New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
there is more to life for me then doing drugs. but if you think he is the right man vote for him. all im saying is people should vote because they beleave in there hearts its the right person for the job and not because someone is just saying what you want to here.
and this is a good thread i havent seen any bashing goes to show you where all open minded people and thats what i love about this site
Absolutely, that's why I keep saying- I don't think you NEED to vote for Ron Paul, but I think you owe it to yourself and the future of this country to look into all of the candidates and their positions- and research what's important to you. So you can make an informed decision based on your own personal beliefs- just please please please- DO THE RESEARCH, not just what they say they want during the campaign- BUT RESEARCH THEIR RECORD IN CONGRESS, LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE BEEN DOING BEFORE THEY DECIDED THEY WANTED TO RUN THIS COUNTRY, WATCH IF THEY FLIP FLOP ON ISSUES.


New Member
So because we create new technology the government should punish us right? Yeah.. that makes sense. The point is, that we don't need this excessive amount of taxes- do we even remember what started the American revolution?! The current state of this country is sickening- the amount of bullshit we put up with just keeps gettin' higher- WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE.
I agree with you taxes are out of control.
But to say we can get rid of all taxes is silly.
Somebody has to pay for new tchnology, it's not free.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you taxes are out of control.
But to say we can get rid of all taxes is silly.
Somebody has to pay for new tchnology, it's not free.
No one in this thread ever said anything about getting rid of all taxes.

As far as the last comment- um... we pay for the technology when we purchase the item.


Just some idiot
Ron Paul is a registered republican, he is a republican congressman...if it walks like a duck...:mrgreen:
So I guess he's not a Libertarian, so what if he's registered republican...he has to be to run for their nomination. For once I think the third party types have it figured out, run under one of the two primary parties otherwise you don't stand a chance. Like I said I don't find a lot of his views very republican, do you?


Well-Known Member
So I guess he's not a Libertarian, so what if he's registered republican...he has to be to run for their nomination. For once I think the third party types have it figured out, run under one of the two primary parties otherwise you don't stand a chance. Like I said I don't find a lot of his views very republican, do you?
Actually I find Ron Paul's view to be very Republican- classic Republican conservative.. now on a stage next to our "republican conservatives" of today, no he doesn't look Republican.. but if we actually looked at the history of the Republican party, he follows the major "republican" views. But def. by terms of today- he's classic Libertarian.


New Member
So I guess he's not a Libertarian, so what if he's registered republican...he has to be to run for their nomination. For once I think the third party types have it figured out, run under one of the two primary parties otherwise you don't stand a chance. Like I said I don't find a lot of his views very republican, do you? are right he does not sound very republican...except for the racist comments he made early in his career..


New Member
Actually I find Ron Paul's view to be very Republican- classic Republican conservative.. now on a stage next to our "republican conservatives" of today, no he doesn't look Republican.. but if we actually looked at the history of the Republican party, he follows the major "republican" views. But def. by terms of today- he's classic Libertarian.
what does conservative mean?


Well-Known Member are right he does not sound very republican...except for the racist comments he made early in his career..
Who hasn't made a racist comment? Cmon.. we're in our forum- we can speak openly. No matter what race you are- everyone has said a racist comment before.. you have to be the judge, are they just making a normal racist comment, or do they think all other races should be whipped off the earth, two completely different things, unfortunately telling between the two is a matter of opinion and takes more than two neurons.. LOL :blsmoke:


Just some idiot are right he does not sound very republican...except for the racist comments he made early in his career..
so if I'm a republican does that make me racist?

As i'm sure we all know, it is almost impossible for a third party to ever win anything or benefit in any way when it comes to the democratic american system (lol). I look at it this way there are two parties in this country, doesn't leave us with many choices does it. And yes I am a registered republican, I've been voting since 1992 and not once have I voted for a republican or I registered republican just so I could vote in the primaries, if I had chose third party I would have limited myself...great system we have here.

I think the thing that upsets me most is we could get someone like Ron Paul in office, who has some different ideas. The problem is will any of the other powers that be back him, probably not. The systems broke it's extremely difficult for anything to change it really is. not trying to discourage anyone but the president does not have all the power to make things least he's not supposed too. Ron Paul can step in and say end this drug war, and congress and the House will laugh and make sure it doesn't happen, people seem to forget that politics isn't about a better world or a free country but rather it's all about control. So if Ron Paul ends the drug war, how does he explain to all the LEOs and others that are employed in this war that they are unemployed. Everyone seems to think the US will make a killing if they legalize weed, not true. They will lose a major money maker in the drug war. Also if they legalize weed tomorrow, are we all going to go out and buy gov't weed? I know I won't so what does the US government get then? Nothing. The Drug War is also about control, careful what you wish for. If legalization does come it's not going to be what we think. The US gov't will have full control and that means FULL CONTOL. Think about what that could mean......


Well-Known Member
ok...I have always been confused about the whole liberal bad...conservative good or change is bad?
Not all changes are bad, but when the change is bigger government, less privacy, higher taxes, and the loss of our national sovereignty.. yeah.. I'd say it's bad... LOL..


Well-Known Member
ok...I have always been confused about the whole liberal bad...conservative good or change is bad?
Some changes are indeed very bad. Unfortunately the original ideas of liberal and conservative have been converted into communist (liberal) and racist (conservative). When the only voice you here is the extremist voice (they are the most shrill and most likely to get media attention) where does that leave the middle-of-the-roaders - like the liberal who doesn't want to give hand outs to everyone and the conservative who does.

To give you an idea how far off those labels are - a republican president signed the emancipation proclamation.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, a few of the Republican candidates (not including Ron Paul) are considering themselves conservatives- being the furthest from the truth.. unless they use the definition to mean, carrying on the tradition of Bush... LOL