Running out of room. Need advice.


Active Member
your best bet would be to go to 18/6 immediately for 3 days then switch right to 12/12
this will help ease the transition and will help your girls grow faster.
as far as nutes go, continue using your veg nutes, then you switch after a week or so. a lot of nutes have directions for putting both flower and veg nutes temporarily to ease the transition

that looks like a really cool grow, I am fairly certain that you will get too close to the light if you let em go, I would use wire to Lst, tie the terminal bud shoot of each plant so they are facing 90 degrees to the side, that way only branches and colas will grow up during the surge, not the main stalk of the plant

have you grown before? are your girls liking those florescents on the side?
Thanks for the info. This is my first grow. The side lights seem to be helping. The plants on the outer perimeter are responding to the light. The acrylic covers let the fan leaves press right up against without touching the bulbs. My over head light is on a chain. I can bring it up about 3 or 4 feet before I run out of room. It is to the sides that I am packed in like sardines. All the grow bags (two gallon) are stacked right up against each other. That is why I would like to be able to sex them asap. I need to make room for the girls (providing I don't get 13 males or hermies! :x).

I have two 4 foot T12 fixtures that I have not used yet. Wonder if it would be worth while to stack them above two of my 2 foot u-bend fixtures. I would do this after a few weeks of flower when they are taller. That would give me lights from floor to ceiling on two sides. I have one more 24" fixture that I could stack above in the back. Giving me 4 foot of u-bends in the rear and 6 foot of lights on the left and right (2ft u-bed 4ft fixture). All the u-bends are 4000k bulbs. The MH is a 400w 4000k right now. I will have the 2100K conversion bulb ready to go. I don't have any bulbs for the 4' fixtures yet. Should I go with a lower temp for them? I am not switching out the u-bends. I have a case of 24 4000k bulbs that I got for $20.


Well-Known Member
my god blazed hippie, you really expect me to believe youve grown before? Ask anybody on here that knows what they are doing and they will agree, if you dont believe me start a thread and ask, You and your grow bible. lol

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
my god blazed hippie, you really expect me to believe youve grown before? Ask anybody on here that knows what they are doing and they will agree, if you dont believe me start a thread and ask, You and your grow bible. lol
Im sorry i dont listen to people that pretend to know about plant biology and are consistently wrong. This is the second time you have been wrong about something that is just basic plant biology. If you know anything at all about evolution, this makes sense. It DID happen to me as I only vegitated the plant for 1 month so I wished to know the sex early bc I was scared of males. (my first grow). I dont condone using the 36 hour dark period for any specific reason other than impatience which I also dont condone. I really could care less if you believe me, you are someone who has listened to ignorant people on the forums too much and perhaps read some old outdated publications. If you didnt read the blog I posted just for you than do so, you might get some info from the other one i did yesterday as well. As I say on my blog its all experience I HAVE ACTUALLY GONE THROUGH. Also research that I usually cite. Most of the time its my botanist dad.


Well-Known Member
Oh well, I tried to educate you, lol, but i think your right on one part,lets just end it, I'm tired of wasting my time on something thats somehow too complex for you to, have a nice day.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Try it, take pics. I have done it and I do not wish to take pics in my house for obvious reasons. I guarantee you it will have similar or the same results I did. However, I could have had a strain that flowers easier as it was a long leaved sativa. If you haven't ever actually done this, you have absolutely no say whether I am wrong. I will do it to one of my plants when im ready to flower and see if it mimics the other strain.


Well-Known Member
no offense blazed, cause im pretty sure ur sub'd to my journal but if you wanna speak of botany... lets just remember.. plants grow outside correct? thats where they originally grew b4 humans brought them inside and grew them under lights.. as long as we can agree on that theres one question for you.. If you are growing a plant, wouldnt it make the MOST sense to replicate the enviorment outside? When exactly is there 36 hours of darkness outside??? there isnt... thus, your theory doesnt make sense.. too add, this is from a book that riddleme found

