ViRedd gone?

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Well-Known Member
in the area i live in(mid michigan) abortion is a booming industry and almost every girl that is involved in the party/bar/popularity scene you meet under 40 has had one- it is VERY common and most women just do it and have the mentality that it was like having a tumor removed, nothing to feel bad about i mean i have a life here!

but maybe if we are going to do it, talk about it, and let it be part of mainstream life we have to deal with opposing views-
maybe to vi even the fact that some people support this and advocate for it is killing him on the inside so he had to show a pic of how it makes him feel, and he wasn't the only one that found it disturbing (there is no way i will look at that shit)
i'm just saying it prolly hurt vi what was being said and when he posted something hurtful to others he was banned, if both sides of the argument can't take a little when they give this subject is too taboo

did vic start this thread? maybe time to bring him back and ban abortion threads


Well-Known Member
in the area i live in(mid michigan) abortion is a booming industry and almost every girl that is involved in the party/bar/popularity scene you meet under 40 has had one- it is VERY common and most women just do it and have the mentality that it was like having a tumor removed, nothing to feel bad about i mean i have a life here!
That's the problem. It IS very common for women to have one. In fact many women who end up having one end up having another, and another, and another.............Just go to the planned parenthood in any metro area. It's filled with young women having abortions, many of whom have had one before and many who will go on to have another one. I am pro-choice, but only because I see the potential problems which would arise out of it being illegal. I am against it personally but fortunately I'll never have to have one. Once you've had a child of your own, your views on abortion tend to change. This sounds cliche but life is precious and shouldn't be taken lightly. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't really see why it's a problem. I don't usually chime in on political debates, particular on weed forums, but how does the # of people who have an abortion change the act itself? Does the motivation for doing something change the moral and ethical standard? I'm personally pro-choice. I'm an adopted person who could've been an aborted fetus, I suppose I'm glad I'm here, but if I wasn't would it change the world?

If a person doesn't want to have a child what business would they have seeing it through? For the strength of the human race as a whole I actually think it best to go ahead and abort the fetus' of people who are unwilling or ill-prepared to care for a child. Have you ever seen how some children suffer and the kinds of adults they become? Would not their lives be easier if they had just been aborted?

The crazy thing is that other than these social issues I'm strongly conservative. I've always been quite curious how the "conservative" movement got hi-jacked by religous zealots in the first place. The idealogy of the common economic and legislative policies is counterintuitive to the position the party takes on abortion. Less gov't, limited gov't and less legislation of people's day to day lives. The belief that the FEDERAL gov't has nothing to do with these issues and that these should be individual states decisions. Somehow the "God Squad" took over the republican party and unfortunately has made it nearly unbearable to be a member.

The anti-drug and anti-abortion policies just don't make sense when you talk about protecting peoples rights to live their lives. Why are the democrats pro gun-control? What the hell, seems counterintuitive to their policies and beliefs. It's just all very confusing how it ended up this way.

But you can't just run and join the dems....they've gone from democrat to socialist at warp speed over the past 75 years. I certainly don't support the socialist agenda and I don't want abortion outlawed, so where do the rest of us fall? What party do we support? I think it's now the majority (although I've never done any polls myself) that feel the same way.

Oh, and I don't agree with banning someone for posting pictures of aborted fetus'. Granted it disgusting, but it's relevant and I don't support censorship. If you're going to have a discussion forum in the off-topic (not weed related) area on the weed forum and allow people to axe it out over political issues, it's pretty down right shitty to censor the forum. I'm not saying it's not justified it's's decision what to allow and what not to, but what a weak ass politcal forum. You can post pictures of your illicit marijuana cultivation, but not of legal abortions...strange set of moral standards around here sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I don't really see why it's a problem. I don't usually chime in on political debates, particular on weed forums, but how does the # of people who have an abortion change the act itself? Does the motivation for doing something change the moral and ethical standard? I'm personally pro-choice. I'm an adopted person who could've been an aborted fetus, I suppose I'm glad I'm here, but if I wasn't would it change the world?

If a person doesn't want to have a child what business would they have seeing it through? For the strength of the human race as a whole I actually think it best to go ahead and abort the fetus' of people who are unwilling or ill-prepared to care for a child. Have you ever seen how some children suffer and the kinds of adults they become? Would not their lives be easier if they had just been aborted?

