Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
hahahahaha....I hope I get a pound too!.....but more likely...hmmmmm....well I really don't know. I have the four plants now, and have started 6 clones....should keep me occupied and medicated for a while once all harvested.....I'm REALLY looking forward to THAT!:blsmoke:
anytime good luck with your grow i hope you get a pound lol.


Well-Known Member
lol ya i cant wate for mine to be ready i only have 1 plant but it looks good i hope to get a ounce or more. if all goes well ill try 2 plant next time.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE - so the clones....yea...the right ones.....had a good night's rest after a brief 4 hour exposure to light. then slept for 6 hours and have just gone wakey wakey. I am going to do the 18/6 initially, and then in about a week, put inot turbo mode and go to 24/0. I'll post some pics again maybe later today or tomorrow.....thanks for everyone's help. Oh....and I dumped the most wonderful but useless fan leaf clones...just taking up space and valuable O2....

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Yeah from the other dudes post it seems like they dont do much but shoot out roots so just a waste of time and a waste of space, but im sure there is a way to do it kind of like that, because people these days can make plants out of a little peice of plant tissue I think its called tissueculture. but that shit if for sciencetists and super advance horticulturealists or some shat.


Well-Known Member
most people dont have that kind of shit and its easyer to clone but you want a good root system. and i think it helps the plant not go into shock when you flower because going into 24/0 to 12/12 is a pretty dramatic change good luck and happy holidays everyone


Well-Known Member
yea....totally....the whole stemcell research.....in some cases has shown that the genetic map is readily available for all growth forms in particular cells, and they have even shown that stemcells can be generated from a lot of different types of individual cells......animal and/or plant. so although I do expect that something could be done down that leaf path....I am not interested. On the otherhand I am pretty pumped about the idea of the clones, and having them take off and into vege and flower skipping past the germination and seedling stages. thats a very cool way of doing things. but I will finish up these ten (10) plants all by the end of March and then I going to Australia for a month (or more if I like it.....hahahahaha) so I will shut it all down for that away time. :blsmoke:
Yeah from the other dudes post it seems like they dont do much but shoot out roots so just a waste of time and a waste of space, but im sure there is a way to do it kind of like that, because people these days can make plants out of a little peice of plant tissue I think its called tissueculture. but that shit if for sciencetists and super advance horticulturealists or some shat.


Well-Known Member
clones are cool cant wate to get some going next grow. and could you clone from a clone. stem cells are going to change everything.


Well-Known Member
yes I believe clone from a clone is also possible. essentially you are taking a vegetative component that is fully functional and giving it roots and then continuing the propogation.

do you know if you can "cold store" clone cuttings? and therefore keep them for like say a month or so ...... and then re-start them? somehow I doubt it but maybe this is something someone has done?

yea stemcelll research is way the fuck out there....pretty amazing!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Tahoe, Humboldt and YGF, I wanted to get your feelings on this.

I read recently that once the female plant begins to produce seeds, she devotes all energy and resources to that task. When a plant never produces seeds, she devotes all enery and resources to producing buds and THC. Which in turn should produce stronger weed?

Just something I read and wanted to get your thoughts.

I know that when I can afford some 'kind bud' it usually has minimal seeds whereas the 'dirt and swag' I normally afford is sometimes, not always, loaded with seeds, and I know from my experience which was better.


Well-Known Member
well.....its Friday evening....i went in to check on the girls - and clones. all is well. the clones are still a little limpoidal.....just made that up... :p .... but do not necessarily look unhealthy....

The top44 bushy-meistriss is well ... bushy and flowering like the hot steaming bitch she is.:hump:

The BigBuds are the REAL news though. I did mention it in passing I think early this week, and I would NOW put money on it. they are all fems! so I have put in another order to Victoria Secret 36C .....my personal preference...in pink lace. :eyesmoke:

WHHOOOTTT!! I can't believe I have four fems out of four. and with the six clones (Top44 fem).....depending on their success to maturity...by the time I leave for Australia, I'll shut the production down, and make a shitload of glycerin tincture! AND HASH and keep the choicest biggest and best buds, and cure them properly....WHHOOOTT! did I mention...I am happy? hahahaha only slightly.:grin:8):grin:8)


Well-Known Member
apparently....they have some places up in the NE coast that actually sell it? don't know for sure, but will spend the next months researching all that kind of stuff....how I might be sample the other aspects of Australian culture....I luv the australia accent...especially on tall long legged blonds....of the fem variety....


New Member
apparently....they have some places up in the NE coast that actually sell it? don't know for sure, but will spend the next months researching all that kind of stuff....how I might be sample the other aspects of Australian culture....I luv the australia accent...especially on tall long legged blonds....of the fem variety....
pace youself, at our age that could kill ya...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
an dying with a smile on my face is a problem....why? hahahahahahahaha

hey Bongspit...I hear ya! ..... its gonna be a blast!


Well-Known Member
tahoe your plants are looking on top of their game. very lush.......mmmm lush. oh wait i started to drift off thinking of hot and sexy milf. mwuhahahaha:hump:


Well-Known Member
hey Masta....all's allowed.....keep them juices flowing...ahahahaha..

Hey bongspit....this is the place I was reefering too....I'm told that lil'ole ladies sell their pots openly there?
Nimbin is a small village in the Northern Rivers area of the Australian state of New South Wales, approximately 30 km north of Lismore, 33 km southeast of Kyogle, and 70km west of Byron Bay. At the 2001 census, Nimbin had a population of 321.[1] The area is part of what is known as the 'Rainbow Region' and is culturally important to the Bundjalung Aboriginal Australians and has become a haven for Australia's counterculture in recent decades.[2]


Well-Known Member
Well done on the girls mate :) That's fucking great news man!! 4 out of 4 :blsmoke:

Ya....Nimbin is the place to go....a mate of mine went there while travelling in Oz earlier this year. Best to try and time it to go when they have one of their festivals on apparently. Enjoy :joint:
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