Hey I have a book it is called marijuana Botany by Robert Clarke,,,

and here is a quote from it

Cannabis flowers when exposed to a critical daylength which varies with the strain. Critical daylength applies only to plants which fail to flower under continuous illumination, since those which flower under continuous illumination have no critical daylength. Most strains have an absolute requirement of inductive photoperiods (short days or long nights) to induce fertile flowering and less than this will result in the formation of undifferentiated primordia (unformed flowers) only.
The time taken to form primordia varies with the length of the inductive photoperiod. Given 10 hours per day of light a strain may only take 10 days to flower, whereas if given 16 hours per day it may take up to 90 days. Inductive photoperiods of less than 8 hours per day do not seem to accelerate primordia formation. Dark (night) cycles must be uninterrupted to induce flowering


Well-Known Member
jn-this guy is something else, lol,hippie-i remember your the one who kept trying to say males make bud too and other dumb stuff like that, all things that anyone who knows what they are doing would not support your little theory/s. lol. Stop trying to say you have any idea of what your doing.......


Well-Known Member
Im not saying that it wont flower in 36 hours of darkness.. what I am saying is that... the exact same plant will flowerin in 12 on 12 off 12 on... it all depends on how mature the plant is to start...


Well-Known Member
if anything 36 hours of darkness will only result in stressing & stretching the plant .....


Active Member
Hey guys relax.:hug: I don't want to get my thread locked.

On a brighter note. I finally modified the shower door. I installed the window fan. The bottom fan takes air in and the top exhausts back out towards the wall exhaust fan. I also have a fan inside oscillating in the bottom left corner where the vent is.



Active Member
nice job dude! thats not just one plant is it???
No, that would be one awesome bush. I have 13 plants in two gallon grow bags. This is my first grow. Getting ready to go 12/12. Was getting help before all hell broke loose.


Well-Known Member
dude, u know those plants are gonna be probably close to 3 x the size once you flower?! I hope you have more space!!! or are getting rid of the males or something...

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
no offense blazed, cause im pretty sure ur sub'd to my journal but if you wanna speak of botany... lets just remember.. plants grow outside correct? thats where they originally grew b4 humans brought them inside and grew them under lights.. as long as we can agree on that theres one question for you.. If you are growing a plant, wouldnt it make the MOST sense to replicate the enviorment outside? When exactly is there 36 hours of darkness outside??? there isnt... thus, your theory doesnt make sense.. too add, this is from a book that riddleme found

Hey I have a book it is called marijuana Botany by Robert Clarke,,,

and here is a quote from it

Cannabis flowers when exposed to a critical daylength which varies with the strain. Critical daylength applies only to plants which fail to flower under continuous illumination, since those which flower under continuous illumination have no critical daylength. Most strains have an absolute requirement of inductive photoperiods (short days or long nights) to induce fertile flowering and less than this will result in the formation of undifferentiated primordia (unformed flowers) only.
The time taken to form primordia varies with the length of the inductive photoperiod. Given 10 hours per day of light a strain may only take 10 days to flower, whereas if given 16 hours per day it may take up to 90 days. Inductive photoperiods of less than 8 hours per day do not seem to accelerate primordia formation. Dark (night) cycles must be uninterrupted to induce flowering
you didnt read everything i said, i never said 36 hours DOES ANYTHING OTHER THAN HELP BEGIN FLOWERING THE PLANT. I dont want to retype my blog out but, it all in evolution. If the plant gets starved of light it thinks its going to die so it preflowers in a last ditch attempt to propagate the species. I do not consider robert clarks marijuana botany book to be a legit publication as my father has told me half of the things in their are false. Again my dad is a botanist and a old school hippie grower(not currently and he hasnt for years). If you interrupt the flowering darkness cycles AGAIN after flowering has begun YES you will get hermies. However hermies cannot exist before flowering stage so the 36 hours cant affect that. seriously I think you guys are arguing with me to get me pissed. I dont think I would ever do it again for any real reason as its not part of my growing paradigm which is to grow like nature like you said.. I do not know that much about growing i am still a newb yes. I do however read ALOT of posts on here and read around 100 books on the subject in all (ebooks mostly). I use things i find on here and the books and test them often. I am very curious. If you see me saying I have done something in a thread I have done it, I have a large bullshit drive that I am trying to supress that yall must have picked up on.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit that this tiff got me thinking and now I have to say that there is a remote possibility that both of you are right