The crazy thing is that other than these social issues I'm strongly conservative. I've always been quite curious how the "conservative" movement got hi-jacked by religous zealots in the first place. The idealogy of the common economic and legislative policies is counterintuitive to the position the party takes on abortion. Less gov't, limited gov't and less legislation of people's day to day lives. The belief that the FEDERAL gov't has nothing to do with these issues and that these should be individual states decisions. Somehow the "God Squad" took over the republican party and unfortunately has made it nearly unbearable to be a member.

The anti-drug and anti-abortion policies just don't make sense when you talk about protecting peoples rights to live their lives. Why are the democrats pro gun-control? What the hell, seems counterintuitive to their policies and beliefs. It's just all very confusing how it ended up this way.

But you can't just run and join the dems....they've gone from democrat to socialist at warp speed over the past 75 years. I certainly don't support the socialist agenda and I don't want abortion outlawed, so where do the rest of us fall? What party do we support? I think it's now the majority (although I've never done any polls myself) that feel the same way.

Oh, and I don't agree with banning someone for posting pictures of aborted fetus'. Granted it disgusting, but it's relevant and I don't support censorship. If you're going to have a discussion forum in the off-topic (not weed related) area on the weed forum and allow people to axe it out over political issues, it's pretty down right shitty to censor the forum. I'm not saying it's not justified it's's decision what to allow and what not to, but what a weak ass politcal forum. You can post pictures of your illicit marijuana cultivation, but not of legal abortions...strange set of moral standards around here sometimes.
A lot of the reasons you posted are why I'm libertarian. I am pretty conservative too but I am pro-choice. I also think all drugs should be legal, not just cannabis. It is indeed funny how the parties pick and choose and often have policies which run counter to the very platform on which they stand. You'll never be able to get everybody to agree. I think it's indeed funny how some people get all up in arms about us killing a few Iraqi civilians (on accident) and have no problem with someone aborting a fetus. It seems to be a similar phenomenon to the political parties picking and choosing what they support. Humans are a conundrum wrapped up in a mystery.:confused:


New Member
Great, now Paddy is going to determine how much other ppl feel about issues. :roll:

Stop the hate and put on your thinking caps.

Lots of women do use abortion like birth control. It's about recognizing the basic facts of life folks. Abortion is NOT a black & white issue..... try and keep an open mind Paddy.


Well-Known Member
Pay attention pad, the govt. does decide what kind of gas you put in your car.

87, 88, 89. I decide octane levels for my car.

The point is, nobody has any right to control another persons body, including what goes in, what comes out, what is created or what is discarded, or what indirect consequences religious people believe may or may not occur to society.

I know I don't have to tell you, as you already agree with that.

I don't really see why it's a problem. I don't usually chime in on political debates, particular on weed forums, but how does the # of people who have an abortion change the act itself? Does the motivation for doing something change the moral and ethical standard? I'm personally pro-choice. I'm an adopted person who could've been an aborted fetus, I suppose I'm glad I'm here, but if I wasn't would it change the world?

If a person doesn't want to have a child what business would they have seeing it through? For the strength of the human race as a whole I actually think it best to go ahead and abort the fetus' of people who are unwilling or ill-prepared to care for a child. Have you ever seen how some children suffer and the kinds of adults they become? Would not their lives be easier if they had just been aborted?

The crazy thing is that other than these social issues I'm strongly conservative. I've always been quite curious how the "conservative" movement got hi-jacked by religous zealots in the first place. The idealogy of the common economic and legislative policies is counterintuitive to the position the party takes on abortion. Less gov't, limited gov't and less legislation of people's day to day lives. The belief that the FEDERAL gov't has nothing to do with these issues and that these should be individual states decisions. Somehow the "God Squad" took over the republican party and unfortunately has made it nearly unbearable to be a member.

The anti-drug and anti-abortion policies just don't make sense when you talk about protecting peoples rights to live their lives. Why are the democrats pro gun-control? What the hell, seems counterintuitive to their policies and beliefs. It's just all very confusing how it ended up this way.

But you can't just run and join the dems....they've gone from democrat to socialist at warp speed over the past 75 years. I certainly don't support the socialist agenda and I don't want abortion outlawed, so where do the rest of us fall? What party do we support? I think it's now the majority (although I've never done any polls myself) that feel the same way.

