There is a myriad of difference amongst the Tea Baggers as a group. Some want less taxes, some want to make sure they have a fair shake with insurance companies, others feel that if the gov't is going to be taking so much of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY (Hard Earned meaning a person has actually worked or labored to make their employer money so they deserve a cut of the earnings [usually agreed to as a salary or wage, not a percentage of the earnings]) then the gov't SHOULD be providing GOOD, WORTHFUL healthcare. Others (like most of us here on RIU) just want their freedom to grow what they want, do what they want, and live without gov't intrusion.
The Tea Baggers AREN'T confused anymore about what they want than the Democrats OR the Republicans. Both the Dems and the Repubs represent a large number of constituents that WANT a number of different things. So they are all equally confused. ONE thing the majority of Tea Baggers WANT though, is LESS intrusion from government and MORE personal freedoms. THAT! is why the TEA BAGGERS represent SUCH A LARGE MAJORITY of the True AMERICAN IDEALS and the majority of U.S. Citizens.
On the other hand, the Democrats want MORE SOCIAL government so that THEIR constituents will be DEPENDENT on them to afford all the luxuries of the "greedy" rich, and the Republicans want MORE CAPITAL government so that THEIR constituents will be DEPENDENT on them to continue to afford MORE of the luxuries they already have so they can keep ahead and BUY their way to the "top".
If PEOPLE of the U.S. (you know. . . actual VOTING CITIZENS) would realize that both Democrat and Republican politicians AREN'T in the government to represent THE PEOPLE, but to represent themselves and to promote themselves, they WOULD VOTE for THE PEOPLE of the U.S. - The LEGAL CITIZENS that should be the ONLY ones who have a say in how OUR country spends money and takes money from them.
BTW - an Income Tax IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! The Constitution only states that the U. S. Government has the right to tax GOODS and SERVICES, NOT INCOME!!!