As in the other thread I agreed with Dark that this was not true, but I also believe that Blazed saw this with his own eyes and do know from other discussions that his Dad is a botanist (good info provided)

The other book I quoted (now copied here) is a great book (way more real than Jorges) but I think that all of us experienced growers would admit that Ed Rosenthal has seen his fair share of gardens and here is a ditty from Ed (and Sam)about Advanced Flowering mentioning things they have seen with thier own eyes, which I believe can spread some light (pardon the pun) on this topic as clearly there are some strains that would do what Blazed saw if conditions were right, but the 36 hour thing would deffinately not apply to all strains and so would be limited to conditions and strains potentially not identified

Bottom line is I read to much, but here is the quote,,,,,,,,,,,,

Advanced Flowering
Created by Sam Selgnij
Copyright 1986 Ed Rosenthal and Sam Selgnij
In Chapter 25 (Flowering), marijuana's photoperiod response
was described. Most varieties of cannabis flower in response to
changes in the light cycle. This is a foolproof method for a plant to
determine when to flower when it is adapted to a particular loca-
tion. Every year the ratio of dark to light remains the same at a par-
ticular date. Scientists think that plants measure the number of
hours of darkness by producing a hormone, tentatively named
florigen. This hormone has not actually been discovered. The
theory is that when the level of this hormone reaches a critical level,
the plant goes into its reproductive mode.
Through simple experimentation, we know some interesting
things about this plant response. It is a localized response by the
plant. This was discovered by shading one branch of a plant but
leaving the rest of it without a daily dark period. Only the branch
that was shaded flowered. (This is a viable technique to use to sex
Researchers think that the hormone is produced by the plant
Source Orgin: DankSpot Stoners 420 Advanced Flowering
continuously. However, it is destroyed or metabolized by an en-
zyme or hormone which is produced only in the presence of light.
Under natural conditions, the critical level builds up only with the
onset of long nights in the autumn. When the dark cycle is inter-
rupted by light, even for a few minutes or less, the florigen is
destroyed by the plant and the plant starts the buildup to the critical
level over again.
The response to different light cycles is a graduated one. Plants
that initiate flowering at one light/darkness routine flower more
heavily when the amount of darkness is increased. This response is
more pronounced on plants originating from a higher latitude
where the light cycle changes more.
Chrysanthemums are also long night-flowering plants, and
their growth patterns have been studied extensively for use by the
greenhouse industry. Researchers found that the largest
with the highest total weight were grown when the dark cycle
routine was provided each night. When the plants were shaded 6

nights a week, there was a slight diminution of flower size and total
weight. With each additional unshaded night, flower size and
weight dropped.
Cannabis is one of the most widespread plants. It is naturalized
everywhere from the equator to the arctic. (Private cannabis
gardens have also been documented as being grown by scientists
stationed at outposts in the Antarctic - it's not illegal there since
no country has sovereignty). The plant has developed many varia-
tions on the photoperiod response to adjust to different climactic
and latitudinal conditions.
Female plants from equatorial or sub-equatorial zones such as
Colombia, southern Mexico, central Africa, and south India are
absolute photo-determinate (APD). These plants are acclimated to
latitudes in which there is little variation in the light cycle
throughout the year. As long as the dark period falls below a
minimum trigger period, the plant remains in the vegetative growth
cycle. This can go on for years under continuous light conditions.
When the dark period lengthens to a trigger point, the plant
changes its growth pattern to sexual development. If the dark
period falls below the trigger level when the plants are flowering,
the plants easily revert back to vegetative growth.
APD plants are good candidates to flower and regenerate.
Since they respond to the light cycle in a relatively simple way, ir-
regular or interrupted cycles alter growth significantly. Buds are
smaller, leafier, fluffier, looser, and may run. They look a bit like
low-light flowers.
Flower size can be increased by allowing the plants to ripen ful-
ly, then placing them in a continuous light regimen for a few days.
Flowering is triggered again and the plants produce new clusters of
Some cannabis varieties are "relative photoperiod deter-
minate" (RPD). These plants have a trigger that they respond to
under normal growing conditions, but when they receive an unusual
light regimen, they respond to the change in the light conditions in
unusual ways. For example, an early flowering indica normally trig-
gers at 10 hours of darkness, but if it is grown under continuous
light and then the darkness cycle is increased to 8 hours, the plant
triggers. Once these plants are triggered, the light cycle has less af-
fect upon them than upon the absolutes. The developing flowers are
not as sensitive to occasional interruption of the darkness cycle.
RPD varieties include mid-and high-range latitude-adapted
plants including Moroccans and southern Africans, early indicas,
commercial hemp and hybrids developed for early harvest
(September or earlier).
RPD varieties are harder to manipulate using the light cycle.
Plants placed into flowering do not revert to vegetative growth as
easily as APD varieties. The plants are harder to regenerate. Light
stress promotes hermaphroditism in these varieties. They are harder
to clone; they take longer and have a lower success rate.
Most males and some extreme northern varieties including the
ruderalis strains fall into a third category which is not photosen-

