ok assume for az moment that the trail itself is ONLY water vapor
what explanation for patterning, i does appear that they are in a prescribed pattern
Anyone who says that the skies looked like these world wide April pics in the 70's, 80's and even the early 90's is absolutely full of shit.Subliminal messaging son, to make it seem normal. But the same shit is happening all over the world. But hey I'm just a crazy pot smoking conspiracy theorist.
Ratchid's voice on the loudspeaker warns...Chief Broom silently sweeps as the lights flicker...WATCH OUT!...the combine makes another pass...I suggest you stop looking up and try and live a semi normal life....like the rest of us.
Anyone who says that the skies looked like these world wide April pics in the 70's, 80's and even the early 90's is absolutely full of shit.
Ratchid's voice on the loudspeaker warns...Chief Broom silently sweeps as the lights flicker...WATCH OUT!...the combine makes another pass...
Brave New World...Order?
Nothing to see here...move along
The weather on the ground is not an indicator of how the winds are behaving 30,000 feet up.it is NOT the same as on a calm day that should ahve no clouds and the contrils aren't blowing in the wind the planes are, they move over just a little each time and do produce a grid without the wind
This might work, if others had not...and no your not (sympathetic, sorry or objective)Since I LIVED through those time periods....
You are all paranoid.
You do have my sympathy.... what a way to go through life.... I am sorry.
This might work, if others had not...and no your not (sympathetic, sorry or objective)
You often explain the unnatural chemtrails by suggesting that they are scientists doing research (like christians using god for what they can not explain...that is psychosis...but you are the sanest guy in the room)
I think it is great that there is a worldwide conspiracy of University professors in collusion with each other to study the weather and keep it from the public...no peer reviewed journal articles with methods showing sortie replication etc...and remember, no published article, no funding!
Don't look up...there is nothing to see...trust me...blog on your blackberry...play your video games...good boy...now eat your peanut butter and drink your fluoride!
No, I'm not gay.... but then again I never gave an indication of being gay.cj i like you, i don't always agree with you but i like you, but i have to ask, are you a fag it's cool if you are i just had to ask
and no i'm not retarded i am a severe sociopath, so the fact i've been here this long is amazing, my therapist told me i would never be able to have meaningful relationships on web forums like riu because i don't care enough about other people
anyway sure detroit runs 25 flights a day to maiami and the planes fly the same flight path within a little bit of each other, AND i can see when a plane flies the same path the wind pushes the contrail over 5 feet and here comes a new plane 45 minutes later and so forth- ihave seen this before and am familiar with it
it is NOT the same as on a calm day that should ahve no clouds and the contrils aren't blowing in the wind the planes are, they move over just a little each time and do produce a grid without the wind
that is the anomaly, a child could recognize prescribed flight patterns
and i am not a conspiracy nut, i think our government harms us with their greed daily, no conspiracy there, just an objective observer noticing that something changed but without investigation i wuld just guess and say it's either obama's fault, global warming or both, saying things like that would make you a conspiracy retard