First Grow- Need help

I am growing in my room and am using a couple low wattage CFL lights as well as using the sunlight that naturally comes in from my window to supplement. The plants started growing pretty fast but are now slowing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am on a budget and was wondering what else I could do or if i'll be able to get them to flower with just the CFL's and sunlight.


Active Member
Posting pics would really help people to be able to help you....
***Edit*** Nevermind I saw your other thread w/pics

Yes you can grow all the way through with CFL's 6500k (Daylight bulbs) for veg then switch to 2700k (Cool bulbs) for flowering.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I am growing in my room and am using a couple low wattage CFL lights as well as using the sunlight that naturally comes in from my window to supplement. The plants started growing pretty fast but are now slowing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am on a budget and was wondering what else I could do or if i'll be able to get them to flower with just the CFL's and sunlight.
how old are they, how big are the pots, what stage are they in? all of those questions need an answer. Also are you feeding them and how much?
They are about 2 1/2 weeks old and i just transplanted into an 8 inch pot. I am going to start fertilizing soon. I have been water feeding them but from everything i've read you shouldn't water everyday, however every day it seems like my soil is totally drying out and i don't want to starve them.


Blazed Hippie

Active Member
They are about 2 1/2 weeks old and i just transplanted into an 8 inch pot. I am going to start fertilizing soon. I have been water feeding them but from everything i've read you shouldn't water everyday, however every day it seems like my soil is totally drying out and i don't want to starve them.

take a look at my newbie experience blog about watering. I talk about all the troubles I had with seedlings. They are going through transplant shock, for sure. This is where the roots are shocked because of the new environment you just put them in. Growth will normally slow when you transplant because of this. The roots are simply growing themselves better before the plant focuses on foliage. Water them when the soil is more dry than moist, if its drying up fast. You should add some perlite to ur soil. However, this should have been done before the transplant. Perlite helps retain water. Another trick my parents use is putting some broken clay pot pieces in the holes to help retain the water. You could also line the bottom with rocks.