how to increase potency


Well-Known Member
The only way to increase potency 500% is by following this brew:

1 eye of newt
1 loch of virgins hair
6 gulps pigs blood
left to cure in a pot for a three moons stare

Now, you're going to need a stirring stick and a culdron sitting on a fire lit by burning appletree wood and bullrushes. THAT is for sure the only 100% tested, tried and true way to increase potency of your bud by 500%.


lmfao...Now was that a loch of pubic hair or just plain hair..Im writing this


There is one way of course that has rarely been executed. If you have a smokeable form of hash oil, you can lightly mist the dank with it. This not increase the buds potency, but it will add to it. Warning, this decreases the flavor and the smoke will become more harsh. But you will have the nice effects of both.

2 cents 2 ya

Mr Bomb

Active Member
The only way to increase potency 500% is by following this brew:

1 eye of newt
1 loch of virgins hair
6 gulps pigs blood
left to cure in a pot for a three moons stare

Now, you're going to need a stirring stick and a culdron sitting on a fire lit by burning appletree wood and bullrushes. THAT is for sure the only 100% tested, tried and true way to increase potency of your bud by 500%.

That is hilarious. Thank you.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here's what I found online!!!

1. Water
Many studies have been carried out on the relationship of water and THC content and all seem to agree that when faced with low water supply and low humidity THC levels are increased.

2. Light
These [studies] showed that under conditions of high UV-B (280-315 nm) exposure, cannabis produces significantly greater quantities of THC.

3. Stress
I have also come across many tips about wounding your plant to increase THC. "Wounding" refers to maybe bending the stem a little or cutting it with a clean razor. I'm told anything above these wounds, will become stronger when it heals. "What doesnt kill you makes you stronger."
I dont know the exact numbers, but I know that those who do this, definitely see in increase in crytallized resin, stem and flower growth.

(+rep if I've helped anyone)
Dont water plant before harvest, keep in dark 2 days to a week before harvest. Let trichomes turn amber color, Thats the only proven ways. Cold weather at the end of flower and low humidity also increase thc levels.

Brick Top

New Member
lmfao...Now was that a loch of pubic hair or just plain hair..Im writing this

I thought it was a lock of hair from a virgin Loch Ness monster myself.

Now I am really confused.

I never considered the pubic option because I am so used to baldies.

That's how I found out that my last several girlfriends real hair color was bald.

I didn't even know they must have been wearing wigs.

Brick Top

New Member
Dont water plant before harvest, keep in dark 2 days to a week before harvest. Let trichomes turn amber color, Thats the only proven ways. Cold weather at the end of flower and low humidity also increase thc levels.

72 hours of darkness prior to harvest is what is recommended to increase levels of THC. Research has shown that some strains will have an increase of as much as 30% in THC. That does not mean a strain rated at 22% potency rated THC will become one of 55% potency rated THC. It means there can be as much as 30% more 22% potency rated THC. Some people have a problem with that because they confuse overall amounts/percentages with actual potency. It is like how the THC in hash is not any more potent than the pot it was made from. It is just in a more condensed form so you take in more THC per hit/toke so it seems to be more potent. It’s like drinking double shots and calling the same bourbon in single shots more potent just because you consumed more of it per drink/double shot.

Amber trichomes means that THC has degraded, it oxidizes, and turns into CBN. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high and is often times confused for being increased levels of CBD which produces more of a stoned feeling, a couch-lock effect.

Lightly cloudy to milky colored trichomes are a sign that THC is at its maximum, that is unless a pure sativa or nearly pure sativa. Then when most trichomes are still clear but a slight change is occurring in some, turning slightly cloudy, then the THC is maximized.

Once amber is seen THC has been lost and its loss will continue to increase as the trichomes become more and more amber until fully brown, and then its compost.

If you want more of a body-stone, a couch-lock effect, do not trade THC for CBN. Instead research for strains with high levels of both THC and CBD.

Do you think that there are cold fronts at the end of growing season along the equator and in the various thick jungles?

The most potent pot that Mother Nature ever produced came from equatorial and near equatorial regions and they do not see many chilly fall nights.

When it comes to humidity, it is strain dependent. The more indica something is the denser the buds and the more prone to mold it can be so high humidity is not beneficial to those strains but then consider the amazing strains that grew naturally in areas of high humidity, like say Dalat in the thick dense humid jungles of Vietnam.

Potency is not dependent on cooler temperatures and high or low humidity will not alter potency, though it can cause mold problems in some strains. Ones like Neville’s Haze like the humidity in the 60% to 80% range, but that would far to humid for some strains. But the difference would be mold, or a lack thereof, but not increased or decreased THC/potency.
How we doing guys, this is a little trick that ive picked up doing my usual rounds..

