Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys & Gals, how goes it?
This thread moves a lil 2 fast for me & my iPhone, but I will say that Street & 8 have done a great Job on the Bud-Porn.
If there is anything important I miss (e.g a question goes unanswered, or something was directed to me) then PM me the link 2 ur post & il post a response 2 ya.

Rock This does not include the PM's u have sent me asking me 2 grow ur plants for you :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ninj, don't be lazy, I browse here almost exclusively on my phone. Or what, you think you have more important things to be doing? Lol


Ninj, don't be lazy, I browse here almost exclusively on my phone. Or what, you think you have more important things to be doing? Lol
Hey guys, im close to Syd and am wondering how long I can let my plants flower outdoors untill.

They have 7-9 weeks to go I'd like to know from anyone within this area if they have grown plants this late, thru may-june and if there were problems with the low temps?



Well-Known Member
Ninj, don't be lazy, I browse here almost exclusively on my phone. Or what, you think you have more important things to be doing? Lol
I wish I could say that my time is consumed by harvesting and trimming 5pounds a week, but the truth is that some of us simply have jobs to attend where surfing the net all day isn't an option :lol:
Plus I'm only allowed 200mb of data on my phone, & if I go over it (which I do in about 10 days) then I get charged an arm & a leg for my usage which isn't included in my cap. (Gay!)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im close to Syd and am wondering how long I can let my plants flower outdoors untill.

They have 7-9 weeks to go I'd like to know from anyone within this area if they have grown plants this late, thru may-june and if there were problems with the low temps?

Hey Wise, if ur South of Sydney u'd be in a spot of bother due to freezing temps, but North of Sydney should b alright.
I haven't flowered an outdoor plant that long personally, but I know anyone who has will tell u their yield was poor due to sub 10 hour light days.
I know old school growers who recommend adding Vitamin B to the plant to help it through the colder months. But keep in mind this was post harvest. They were only supporting the roots, stem & a few nodes, in an attempt to 'second-season' their plant for the new year.


Well-Known Member
hey ninja, how have you been? i put the SLH into flower yesterday. just over 4 weeks veg. they are so bushy. i cant wait for the lights to turn on at 8pm. i want to see how they are going.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could say that my time is consumed by harvesting and trimming 5pounds a week, but the truth is that some of us simply have jobs to attend where surfing the net all day isn't an option :lol:
5 a week..(the cop in 'the 25th hour' wen he finds ed nortons stash) shiiiiiiiiiit..


Well-Known Member
Rock This does not include the PM's u have sent me asking me 2 grow ur plants for you :lol:
Very funny ninj. Bad news people. My mate has pulled out on me for the fishing tournament. The mrs is going away though so might sneak in a few cheeky cones. I better stock up on food.


Active Member
Dunno what I expected really...just thought a fast-finishing autoflower would leap outta the seed and start growing right before my eyes...apart from looking very robust, there's nothing distinguished about devil girl...yet...apparently some of them don't get going until they start to flower. Maybe she'll start accumulating speed...

Yeah, fishing is all very well and good, but having the house to yourself...rare treat! Enjoy Mr RockS. Take a 2 hour bath and give yourself a foot-rub...or whatever it is men do when the house is all theirs...

Yada smoked all the happy green turds, no more for long-time, boohoo for Yada hehe c'mon and grow little plants.


Well-Known Member
howdy ,
i bought my tent today ! 1mx1mx1.8m im thinking maybe i could get 4 plants going decently in there + that means i can use my closet for the short veg stage so i can harvest maybe every 3-4 weeks or so ...the only problem is i dont own my own house and live out the back in a caravan , taking down 1 of the bunks is harder then i thought ..might have get the grinder out. IL post some pics this weekend


just wondering if anyone has had issues with mould? im groing in a cab with a 400w hps in a sealed room at the back of my house and all the walls are goin mouldy its at the back of a indusrtial fridge and when i open the door their is watery condesation on the roof. just wondering if installing a window would help just to rid of the heat?



Well-Known Member
Gosh... They love me... lol Everyweek I buy something, and then I work out that I need something else, and then a little something else, it never ends... Someone needs to disable my paypal

I've just ordered another $180.00 worth of stuff from them, just to finally finish off the last two tents, that being the bigger mother tent and the new vegging tent... I am so excited about my set up now... I am going to be harvesting a lot more and I'll have a lot more work to do...

Looking forward to it....


Well-Known Member
yo i started a thread about that boring 'world strongest strain' thread thats constantly being bumped to the top..
gives me the shits wen boring threads keep hovering around..yeh yeh i know the world dont revolve around me but FTW! counting on mine being deleted


u can by cheap containers that pull the wetness from the air from safeway that may help , or just use some exitmould
cheers ill try it. just the mould is rotting pretty bad and the house im living in now isn't mine so ill have fun cleaning after this grow.

hey lacey have u had mould issues with growing in tent? its just im going from 2 X cab setups to 2 X tents and it will be in a family friends house. don't wanna trash the joint