Will a hermaphrodite produce decent smoke?


New Member
OK just hypothetical.But since i am only growing 2 plants ,and won't get to grow again to next year (my gf doesnt want it growing in the house non stop) If....just if one of my feminised seeds turned herm on me ,will it still produce mature flowers that i can smoke? sure it'll not be dankity dank,but even "dirt" white rhino is bound to get you stoned...?


Well-Known Member
OK just hypothetical.But since i am only growing 2 plants ,and won't get to grow again to next year (my gf doesnt want it gorwing in the house non stop) If....just if one of my feminised seeds turned herm on me ,will it still produce mature flowers that i can smoke? sure it'll not be dankity dank,but even "dirt" white rhino is bound to get you stoned...?

Yes you can smoke a hermie and yes it will get you high and the other plus is that in most cases the seeds from a hermie are usually fems (although prone to hermie)

You can also reduce the damage by looking for and removing the naners as they occur


Active Member
My first plant was a herm, and I just kept the balls trimmed and I still got damn good smoke. it was that purp. it just did not have a very big yield.


Well-Known Member
most shwag/mexi is hermie.... as long as you take care fo the plant, it will take care of you. stress it too much, it will flop to full blown hermie and waste alits energy on seed production.
treat it right, and it will bud out.


Well-Known Member
it all depends.

if 1 turns herm you cant keep it in the same grow as your fem because it will pollenate her and you will end up with seeds. these resulting seeds should however be fem'd seeds. the herm will also pollenate itself resulting in more seeds which again in theory should be fem'd but will have a strong chance of turning herm.

any fem that goes to seed will have about 50-60% less potency than if unpollenated.

Hope this helped



Well-Known Member
you just have to serch for bananas like 3 times a day. but the more you cut off the more you find