This requires patience, so have it, and trust me, you WILL want to wait.
This ingenious method works, so do not doubt.

Firstly, go get a standard marmite jar and empty it out and dry it. And YES it DOES HAVE to be a MARMITE JAR, ill explain later on.

Secondly, take a golf ball sized bud ( doesnt matter whether it is wet or not ) ideally of your finest green, so anything like cheese, northern lights, kush or anything stronger for all you real hustlers, or even take some standard bog weed like english, dutch, low grade stuff, but for unbelievale best results use your high grade.

Thirdly, take your cannabis bud and place it inside the marmite jar, shut the lid tight so its completely air tight inside.

Fourthly, put the air tight jar in cold ish/room teperature conditions someone with no light ( cupboard, under the floor, possibly even bury it under ground however I dont know whether you get the same results )

Fithly, do something to keep you occupied for 5-6 months, or even longer if you can withstand not touching it.

Sixly, go gab that marmite jar, without looking at the bud just yet, ( I advise to do this in a small room, just for your own benefit of the smell ) open the jar so very slightly and just take a wiff. Your nose and brain should just fill with the most insane ganja sensation that will most likely ever hit you in our short livetimes. Now, take a look at the marijuana, it should look a snail has tredged across that green about 5 million times, without the inuendos, the crystals that should be on that bud will be mind blowing, you will have layers, upon layers, upon layers of crystals just pleasently sitting there waiting to be smoked. That green will be chronic. And when I say chronic, I mean it will blow your mind. As in take 0.1 gram, wack that in a king joint with standard amounts of tobacco, or leaf, but I recommend trying it in a usual suspect doobie. Few normal drags, I shit you not your're going to feel it, and your going to feel it good and hard, it will feel like you've smoked at least a good eigth ( 3.5 g )

with that bud, lets do what we do best. smoke our lives away and go get high.


It has to be a marmite jar because of the simple fact of science that I do not understand however can produce magnificant results, the brown in the marmite jar, the tincture of that glass somehow just does something. Literally magical, somthing to do with photosynthesis.

I only said to use a golf ball sized bud because that is literally all I could bear to put in and not touch, given it was torture, but wow it is so worth it. Please try with ozs of the stuff, or just to go one step further I dare you to go as far as getting enough marmite jars to put a bar in, or just go to Mt Everest and get a key and do it.

Also I forgot to mention, the bud after all stages have been complete will grow in size, double, triple, this is nature with science anything can happen. Adding on, it will be so crispy, dry, fluffy, light, it will be stunning. It will ground up to powder, literally, so if you spill that. Its gone. I

I suggest if you are going to pass on this weed in exchange for monies, unless your really cool and do the proper weights, I advise doing your deals via the look of your well trained eye rather that weights as this is so dry and fluffy, deals will be more in favour of your customer, and at the end of the day, you want money. We all do, however Im not here to tell you what to do, dont even sell it, just do it yourself because once its gone, you aint getting more unless your organised.

You can take standard bog weed like I previously mentioned, because of the magic that takes place it will turn into proper high grade. But do yourself a favour, fork out the bones for some nice stuff and it will all be worth it.

Thankyou for reading, please post with comments, ideas, or even if you know about this or have just done it. Share the love.. x


Well-Known Member
It has to be a marmite jar because of the simple fact of science that I do not understand however can produce magnificant results, the brown in the marmite jar, the tincture of that glass somehow just does something. Literally magical, somthing to do with photosynthesis.
photosynthesis is no longer going on during the curing process. Your claims are ridiculous. You will not grow trichomes after you jar up bud.

Also I forgot to mention, the bud after all stages have been complete will grow in size, double, triple, this is nature with science anything can happen
This is one of the dumbest statements I have seen. The equivalent statement said another way, "with science, magic can happen."


Active Member
Old thread but just started posting so here's my .02. A long cure may improve some things such as smell or taste but I don't think it would improve actual THC content. I think that may be already determined at the time of harvest. I could be wrong for sure. I'm still a newb, heh heh.

In my own experience I have about an OZ or so of some Jack Herer X AK47 (Beanho) that's been curing in mason jars for 5+ months now. I also have clones from those same plants that have cured, same method, for about a month or so. There is a noticeable difference in the high; the longer cure seems more potent but only on SOME of the nugs. It seems smoother too. I think there's too many variables that I may not have considered for this to be a valid, "fool proof" way to improve your smoke. The first batch might have had different environ. conditions, tried different nutes/strengths, light degradation in the second batch, etc., etc. Still, if you have the patience and/or enough herb a long cure is certainly not a bad option just not a "cure all".