What is your MUST HAVE list when blazing ? {eyedrops,spray, ipod... ect}


Well-Known Member
time start: 9:31PM

My MUST HAVE WHILE SMOKING WEED List includes the following.
2.Reliable lighter. {bic} :fire:
3.Piece {unless i wana go on a mission }

4. Gum [brand: 5]

5. Hand sanitizer .

6. spray. {axe, tag., oldspice ...ect}

7.EXTRA MONEY . [for the munchies and shit, like incase im stuck randomly at the store] {it happends alot ... ill just get stoned and then im like .... how the hell did i get to raphls w/ my mom .... }

8.eyedrops {roto's } [if i can afford it]


10.buy more weed

step. 12 : finish wrighting this new thread

step. 13 : go get food {cause i have munchies}

step. 14 : look for hidden weed

step. 15 : Pack more bowls in new bong named alaska {i love the name alaska}

step. 16 : HIDE WEED

Step. 17 : Make sure coste is clear

Step. 18 : Smoke More weed with apple juice for bong water {mmmm apple}

Step. 19 : be safe

Step. 20 : but most important ! HAVE FUN !bongsmilie:leaf::-P:!::clap:

um ... thoughs are my steps i wrote to help me g get more high ! ENJOY !


Well-Known Member
apple juice doesnt get sticky ... it makes even the worst buds just that much sweeter ... it totaly makes your smoke way more enjoyable i try really hard to make sure i use a bong with apple juice in it every time i smoke


Active Member
I have a Gravity Vortex bong, I wonder if it would make a difference in it... hmmm....

+rep for the idea and teaching me something new!


Active Member
weed, bowl, lighter, and a drank and probably some chips will be involved.

Fucking apple juice??? Not sure about that one...


Active Member
Somewhere comfortable to sit
Someone to smoke with preferably
A drink

and that is it, I will smoke regardless, but if I have those three I am in a good place.


Well-Known Member
blunt + weed = its go time

thats all i need. oh and a lighter or matches. a drink is nice for the cottonmouth but not necessary

it makes me smell fresh
.... girls dont like smelly weed .......
you're messin with the wrong females.


Active Member
You have a lot more steps then i do. Its pack the bong and go. I like the apple juice idea though. I will have to try that.


Active Member
1 jay 2 flame 3 a coffee would be nice. dog, girls who don't like the smell of weed are a waste of time. girl's who do like the smell of weed get REAL horny when they smoke and if your a longhaired guitar playin cat like me it's all good


Well-Known Member
This is my must list
2)green games
4)chips & gummy worms
5)strawberry fanta
6)Ipod touch

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
haha the first post is hilarious guy +rep for all the shit you need.

i just need some greens a lighter and my trusty bong. then after that....

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
1. Weed
2. Lighter
3. Baccy
4. Papers or bowl
5. Water or fizzy pop
6. Something edible (preferably the most random thing which pops into my head...but I've NEVER got it right)
7. Music (cd's or mp3's)

...a guitar and recorder of some kind would be good as well to capture the inspiration (hopefully actually able to play some of the stuff which goes through my head...)