sitive at all. Both age and development seem to play a role in deter-
mining when these plants flower. For example, a Hungarian
ruderalis developed flowers under continuous light after 8 weeks.
Most varieties of males indicate under continuous light after 3-9
months. Thais and some equatorial sativa males are exceptions and
will not flower until the dark period is increased. Under 18 hours of
light, males indicate sooner than under continuous light.
Cold may hasten sexual expression but not flower development
of some northern varieties.
Some varieties, especially indicas, respond to unnatural light
cycles by showing of photo-period response disorder. Genetic
females turn hermaphroditic when exposed to long dark periods
and yeah this is an old book (1986) but Ed IMO is most usually reliable

I strongly believe that this would not always work, but also that it could in some cases, hence my belief that you are both right

Now as Dark states in his sig
Can't we all just get a bong?:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I just went and smoked a bowl and was thinking, while i stand by what i said info wise, i was kind of rude about it. I didnt really notice it till i re-read the posts, but hey,1. ive slept only like 3 hrs over the last day and a half,2. my grandpa had a heart attack and passed away yesterday afternoon, so Im not really meaning to but I guess i took some of it out on you by being so rude, sorry, it was subconsious.


Well-Known Member
you didnt read everything i said, i never said 36 hours DOES ANYTHING OTHER THAN HELP BEGIN FLOWERING THE PLANT. I dont want to retype my blog out but, it all in evolution. If the plant gets starved of light it thinks its going to die so it preflowers in a last ditch attempt to propagate the species. I do not consider robert clarks marijuana botany book to be a legit publication as my father has told me half of the things in their are false. Again my dad is a botanist and a old school hippie grower(not currently and he hasnt for years). If you interrupt the flowering darkness cycles AGAIN after flowering has begun YES you will get hermies. However hermies cannot exist before flowering stage so the 36 hours cant affect that. seriously I think you guys are arguing with me to get me pissed. I dont think I would ever do it again for any real reason as its not part of my growing paradigm. I do not know that much about growing i am still a newb yes. I do however read ALOT of posts on here and read around 100 books on the subject in all (ebooks mostly). I use things i find on here and the books and test them often. I am very curious. If you see me saying I have done something in a thread I have done it, I have a large bullshit drive that I am trying to supress that yall must have picked up on.
all Ill say to you is I read sooooo much b4 i started my first grow.. and yes it helped prepare me.. but the way I learn the most is by ACTUALLY DOING IT... no matter how much you read or who your father is you can tell someone who is a pro, like Dark and Riddleme, who have had TONS and TONS of successful grows between them that they are wrong because you read it... If a plant gets 36 hours of darkness it DOES NOT think its dying.. and even if it did.. Y exactly would that cause flowering?? 2 small little pistils can NOT GET POLLENATED which is the ultimate purpose of flowering.... and Dark, riddleme and myself have ALL done TONS and TONS of reading ourself.. when I came to RIU in October of last year I recall Dark helping me understand botany and I did not try to tell someone whose done it in the past that he is wrong... just like i think u shouldnt be...