Glenn Beck Hates Education


Well-Known Member

Wow, I don't know where Becks last few brain cells went..

"Washington was home schooled, Jefferson was home schooled..."


This clip just illustrates a bigger point that needs to be made;

The people who oppose the public education, the ones who bitch and moan about how "liberalism" is taking over all the universities are simply opposed to views that are being taught that completely contradict their own personal world view, and they know that by teaching kids true information, like we did NOT walk with dinosaurs and that the planet is older than the Bible says it is, kids will be able to determine for themselves all these stories that breed bigotry and intolerance are not the truth, and they'll be put on the shelf right next to the Iliad.

Look what they've stooped to, the last ditch effort - lie about public education and tell people they should teach their own ignorant views to their kids so they too become just as ignorant. (kinda like religion does... funny)

Fuck Glenn Beck.


Well-Known Member
Public education in the US is a fucking joke, we spend more than any other country yet the results are mediocre at best. I guess your OK with mediocrity though. Besides the American Public probably can't get anymore "ignorant" then they currently are. If something does not work you look at alternatives, private or home schooling is an alternative.


Well-Known Member
Public education in the US is a fucking joke, we spend more than any other country yet the results are mediocre at best. I guess your OK with mediocrity though. Besides the American Public probably can't get anymore "ignorant" then they currently are. If something does not work you look at alternatives, private or home schooling is an alternative.
Dude, you're 100% correct. Biiiig fuckin' joke. But did you get a load of what Beck's solution is, and by proxy, people who support him like ViRedd and Max's solution is?


I'll favor a public education 100 out of 100 times over that retarded bullshit they would teach and try to pass off as an "education".


Well-Known Member

Wow, I don't know where Becks last few brain cells went..

"Washington was home schooled, Jefferson was home schooled..."


This clip just illustrates a bigger point that needs to be made;

The people who oppose the public education, the ones who bitch and moan about how "liberalism" is taking over all the universities are simply opposed to views that are being taught that completely contradict their own personal world view, and they know that by teaching kids true information, like we did NOT walk with dinosaurs and that the planet is older than the Bible says it is, kids will be able to determine for themselves all these stories that breed bigotry and intolerance are not the truth, and they'll be put on the shelf right next to the Iliad.

Look what they've stooped to, the last ditch effort - lie about public education and tell people they should teach their own ignorant views to their kids so they too become just as ignorant. (kinda like religion does... funny)

Fuck Glenn Beck.
I'm not a racist!

I'm not violent!

I'm just not going to be silent!


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're 100% correct. Biiiig fuckin' joke. But did you get a load of what Beck's solution is, and by proxy, people who support him like ViRedd and Max's solution is?


I'll favor a public education 100 out of 100 times over that retarded bullshit they would teach and try to pass off as an "education".
Honestly I think charter/private schools and parochial schools are the answer. Ive been to both public and private schools and the difference in quality is night and day. Something is royally fucked up and I don't have the solution but I would start with eliminating teachers unions, make all pupils where a uniform, kids who don't perform and cause distractions should be expelled (learning disabled excluded). I'm the type of person who wants solutions, peoples "feelings" can take a back what NEEDS to be done.


Well-Known Member
Padawan holds a pathological hatred of traditional religion. His attacks on religion are equally as vicious as anything I have heard come from white supremacists with regard to Blacks and Jews. Yes, it is that bad.

And just as those White Supremacists are sure their ideas are correct, so too is Padawan with his hatred of religion.

Padawan is also an ardent supporter of progressive indoctrination. He believes that his views are the only true ones just as surly as any religious person believes their's are. Padawan is in fact a religious extremist and fanatic - his faith is Liberalism.

His views are as dangerous as any we have seen, precisely because he, much like the Muslim radicals, wishes to use the power of government to force his views upon other people's children. Not only does he want to use government backed indoctrination, but he wants to actively prevent others from teaching their faith to their own children. He even suggests that doing so is tantamount to child abuse and would have no problem using force to legally prohibit other people's ides.

What makes Padawan's ideas far more dangerous than those of most faiths, is that most faiths, save for Islam, teach that other people have a right to their opinion even when wrong. See, Padawan labels all ideas that differ from his as being "dangerous" and therefore things that should not be tolerated. His ideas, in his mind are the only ones that should be allowed.

I propose that if any ideas are truly dangerous, it is those expressed by him.


Well-Known Member
Is it not obvious that every point that moron narrator made was a MASSIVE distortion of what beck was saying. In fact, his narration of what beck was saying wasn't even in the ballpark.

