when they will be done!

Big Raw J

Active Member
They are both doing alright.. I need to start feeding them more because I'm seeing some yellow leaves already. It's weird, the CH is getting some darker blue/purp leaves almost like the BH is "supposed" to get. Makes me wonder if they were mixed up?! I know I didn't mix them up.. Oh well, I guess time will tell later on.

I did the same thing with widening out the branches with the CH as the BH.

As you can see I'm not afraid to pull some of the fan leaves off the BH as they get older. I don't believe that it hurts the plant at all. It has more than enough leaves..

Gotta order a new ph meter. Mine is acting all goofy, cant have that when I'm gonna be upping the nutes and using ro water..


Big Raw J

Active Member
Looking good, bulking up quite a bit, but still yellow leaves. Not worried tho, I've been feeding them alot and theyve been taking it well. Starting to smell real nice.

The top of the BH looks like the mystery plant did, getting a real big cola. It got a lil burned too like the mystery plant, so I moved the hood up to the top of the tent. It'll be nice in the fall to grow in my tall tent, no more worries of the light being too close. The intensity of the light sure does bulk up the top though. The thing's going crazy.



Well-Known Member
Looking good as usual BigRawJ. Your friends must love your cool hobby. That Blue Hash sure is a trippy looking plant. Cheers.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Looking good as usual BigRawJ. Your friends must love your cool hobby. That Blue Hash sure is a trippy looking plant. Cheers.
Thanks Pablo. The exciting thing for me as well as them is that we get different strains every time. Thats kinda why I'm so interested in growing. Theres so many strains and its a different experience every time.

What up big Raw? Ill pull up a chair also. looks good.
Thanks man, hang out as long as you like

Looking good buddy!! Check out my grow in my Sig!!
Thanks, I'll check you out right now

Big Raw J

Active Member
I'd say we're around 5 weeks flowering now and they are starting to look tired. Since they only take about 50-55 days I guess that might be why. All of my plants seem to get very yellow leaves though. I prob dont feed enough in veg..who knows. I have been giving these plants plenty of flowering nutes though. Starting to get some orange hairs now too.

