This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
ok just collected the rest of my white widow pollen, and pulled the plants out of the box. and put my afgan kush ryder in the box. Its has a lot of saks on him so should be getting that pollen in about a week or two. This will give me two auto flowers and one W.W. non auto pollen.


Well-Known Member
Dam dude, Its hard to keep track of all this.

Im still interested in autos.
Im thinkin of using floros, say T5's and making three racks in a large cab. How much height do you suppose I would need for the average auto?


Active Member
two racks would be more realistic unless you do all sorts of crazy LST. They are as short as 10" and as tall as 1 meter (iranian autoflower by dr. Greenthumb). So just make sure you keep in mind that an autoflower and a dwarf aren't always the same.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the dwarves have alot more ruderalis in them and, as a result, are much smaller and lower in potency. But there's an auto AK and paki ryder journal that has 24" auto AKs going right now, if I read correctly.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean cruz. keep track of i have the white widow and norhern lights on one side of barn. and autos on the other side. what is it that you want to know about autos. I think that your cabnet grow would be alsome with autos in it, with autos you dont need a big space, like your cabnet. dude you should use the green house for the bigger ladys and use the cabnet for autos. with the size of plants you grow in their autos would give you the same yeild in less the time. but in the green house. thats different.


Well-Known Member
soon as i harvest 2 more we will have a compairson of 6 autos versas 3 regular plants. Now this will be a wiegth compairason. smoke looks to be as good as the w.w and n/l . so weight is all im concerned with. like i said its going to br close. soo ill be getting my finnal wieght of the regular plants. the lemon sk..., w.w. and n/l. versas the lr2, b.b and double deisal. and blue himalaya. afgan kush is way bigger so i wont be useing it in wiegth class. only small drawfs.


Well-Known Member
now in your cabnit i figure it will be close to 1.5 oz per plant. so 6 plant should give you close to 9 oz in a 45 day period. maybe a little less but you figure that at 75=80 day growing. 12 in that period, close to 16 oz but that a quest to so.


Well-Known Member
the hieght verys on autos. most of what iv grown have been 12 to 18 inches tall. but like thit afgan well its 2 foot or more. ak =12", lr2 = 12", blue berry=14",double deisal= 16", blue himalaya12- 14"


Well-Known Member

i would bet that these blue himalaya, would get alittle bigger in you cabnit. at least 6 to 8. it has alot of treks. and smells very sweat


Active Member
the hieght verys on autos. most of what iv grown have been 12 to 18 inches tall. but like thit afgan well its 2 foot or more. ak =12", lr2 = 12", blue berry=14",double deisal= 16", blue himalaya12- 14"
"onyx" and "Mi5" are both supposed to be capable of reaching 24" as well... And I was pretty sure I saw a grow journal with some monster AKs.


Well-Known Member
hope fully i can use some of my can get my afgan pollin, and use it on one of these ladys. may try using some blue himalaya pollin on one as well. these plant look good and should yeild some good yeilds. mixing the two, could turn out good, hmmmm afgan kush X blue himalaya, what yall think?


Active Member
do it man... The HBD already looks so sick... Imagine the yields if it were crossed with a monster like that?!?!