What's For Dinner Tonight?


New Member
Those are fun.... I can remember back in the 70's when the very first Beni-hana (sp) in NYC opened up.... my dad took us all... it was amazing. You'll love it if you haven't been before.


New Member
Well the old girl is working late, so I can cook some liver, mushrooms and onions, with some steemed broccoli and mashed potatoes.
With some new york steak spice and garlic powder.
She hates the smell of it being cooked.
I LOVE LIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I love chicken liver... I can't stand beef though... :lol:

Years ago, I had a nice place on the beach near St. Pete Florida. My old college buddy enters law school nearby at Stetson U ( a fine law school ), and I offered to let him stay in one of my extra bedrooms. I was making pretty good $$ already, but he was on a strict budget.... and my G*D, at least three times a week, i would come home and as I opened the front ante room door.... that F'n smell.... egads!! gazooks! I was like...dude...let me grill you up one of my steaks.... PLEASE!!!! Nope!!! I think he enjoyed my discomfort....:lol:

Liver....bleh. but chicken liver? I can eat those all day long.


Well-Known Member
Just had some coco-pops..
Won't know wots for dinner till later, the kids are gone to the show so I'll sit here starving n helpless till they get home, late

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
me and milk aren't the best of friends i stick with skim milk now for my mash potatoes its 50/50 and butter with a little sour cram


New Member
I'm the same way with milk.... well that may not be true..let me clarify.... milk makes me feel bloated, and if I have too much of it... I can get the runs, but not bad....it's an inconvenience. Regular milk is simply too sweet to me.....


New Member
o%.... you might as well just use water.

Yes...the green mile.... well put.... smells like baby poop too.... I hardly drink milk anymore. You don't need it anyways, kind of a scam.