Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....


Well-Known Member
This is my most healthy Nirvana Mystery strain growing since March 9th. Went into Flowering cycle 5 days ago.

My Fem plants are all pistols, this one however seems to have some sacks; I'd like some feedback from a few of those who can confirm before I cut it down.. Sobb...sobb...



Well-Known Member
post another pic in a day or so i really cant tell from the pic but your pistils MIGHT be there tomorrow , if it has a tiny little stalk joining it to the main stem its probably male tho :(


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks

Can you advise as to how long a Male plant can co-habitat with potential females before they can affect them? I've got some very nice plants that are thriving (First Grow for me) and I'd hate to wait too long.. ya know...

Thanks again for the help!

i can take some other pics if it would help.


Well-Known Member
yea no telling yet, also dont worry abuot having to get the males out till the balls are busting open, you have a cpl weeks at least from the time they show balls.


Well-Known Member
nice photography, still , if it is a female you will have pistils within a day. i cant telll at all. be careful cuz a male pollen sack can grow and pop within 24 hours (usually the plant has to be super super healthy though)


Well-Known Member
This is all new to me my friend. I'm just wanted to ensure that I don't muck it up, ya know.....

thanks again to everyone for their help!

I'll take some pics of the (I hope) group of ladies tonight.


Well-Known Member
still looking more likely to be a female to me, bit ya still hard to say. another day or 2 will bring answers, just be checking every few hours during lights on, at least if your completely intent on removing them ASAP. like others say a few days of a male being there wont kill you, at least, not likely ;)


I'm pretty sure that's a male. Female pre-flowers, even at their smallest, are always teardrop shaped. From my experience, those look like the beginning of male pre-flowers to me. Still, you have a little while longer before you have to cull it.

Also, the fact that it's your best looking plant (though I bet it's the stretchiest plant you have also) points to it being a male. One thing I've noticed about male plants, they always seem like the best looking plants (greenest, strongest, biggest trunk and branches), but they are stretchy and not nearly as bushy as females are.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that's a male. Female pre-flowers, even at their smallest, are always teardrop shaped. From my experience, those look like the beginning of male pre-flowers to me. Still, you have a little while longer before you have to cull it.

Also, the fact that it's your best looking plant (though I bet it's the stretchiest plant you have also) points to it being a male. One thing I've noticed about male plants, they always seem like the best looking plants (greenest, strongest, biggest trunk and branches), but they are stretchy and not nearly as bushy as females are.
Thanks bud. Actually, all of my plants are VERY tight and Bushy. I've not seen nodes this close together ever; (based on various other grows I've seen, this is my first)

Here's an older pic, it's the one to the Right. (there is 1 Female Blue Mystic Back left, one small Nirvana Mystery in the front (4 nodes up) and the Topped Mystery (far right)

These pics are older, prior to flowering.. It gives you an idea of how not stretched they are.

Leading me to believe that it may be female

I'll post updated pics when I get home from the Office



Oh they are very good looking plants with very tight nodes; I'm just talking about a male relative to a female of the same strain. Males, generally speaking, are faster growing, stronger plants (and stretchier) than females of the same strain and age. I'm guessing the one on the far right is the one in question and the one in the middle isn't showing any signs of pre-flowers yet?

EDIT: I feel bad for doing this because I know what it felt like to think something was female and then have it turn out to be a male. Outside of losing a full female to budrott, it's the worst. :( :(

Here's a picture of a male pre-flower that's a lil further along than yours (I'd say a week or so).. See the similarity?