But see, that's how Liberals operate - they debate and refute nothing. All they do is spin and mis-characterize what people say and what they mean in an effort to deceive.

Beck was spot on with his comments about home schooling and he was spot on with his references to historical youth indoctrination used by past dictators. That schmuck isn't qualified to shine beck's shoes.


Well-Known Member
Oh Pad..............Glenn Beck hates education! A bit of hyperbole don't ya think? I think he is disgusted with the current system in all of its incarnations. Everything is broken, or not functioning properly at best. I cannot figure out why the left is so afraid of this guy. He's a commentator, a pundit. I can't stand Chris Matthews but I am not threatened by the guy.

I think Glenn is honestly concerned about the current state of affairs. I am too! Aren't you? If not you've not been paying attention. He genuinely believes what he says. I respect that. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says but I think he's dead on with a lot of what he says. I've been listening to him a bit lately and his big thing is govt. corruption and the progressives. I 100% agree with his assessment of things in Washington. :fire: I'm glad guys like him are out there being a bur in the saddle of big govt. The more pissed the left gets at him, the more I smile. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
See what I mean man, this entire post is a personal attack. I think someone has an e-crush!! :oops:

Padawan holds a pathological hatred of traditional religion. His attacks on religion are equally as vicious as anything I have heard come from white supremacists with regard to Blacks and Jews. Yes, it is that bad.
lol, me and my crazy ass! Advocating things like peace, tolerance, and equal rights.. Sure sounds fanatical to me! :lol:

And just as those White Supremacists are sure their ideas are correct, so too is Padawan with his hatred of religion.
Organized religion.

Padawan is also an ardent supporter of progressive indoctrination. He believes that his views are the only true ones just as surly as any religious person believes their's are. Padawan is in fact a religious extremist and fanatic - his faith is Liberalism.
"Progressive indoctrination" - ya know, things like evolution, or the big bang theory, or plate tectonics, or Thomas Jefferson, or Waco, or the OK City bombing... Those crazy left wing liberal ideas!

And you don't know what faith means.

His views are as dangerous as any we have seen, precisely because he, much like the Muslim radicals, wishes to use the power of government to force his views upon other people's children.
ROFL! I've never advocated that, not even once. And aren't you the one who supports the drug war? I don't force my opinions on anyone, I speak or write and people tend to agree with me. Explain the rep my previous name had or this one has compared to yours. You can't. It's like everything you say is a contradiction.

Not only does he want to use government backed indoctrination, but he wants to actively prevent others from teaching their faith to their own children. He even suggests that doing so is tantamount to child abuse and would have no problem using force to legally prohibit other people's ides.
LMFAO! "government backed indoctrination"!!! HAHAHAHA! OMG WE GOTTA STOP TEH LIBERALZ!!

It's child abuse to tell a kid that if they don't be good they'll burn for eternity in Hell. Yes Rick, that is child abuse. If you've ever told a kid that, you should be held accountable because it damages a young childs mind. They can't tell the difference between reality and fiction, and like I said before, all it takes is a glance at what this kind of "education" produces to come to the realization these people are fucked up mentally, and in a lot of cases, a danger to themselves or somebody else. And like always, I have to add the caveat that of course I'm talking about the very small percentage of fundies who commit dangerous acts, not the entire population of believers, otherwise your retarded self will point out how teh athiests always pick on the poor religious people... :cry:

And just to be clear, what I advocate is that we develop a population of EDUCATED PEOPLE that realize this, which would eliminate the problem all together, but I bet you can find a way to disagree with me there!

What makes Padawan's ideas far more dangerous than those of most faiths, is that most faiths, save for Islam, teach that other people have a right to their opinion even when wrong. See, Padawan labels all ideas that differ from his as being "dangerous" and therefore things that should not be tolerated. His ideas, in his mind are the only ones that should be allowed.
Says the guy who believes the OLD TESTAMENT is morally correct. lol, I don't think we'll be listening to advice from you regarding what's right and wrong...

Also, we've been over this, they're not my idea's, they're ideas I support that have been proposed by others.

People have every right to their opinion, but they don't have a right to make their imaginary friends words into laws.

