do you think soldiers get paid enough?


Active Member
im sure this has crossed somebody mind before and the topic has probably been brought up. but im sitting around today smoking with a close friend and the topic came up about him joining the marines. and then after a while i moved on and brought up that i don't think soldiers earn enough money a year to do what they do. i did some reading and doctors can make from 100,000 all the way up to 800,000 a year. and yes they make good money because they spent many many years in college and work to save the lives of people. but US soldiers have to risk their life every day, or whenever they are on duty to protect 309,205,583 people in america. but they get paid 15,000 a year? if that. i understand there are many reasons why they don't make as much as doctors, and that we probably cant afford to pay them as much as we would like to. but i just think 15,000 isn't worth it.. there are many perks and things you get to do after serving your time. btw i am in no way against the armed forces if thats the way im making it sound. just an opinion.
ok..., the soldiers are not "protecting" america, and everyone in it

they are occupying a sovereign nation and maintaining an empire... that is not protecting the US


Active Member
I pretty much want to fuck you up for saying that. Not only cause I am a vet but I also have friends still over there. I hope they burn your greenpeace loving body to a charcoal bricket and drag you thru the streets. Die a lonely horrible death you piece of shit.

But since your IP comes out of Canada, you are already living a horrible life being one step removed from France. So keep on eating your yellow snow and fucking snowmen and leave the role of World Peace Keeper to the real countries while you and France stay on the sidelines (like you usually do).
over 1 million dead civillians, fact

children raped in front of their parents, bones broken, water boarding, sexual humiliation

oh but because its all wrapped in the american flag its GOOD

TORTURE and murder of civillians is GOOD!



Active Member
Yes people have died in war so he can make comments like that from his computer. If you came to the states and said our troops did not deserve to get paid you would most likely get beaten to death by some patriotic mother fuckers!
and some how thats ok? :roll:

this country is more like communist russia than anyone else realizes


Active Member
Yes but we are the strongest nation in the world so fuck it! Gimme your lunch money little boy!

that doesnt justify torture, occupation, fear mongering, government sponsored terrorism, a lying media, and a brainwashed public

oh and dont forget our impending police state

you know, the one where you cant have a peaceful protest without riot police showing up and ordering you to disperse


Well-Known Member
I served two tours overseas and want nothing more than to bitch slap your canadian ass. probably another rag-head terrorist loving canadian immigrant. US soldiers dont really make good money untill they reach E-5. When I was a lance coporal E-3 and i was single i was making about 1600 a month base pay, but i lived in the barracks so I had no bills except my car payment. My first tour as a lance I was making 1600 base plus an additional amount for beingin combat. My second tour I was married and I was making about 2500 every two weeks. I got my base pay, BAH, BAS, imminent danger pay, seperations pay, hardship duty loc and combat pay as well as my flight pay. Soldiers make better money than people think they just dont end up with alot of spending cash.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sick of these loons who are so focused on the small amount of negative our soldiers do and not nearly enough on the reason we have a military, survival. If soldiers weren't paid, we'd have a VERY small military and we likely wouldn't be living in America today.

That alone overrides EVERYTHING negative the military has done to PROTECT that freedom.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't need a military. This world will never be perfectly peaceful, not even close. Maybe if the herb was legalized on an international level...just maybe.


Well-Known Member
Yea they love being safe and having us as a bodyguard but then have the nerve to talk shit about there daddy.


Active Member
love being safe...

how is the military keeping me safe exactly?

the military : protecting you from yourself with false flag terrorism since the 80's


Well-Known Member
You guys are true dolts if you don't see how a military is used for protection..I'm not saying that's the only thing they are used for... are smarter than that, I've seen you're posts around here for a while now.

Put two and two together. OTHER COUNTRIES who DO have a military could KILL ALL OF US if we DID NOT have one.

How FUCKING HARD is that to understand?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
my 2 cent worth. NOPE THEY DON'T. they get straight fucked over by out government after and even during war.. they should be delt out goldfor the rest of there lives for the sacrafices the give every second that they are there fighting for our freedom, and they don't. what bullshit is we have one man saying NO GANGS BUT HE CAN HAVE THE BIGGIEST GANG EVER... OUR MILITARY. what almost 40 thousand men and weman of our military dead, but never forgoten and always rememberd.. thats the fuck end of war..


Active Member
You guys are true dolts if you don't see how a military is used for protection..I'm not saying that's the only thing they are used for... are smarter than that, I've seen you're posts around here for a while now.

Put two and two together. OTHER COUNTRIES who DO have a military could KILL ALL OF US if we DID NOT have one.

How FUCKING HARD is that to understand?
i find it rather odd you get so angry about my opinion

you can do whatever you have to do to justify the actions of our nation to yourself i dont care

i know we do some fucked up shit while holding the american flag, and nationalism is not just cause for murder and occupation