Oh, and I don't agree with banning someone for posting pictures of aborted fetus'. Granted it disgusting, but it's relevant and I don't support censorship. If you're going to have a discussion forum in the off-topic (not weed related) area on the weed forum and allow people to axe it out over political issues, it's pretty down right shitty to censor the forum. I'm not saying it's not justified it's's decision what to allow and what not to, but what a weak ass politcal forum. You can post pictures of your illicit marijuana cultivation, but not of legal abortions...strange set of moral standards around here sometimes.
+rep, great post. Those bits in bold I strongly agree with.

I think it's indeed funny how some people get all up in arms about us killing a few Iraqi civilians (on accident) and have no problem with someone aborting a fetus.
I would be happy to explain that for you, my stance on it anyway, if you'd like to know. I think you have a few misconceptions about this, from the way you worded it.


New Member
That's a good question... Keenly. :wink:


Half of the roughly 1.2 million U.S. women who have abortions each year are 25 or older. Only about 17 percent are teens. About 60 percent have given birth to least one child prior to getting an abortion.

A disproportionately high number are black or Hispanic. And regardless of race, high abortion rates are linked to hard times.

"It doesn't just happen to young people, it doesn't necessarily have to do with irresponsibility," said Miriam Inocencio, president of Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island. "Women face years and years of reproductive life after they've completed their families, and they're at risk of an unintended pregnancy that can create an economic strain."

AP source.

It is used as birth control. Face reality head on... if you can get past your prejudices.


New Member
Gee, I find it rather Ironic since he has been trying to get me banned for some time now, I guess he can still come and read these posts, Here's to you V, you old reprobate, the only one on the forum older than me, I hope the ban doesn't outlive you, because you then can come back and continue your crusade to get me banned, LOL.


Well-Known Member
so why was it that that pic issued such a response- there are worse in the lol pics thread by the standard that abortion is a main stream event and no cause for alarm, i get the impression that the van video is worse than the fetus pic for some but it remains
the problem with censorship is once you begin who determines where it stops
imo both vids/pics are equally disturbing?


Well-Known Member
Why would he be banned for posting those pictures. I see far more offensive stuff here all the time.

As far as abortion is concerned, the disagreement is about when a life becomes a life. Until we can establish that, it is hard to rule on abortion regardless of how we feel about it.

Living near Detroit, I see situations that no baby should be born into. After all, if a crack head in the ghetto gets pregnant, what hope is there for the child?

On the other hand, if a young girl from a good family gets pregnant, they should do what they have to do to keep the child. After all, if you took the whole family into the future, say to the child's college graduation or wedding, let them take in the event and then took them back to the present, how many would choose abortion after seeing the future?

I'd bet dollars to dough nuts not a single one of them.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
A woman does have a right to HER body. Nobody should tell her what to do with HER body. However, the question becomes when does ANOTHER body become a being worthy of being protected ?

I'm curious what people here think about the whole timing of an abortion. Is a month acceptable? Two months? Three? Six?
Where's the cutoff? Fifteen minutes before birth ?

So what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
A woman does have a right to HER body. Nobody should tell her what to do with HER body. However, the question becomes when does ANOTHER body become a being worthy of being protected ?

I'm curious what people here think about the whole timing of an abortion. Is a month acceptable? Two months? Three? Six?
Where's the cutoff? Fifteen minutes before birth ?

So what do you guys think?
I think we're on the verge of being able to answer this question:


Well-Known Member
My personal opinion is easy. When it looks like a baby it is one.

Legally, we would have to agree on some line before we could legislate. Arbitrary lines are drawn - drinking, voting, etc. The thing is, we need some sort of consensus and we probably will never have one. Personally, I think mine is the best one.


Well-Known Member
Of course you personallly think yours is the best one. I hope you don't have opinions about things and you don't believe it's the best opinion. I don't think a life is a life until it's born. I'm not saying it's morally correct to abort a fetus right before birth, but I don't think a person is a person until they are born. Hell, even small babies that ARE born to me aren't necessarily all that spectacular yet, but that's an issue for another day.

Miscarriages happen all of the time and there's no logical reason to look at as equal to the death of a child in the family. Certainly the first trimester is fair game.
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