I propose that if any ideas are truly dangerous, it is those expressed by him.
OK Rick Beck, settle down... :bigjoint:

I cannot figure out why the left is so afraid of this guy. He's a commentator, a pundit. I can't stand Chris Matthews but I am not threatened by the guy.
The reason people get so pissed off at Beck and people like him on the right is because their base, the followers, people who attend the TEA party meetings, are borderline fanatics. They're the reason the country is so divided on so many different issues ensuring distractions are everywhere you turn and nobody talks about anything else or figures out any real solutions. Dude, just look at this thread;

How can you tell me this retarded shit is not a problem? They're nothing more than propaganda pushers for our elected officials. Not just the idiots on the right, all of them, they all do it. It's just that the base of the left wing media is less taken in by these kinds of tactics, so they use other tactics on them, cater to their sense of compassion and urgency. They all know exactly what works, they've been using it for decades.

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Glenn Beck is a cancer

Stephen Colbert's comparisons of his own character to Glenn Beck are masterful

"It's like looking into a mirror, after you've done a ton of coke off of it"

One knows he is a fake pundit, the other one...well.....


New Member
I would love to home school my own kids, if not for the crippling social damages...I hate the idea that they learn about the fake story of Thanksgiving ir Manifest Destiny. But when they come home and tell me what they learned about that day, I will give them a question to ask their teacher the next day.

As for Glenn Beck, I get about as much entertainment watching him as I do Colbert. So bateman is right on.


Well-Known Member
See what I mean man, this entire post is a personal attack. I think someone has an e-crush!! :oops:

Because I responded to a ridiculous post about Glenn Beck???

lol, me and my crazy ass! Advocating things like peace, tolerance, and equal rights.. Sure sounds fanatical to me! :lol:

Organized religion.

"Progressive indoctrination" - ya know, things like evolution, or the big bang theory, or plate tectonics, or Thomas Jefferson, or Waco, or the OK City bombing... Those crazy left wing liberal ideas!

And you don't know what faith means.

ROFL! I've never advocated that, not even once.


And aren't you the one who supports the drug war?


I don't force my opinions on anyone, I speak or write and people tend to agree with me. Explain the rep my previous name had or this one has compared to yours. You can't. It's like everything you say is a contradiction.

LMFAO! "government backed indoctrination"!!! HAHAHAHA! OMG WE GOTTA STOP TEH LIBERALZ!!

It's child abuse to tell a kid that if they don't be good they'll burn for eternity in Hell. Yes Rick, that is child abuse.

Absolutely not. While I do not agree with the whole sin and damnation thing, not teaching your child the basic premise is child abuse.

Not teaching your children that there are consequences to their actions and that people make their own bed in life according to their choices is child abuse. Also, FYI in Judaism children are taught to do what is right because it is right and not for fear of punishment or promise of reward.

Plus, when people see some rotten bastard who seems to always prosper, while they live good lives and never have anything good happen to them, it helps people to believe that justice will be done in the long run. I do not believe this is a bad thing. Quite the contrary, I think it is quite good.

If you've ever told a kid that, you should be held accountable because it damages a young childs mind. They can't tell the difference between reality and fiction, and like I said before, all it takes is a glance at what this kind of "education" produces to come to the realization these people are fucked up mentally, and in a lot of cases, a danger to themselves or somebody else. And like always, I have to add the caveat that of course I'm talking about the very small percentage of fundies who commit dangerous acts, not the entire population of believers, otherwise your retarded self will point out how teh athiests always pick on the poor religious people... :cry:

If you are talking about a small percentage of fundamentalists, you should have said that long ago. Few would disagree with the fact that such people exist.

And just to be clear, what I advocate is that we develop a population of EDUCATED PEOPLE that realize this, which would eliminate the problem all together, but I bet you can find a way to disagree with me there!

Educated people huh, and what text would you use to teach people how to live good and righteous lives? Has it occurred to you that most people prefer to teach these things themselves? Ah, but that is irrelevant to you. Unless they are going to teach your values, the way you would like them taught, you think this roll should be taken from them and managed in the public schools.

Do you really think the moral development of a child is the responsibility of the public school system? Do you really want the GOVERNMENT to be the arbiter of our children's values? Are you familiar with the Hitler Youth by any chance?

And how pray tell do you propose we "educate" the half of the population that is below average intelligence on complex, abstract moral concepts? And again, what textbook do we use? Are you planning on writing it?

Says the guy who believes the OLD TESTAMENT is morally correct. lol, I don't think we'll be listening to advice from you regarding what's right and wrong...

Can you give specific examples of immorality in the OT?

Also, we've been over this, they're not my idea's, they're ideas I support that have been proposed by others.

