leaves look bad?


Ok my lady is in its 2nd week of blooming. I have only fed 2 times with earth juice organic fertilizer . I grow in FF ocean forest. I grow in a 3 gallon pot. I use distilled water. I have 1 a 400watt HP light hanging 16 to 18 " above the plant. I have a fan blowing on her when the light is on. I mix my EarthJuice 1 tbl spoon of bloom , grow, catalyst.Put in a bucket and bubble this stuff with an air pump and an airstone for 24 to 48 hrs. I have flushed her twice trying to get the PH Down. Doesn't work. There are some fan leaves that have yellow round dots on them and others look like they have had too much water. I am open to any suggestions. Also is a 3 gallon pot big enough for my girl? she is a little over a foot tall. pics are listed bellow.



Well-Known Member
what are your temps? and how old is the plant? pics are hard to tell, you need to take the plant outside and take pics if you can.


Well-Known Member
What is the pH of your run off water?

Do you check the pH of the EJ before you give it to the plant? That stuff can be really acidic, I usually have to pH UP.



I don't know what the run off water ph is or the EJ ph levelI have a soil ph/light meter/moister meter all in one . I don't think those things r that accurate are they? What can I buy from my local lawn and garden store that will do water and soil that is decent but not expensive?

u need a water/liquir pH meter. I picked mine up for about 30$ at the plant store. I also have had big problems with EJ being very acidic. after I mix a batch it ends up be 3.8-4.1 not good at all and will kill your plant very fast. you need to get it upi to 5.5-6.5 depending on the strain.


If E.J> is that low of a ph then why is my soil at 7.5 or higher? I have more pics here the leaves are getting worse everyday. Can anybody tell me what to do ?
Come on people I have given allot of info and nobody Knows shit?Hmmmmmm. My plant is about dead and nobody knows jack shit here. I love it. Come on guys! I posted some more pics . I went ahead and transplanted it from a 3.25 gallon pot to a 5 gallon pot. Looks to me that she might be rootbound ? What does it look like to you?


it did seem to be a little rootbound, but even so i dont know if i would have transplanted durinf flowering... and the leaves seemed to have nute burn. so sice it been a couple days and aince you transplanted id say fush with str8 water and hope for the best.


Active Member
If E.J> is that low of a ph then why is my soil at 7.5 or higher? I have more pics here the leaves are getting worse everyday. Can anybody tell me what to do ?
your leaves looks like early signs of downey mildew, the sporadic discolouring would point to a mold problem rather than imbalanced ph which would trigger a nutrient deficiency/toxicity which would almost always affect the plant evenly.

Green Love

Well-Known Member
overwatering? The transplant might help, but adding a tablespoon of vingear for every gallon helps lower the ph level, by atleast 1 point (Ex. 7.5 ph, 1 tablespoon of vingear will lower the ph level to 6.5, roughly.


This makes sense! Someone told me White Rhino is a heavy feeder and loves Mag. Also I want to point out my hummidity stays around 36 percent as high as 43 percent but only after we take a shower in the house. I have good vent. Allot of air moving.


Well-Known Member
At a runoff pH of 7.5 I'd say you're experiencing nutrient lockout, common above a pH of 7.0. I'm an outdoor grower who likes 6.2-6.8 pH in initial test runoff (I don't worry about it after that as I don't use anything but AACT teas). Talk to some of the hydro growers, who I believe prefer a pH of well under 6.0 for full indoor grows.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the runoff is . I took measurements from the soil.
Fill one of the pots with water, put a quart jar to catch the runoff to half-fill the jar, put a lid on it it, shake vigorously, remove lid, let sit for 30-minutes until the sediment settles in the bottom, pH test upper liquid portion in the jar.


It has been a week or so. I added vinegar like some guy suggested and hasn't done anything to the PH . I am still at 7.5. here are some more photos. It looks like every leaf is showing signs of something! What the hell is this?:evil:

