Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
man.... im having major water issues... i overwaterd and it feels like the plants dont even grow.. and look all hook leaf'ed
Pick up your plant, does it feel light or heavy or just about normal?

Unless it feels heavier or like it feels after watering theres a good chance it might be suffering the opposite like mine did and could be over-watering. Do they smell more potent than usual or have dried tips? Mine did and I know from now on those are signs of under-watering.


Well-Known Member
Pick up your plant, does it feel light or heavy or just about normal?

Unless it feels heavier or like it feels after watering theres a good chance it might be suffering the opposite like mine did and could be over-watering. Do they smell more potent than usual or have dried tips? Mine did and I know from now on those are signs of under-watering.
The dried tips shouldn't have been from under watering.. the whole plant going limp tho- that's under watering..

bus driver

Active Member
Hey Robbie and Milf.... i have reading your thread and figure i can ask you two about floro tubes because u both have done it.... ok so i have 8 plants as of now... i have 4 4' daylight 6500k puttin 3050 lumens each....i have 2 18" floro sunshine bulbs 875 lumens each, 5000k for back light. i also have two clamp lights concentrated on my two biggeset plants.... (7") each clamp light bulb is 2050 lumens, 30w..... being completley realistic and honest will my light be enough to grow these babies.... or until sexing? your help is very much appreciated

Bus :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
MORE than enough light, I had about half of that power and did fine with 5 plants for the longest. U wont even need much more when you go into flowering as a matter of fact, just warm temp bulbs....

Got any pics of your set up? Make a thread.

bus driver

Active Member
na i don't have any pics yet after the 25th though i will be making my first grow journel....(gettin a camara) thanks for the input bro. i'll holla at you if anything goes wrong... hopefully i can get some pics soon....



Well-Known Member
nice growing robbie82 check mine out if you want under the post blizzard dont want to post pics on here not right lol. good luck


Well-Known Member
na i don't have any pics yet after the 25th though i will be making my first grow journel....(gettin a camara) thanks for the input bro. i'll holla at you if anything goes wrong... hopefully i can get some pics soon....

Hey no problem bro. One quick thing since that is really good lighting, your gonna wanna keep as much as of it as you can in! I would suggest some Mylar as a really good reflective materials, or even better in my opinion, pure white flat white. which ever is easier for you man.

bus driver

Active Member
Yea i know and i'm slippin real hard i have my plants in a closet on shelves about a foot off the ground because of heat issues. i have 4 plants on each shelf with lighting above and on both sides but i don't have anything else to keep the light in... like i have an open room with lots of wasted light.... plus my door to the closet is a blanket.... i have the blanket about 10in off the ground for fresh air.... its hard to explain but its the only way i can get constant fresh air in the room... soon that will be changing but stupid for now because alot of light is realesd from that too.... the plants are lookin so so good though there loving it....

wow.... finals today.... high... 10 min presentation due.... not good


bus driver

Active Member
they look pretty good.... water them every couple days..... underwatering is way way better than over watering.... i water every three days.... i have 3 gallon pales and water them till i see water starts to drip... hope this helps...