People have every right to their opinion, but they don't have a right to make their imaginary friends words into laws.

Islamic countries are full theocracies.

OK Rick Beck, settle down... :bigjoint:

The reason people get so pissed off at Beck and people like him on the right is because their base, the followers, people who attend the TEA party meetings, are borderline fanatics. They're the reason the country is so divided on so many different issues ensuring distractions are everywhere you turn and nobody talks about anything else or figures out any real solutions. Dude, just look at this thread;

How can you tell me this retarded shit is not a problem? They're nothing more than propaganda pushers for our elected officials. Not just the idiots on the right, all of them, they all do it. It's just that the base of the left wing media is less taken in by these kinds of tactics, so they use other tactics on them, cater to their sense of compassion and urgency. They all know exactly what works, they've been using it for decades.

Padawan, if someone were to listen to all your attacks on religion and go shoot up a Church thinking they are doing a good thing based on your tirades, would it be fair to blame you for inspiring them to do so?


Well-Known Member
Public education is child abuse.

The teachers unions are doing the same thing to education that the unions did to passenger rail in this country. They are destroying it.

Shortly after the end of WW II, there was a nationwide rail strike. It came so close to crippling the economy that President Truman threatened to draft all rail workers. Only then did the unions come to the table. Freight rail survived, but it was too late for passenger rail. Americans did not want their travel to be dependent on union goons.

It is no surprise that a nationwide Interstate Highway System was begun a decade later. Air travel and the car companies won and passenger rail lost.

Meaning all the environmentalists who bemoan the lack of a viable rail system in the U.S. have the unions to thank.

Difference between passenger rail and public education:

Passenger rail was largely a private enterprise. After it was gone, all that was left was Amtrack. LOL, right?

Taxpayer funds will be shoveled down the black hole that is public education until the system crashes; because it is a sacred cow.


Well-Known Member
Here's what $60 million buys you in Allen, Texas.

Yep, that's a public High School football stadium.

The new stadium will feature:

  • Video Scoreboard
  • Two level press box with film deck and Observation deck
  • Home side reserved seating with seat backs
  • 1,500 additional parking spaces with 4,500 total parking spaces
  • 18,000 seat Stadium with upper deck seating including:
    • 5,000 reserved seating,
    • 2,700 General Admission
    • 4,000 Students
    • 5,300 Visitor
    • 1,000 Band


New Member


Well-Known Member
how abouts parts like Deuteronomy chapter 13?
I am far from a Rabbi but my understanding is that the commandments to kill people in the OT are not literal, but figurative. They are designed to demonstrate how severe a given act is. In this case they are talking about idolatry. Interestingly, the Bible is also filled with examples of the Israelites disobeying these orders and even arguing with God with regard to them. Perhaps, that is where much of the message lies.

Also, you have to understand that back when that stuff was written, people died all the time. Death was far more ordinary than it is today so such a sentence wouldn't really be shocking to a person back then.

These are questions one would need to ask someone more knowledgeable than me. But, you can't just read them and make assumptions. Do you see anyone murdering idol worshipers?


Well-Known Member
I am far from a Rabbi but my understanding is that the commandments to kill people in the OT are not literal, but figurative. They are designed to demonstrate how severe a given act is. In this case they are talking about idolatry. Interestingly, the Bible is also filled with examples of the Israelites disobeying these orders and even arguing with God with regard to them. Perhaps, that is where much of the message lies.

Also, you have to understand that back when that stuff was written, people died all the time. Death was far more ordinary than it is today so such a sentence wouldn't really be shocking to a person back then.

These are questions one would need to ask someone more knowledgeable than me. But, you can't just read them and make assumptions. Do you see anyone murdering idol worshipers?
i realize back then was much harder times but when you look at the wording of that chapter it takes quite a stretch not to take it literally. it is basically a call to genocide against other religions and thats always been immoral in my book.
your right that there arent as many idol worshiper murders as in the old days ( i think around the world its too much of a push to say none for nearly any religion) but what does that say? the bible still contains the immoral text so are the people deciding their own morals are superseding it? the bible has had so many different interpretations over the years do you think we're better off with modern interpretation we're so far off the past would god still approve

lol bit of a ramble there sorry op bit stoned ;)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Public schools like to deny the gun in the room and how they are funded...that tells me everything I need to know about public schools.

If that isn't enough, the fact that public schools produce people incapable of understanding the statement above is the veritable cherry on top of the Sundae. Not to be confused with Sunday School, that is another indoctrination topic.