Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
and second, third and fourth on the runway.....a few of our finest BigBud girls....a little slighter in stature, but still quite robust and seemingly more than a little ready to expose themselves with their true colours....a subtle but powerful blend of creativity, sexuality, and spirituality...bringing outt only the best of the best in their wonderfully deep and aromatic heritage....



Well-Known Member
Holy crap tahoe, she just won't quit will she, you're going to need an extra large training bra or bras rather:mrgreen:


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Well-Known Member
beautiful bushy and healthy plants you have.they are grow in your new grow cab?very beautiful:hump::hump::hump:.hope my plants looks like yours some day.


Well-Known Member
thanks man...yuppers...that new cab is totally everything it was meant to be...so so working it......:hump:
beautiful bushy and healthy plants you have.they are grow in your new grow cab?very beautiful:hump::hump::hump:.hope my plants looks like yours some day.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Very uber Tahoe:hump:

Just an outstanding job so far.

You are making me want to stop experimenting and just do a regular, boring grow. Did I just say that? OMG, time for a big, big hit.


Well-Known Member
so here we are...the cross roads...to clone or not to clone...or how about.... to f*ck up cloning...bet you didn't think of that f*ckin option. Well, I didn't only think of it....I f*ckin riggin did it...hahahaha.....anyhow....I f*ckin cloned some F*ckin fan leaves....yea you read that F*ckin right....freakin F*ckin fan leaves......anyone for the most amazing fan F*ckin leaf clones you ever saw....come right this way....Super Special Christmas deal on fan f*ckin leaf clones......we have a special on cloned f*ckin fan leaves.....3 for a buck! hahahahaha.....I'm sure everyone can get a good laugh out of that goofa.....

Back to reality......I went ahead and did this all again....this time with my head on backwards...instead of facing forward.....is this right this time? I sure as in f*ck hope so...that early experience this morning was more than enuf for me...hahahahaha...i'll keep you postecd on these girlie girls as they re-develop there.....their wares....hmmmmm....more bras necessary...time to take a trip to Victoria Secret....


t dub c

Well-Known Member
Very nice tahoe, give it some time and they will be good to go, I wonder what would have happened if you left the others, I bet the fan leaves would have lived a long time. haha.


Well-Known Member
actually just for shit and giggles, i have left the others just to see what happens...you my friend...along with me ant the rest of us will find out soon enuf...ahahahaha....
Very nice tahoe, give it some time and they will be good to go, I wonder what would have happened if you left the others, I bet the fan leaves would have lived a long time. haha.


Well-Known Member
So where are the fan leaves...I thought you meant you cloned single leaves.

Those actually look pretty well cut branches.

How do you plan on housing those...as is?
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