You two are so immature, TX and Mindphuk.
Why is that?
Because we dont bow to you as a self appointed herald of doom? All you have done is point your finger at "them", and say how bad they are for doing what they are doing. But instead of presenting a clear concise theory of what they are doing and their reasons for doing it, you post pictures and call people names.
Now, before you tell me that I am the one calling people names, let me prove to you that you are correct. You are a deranged loonie. I use it as a tool to get a reaction from fuckheads like yourself. You are, in my opinion, a raving fucking nutcase that needs to be on a hefty cocktail of psychotropic drugs.
I may be wrong, but the picture that I get of you is of some poor pathetic 22 year old virgin. Still living with mommy because she is the only one besides yourself that can see how "special" you are. I can imagine you back at school, being bullied and pushed around, just because you are a geek loser. All the girls shunning you. All of them laughing behind your back. It got so bad, you had to quit school and retreat to your safe haven, your room. You contemplate ending it all, but you dont have the balls. Then one day you peek out the curtain, look up at the sky and see it!!! Your first contrail. And lo it was realed to you, and the voice said. Go ye forth on the internet and warn the people. The fate of the world is in your hands! But, like I said before, I could be wrong. Except for the part about you being crazy.
Have a nice day