Temperature Control Help

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I am having a problem that isn't a problem yet but is definitely foreseeable. Currently my grow seems to be 10 degrees hotter in there than my house is. My intake fan comes in from the house and the exaust goes outside. The intake fan is 135 cfm and the exaust fan is 435 cfm. The room is 8x8 and the lights are close enough to have enough light for vegatative growth atm. My problem is I cant afford to keep my house at a cool 68 in the summer so that the flowering plants get there 78 temp. I know flowering lower is even better but 68 is the closest I think thats within reach. Also I have 2 oscillating fans on medium setting spraying air right under the lights. There is no hot pockets in the grow room as I have 5 thermometers all over it that are the same. IS there any other way I can cool it down a bit in there?


Well-Known Member
I think that was he was getting at was run the lights at night when the temps are lower. Based on what you said I assume that you are growing in an area that has central air so that won't really matter. You don't say what type of lights you are using, HID? Are they air cooled? That may be an easy fix, just need a little more info.


Well-Known Member
Change the lights to 18 on and 6 off for veg. make the 6 hrs off in the middle of the day when its the hotest out, then back on during the evning hours when its cooler out. when you flower, lights on at say, 8pm and off at 8am. That way you dont fight the heat. Easy and free,

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Gotcha I live in an area that is cool at night even in summer, good call on this guys. Looks like im going to invest in a green light to work during the day lol. This only matters during flowering, the temp outside wont be too hot until i start flowering ne way. Is it bad to water plants during their lights off phase? Should I do it right before the lights come on or when they turn on or what. Because I like to water the garden between 8 and noon during the day (it takes that long).

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I have no idea what I did. I played with the exaust ducting a bit yesterday and today its an amazing difference in heat than yesterday. Its only about 6 degrees warmer than the ambient temp of the room :). Instead of ten. This just goes to show that exhaust is THAT important. And just a little kink in your exhaust ducting can be even more important.


Well-Known Member

If it's cool where you live vent the charcoal filtered air into your house, the vacuum in the grow room will pull in cO2 rich air.

If it warm where you live vent the charcoal filtered air outdoors (don't let the neighbors smell) and fresh air will be pulled into your house and grow room - cooler at night.



Blazed Hippie

Active Member
There are a couple things you can try. As has been suggested, schedule your lights off period, for the hottest part of the day. Doing this dropped my temps by 4 degrees. Don't run 24/0 - cut back to 20/4 or even 18/6 - this will also cut down the heat. Lastly, you can also try and make a homemade cooler, like this one:
Good luck!
omfg i love you, best thread ever ^ lol. I was looking exactly for that homemade ac cooler. Thanks alot +rep