This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
these are the indoors

almost done

these are done. going to chop this weekend

these are babys 2 ladiva, and 1 rocket fuel.

the one on the left is a ak47


Well-Known Member
those autos are coming out weekly now. the others are starting late so, other than that one ak47, witch is about a month out and others 45 days or better. im hopen that the afgan will come in three weeks then the ak behind it.
hawwain snow is slow finishing plant. it took 13-14 weeks to finnish flowering last time i see this batch going that long tooo. afterwards its gone. wont grow any more. just not happy with the bud. too dense.
Ill do these W.W and N/l clones, for a while. that bud is alsome. the moms out side looking nice. about three feet tall and have buds all over them. i figure on getting 2 harvest out of them. and more clones soon as they get over being harvetsed, and put back into veg state. some were around labor day .


Well-Known Member
looks like you got it down pat. + rep can't wait to see all the harvest pics.
i cant either bud.its been a big learning process, trile and error thing you know.but am getting there. thanks chuck pull up a seat, this rided is getting better, ill be getting a wait. on all that is in jars soon. for a finnish yield on all strains. already harvested.


Well-Known Member
ooops left one out, this is my afgan kish male, hes droping his pollen now, pollin box

may he rest in piece

good boy drop it all

theres the shit i was looking for lol horney basteard


Well-Known Member
*Bumbuhclot! those afgan kush autos are fucking rediculus!! what wk are they on? Damm, i'm gonna get some of those seeds on my next order<all fems!! I want big autos!! I jus got Sour60 and have Ak47,RRF, M15 & Onyx coming..all big autos!!!


Well-Known Member
no shit dude i didnt think they would get that tall. but hey ill take it. now they are not a 45-50 day auto more like a regular plant these afgans are 11 and weeks and 3 days in to grow, they did sex under 24/7 light, and got to big for my auto area. so i put them outside.


Active Member
ooops left one out, this is my afgan kish male, hes droping his pollen now, pollin box

may he rest in piece
good boy drop it all
theres the shit i was looking for lol horney basteard[/QUOTE]

what kind of light do you have on that male?


Active Member
yeah... I need to collect pollen like that!

what's up cutman? What kind of light do you have shining on that male?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
damn! those outdoor auto's is huge!is it your seed or is it seed you ordered? and if it's seed you ordered, where ya order it from?


Well-Known Member
Dam thats a lot of pollen. Never seen that before.
theres more today just got through giveing him a shake. ill collect it in a couple days and give you a weight on it. pretty cool huh. soon ill sent ya some beans to put in your cabnet. bro.