help fast +REP


Active Member
I agree with this guy! gotta let those roots get use to where there at before u wack em with the big light!!!
ok then, thats what im going to do, but i just need to know when you guys think i should put the HPS back in?


Well-Known Member
i use fluros for seedling for two weeks,and then put them under 600 watt hps for 5 weeks of vegging(i did add 400 watt mh as well but the heat issues were bad) and during flowering i add another 400 watt of hps to the original 600. the hps are dual spectrum bulbs. as long as heat isnt an issue imo opinion ur plants should be about 10" or 12" b4 u throw on the hps. its just a case of putting ur light at the right height, i.e when u put ur hand at the top of the plant its just warming ur skin and not burning it, its not an exact science its just practice, experience and experimentation buddy.


Active Member
id say like a week or soon as the roots do some growin then when u put the hps in it wont droop like that..good luck bro!!!


Active Member
ok so i took away the HPS 24 hours ago and now i have been using the cfl's 24/0, it seems the plant is not getting better, it's gotten a little worse, i dont know what to do, i dont want this plant to die, please help...


Active Member
when i transplant I soak soil , spray leaves , repeat in 12houres, repeat 24h, than let soil dry out for 4days but lightly spray leaves for 2 more days just to help roots get settled (workes for me) I think it might be ph problem get a tester good luck bro


Active Member
here are the new pictures today since ive taken off the HPS, i need help on what to do please if you have any info help! is it lack of moisture i only gave it water once when i got it?



Well-Known Member
here are the new pictures today since ive taken off the HPS, i need help on what to do please if you have any info help! is it lack of moisture i only gave it water once when i got it?
I would suggest give them a small ammount of ph d water with Rhizotonic and turn your lights to 18/6 to give them a rest.
Probably just stressed thirsty and tired.
Give them a break for 6 hours.


Active Member
does rhiotonic pH the water, o and i don't think it's nutrients burn because when i got the plant it was in those cube things, and the roots were'nt out yet and ive only had it for 4 days, and i dont think the roots would spread that fast and get nutrient burn that fast


Active Member
so i found out what rhiotonic does, and it sounds good, but i dont have access to it, so what i have been doing so far is switched the lights to 18/6 and i just sprayed the leaves a second time, it seems like when i sprayed them the first time it perked up i little, so do you guys think i should water the plant, is there anything else i can do or have i done everything and should let time tell this story


Active Member
not knowing if it was underwatered or overwatered i watered it, and luckily it has been 2 hours and its perked up hella, so now i did the pH test and the soil is 6.9, when do you guys think i should throw in the 150 HPS?


Active Member
water it 1/1-2 time as much as you regularly did. depending how many times you water it in a day, it could be your plant isnt getting enough oxygen.... an is that the same soil the plant was in the other day b4 transplant if not the soil can or could be to acidic try giving it distiled water 4 about 1.5 weeks then slowly switch it back over to what u regularly do (its like switching dog food if its just a sudden change of dog food from 5 weeks of same shit the dogs gonna get the runs) this can also be why there is palish-brownish tips on ur leafs keep it simple try an give it the same environment hope it helps


Active Member
water it 1/1-2 time as much as you regularly did. depending how many times you water it in a day, it could be your plant isnt getting enough oxygen.... an is that the same soil the plant was in the other day b4 transplant if not the soil can or could be to acidic try giving it distiled water 4 about 1.5 weeks then slowly switch it back over to what u regularly do (its like switching dog food if its just a sudden change of dog food from 5 weeks of same shit the dogs gonna get the runs) this can also be why there is palish-brownish tips on ur leafs keep it simple try an give it the same environment hope it helps
its the same soil yes, i added just as much water as i did before, but this time i looked and the roots are touching the soil now as before they werent, same soil too, and the pH is 6.9


Active Member
it's going well, i just watered it and it sprout right up, now the bottom leaves are yellow, but that's because i under watered


Well-Known Member
The bottom leaves go yellow because they are the ones sucking up all the water and nutes. At least you no there doing the job.
Did they benefit from the 6 hours rest ?


Active Member
ya they like the 18/6, the tips of the top leaves are brown/dead, should i worry about this?