Repeling squirrels and rabbits without physical barriers???


Well-Known Member
Hey guy's, I went out today to dig the rest of my holes for this years guerrilla grow and I discovered that all of the holes that I dug last weekend were dug up by some nosy animal. Luckily I didn't have any plants in them. I was wondering if there are any tricks to repel them without using things like chicken wire ect. I had Irish Spring all around the sight but that didn't stop them. From what I understand thats more for deer anyway. I am trying to keep my sight as discreet as possible thats why I want to avoid chicken wire. I guess if I have to I will put up some sort of barrier but I just wanted to see if anyone has had any success with some sort of repellent first. Thanks in advance...


Active Member
I use fox piss, im a newb though so im not sure how well it works, nothing has happened to me so far i guess. I wouldnt just spread it but get something that will soak it up and hide it there so the smell wont be gone after a couple days.


Well-Known Member
This is the worst part about growing outdoors imo, besides nosy neighbors, cops, etc. I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest and I've heard that stuff can really bring the little critters around. I'm personally going with some chicken wire for the first month or so. That's just me though and I know how remote my site is. I've heard about human and dog hair. I just don't think there is a full-proof method honestly. Just spread them out and hope they don't get to many of your plants. If you can, spread some sand or something like that around your area to see what kind of traffic you are getting. Good luck.


Active Member
fox piss, lion piss, polar bear milk and fried alpaka lips all mixed together in a blender then poor over you soil... or take a big shit and piss every time you go to check your plants... soon the smell will drive them off... and for people? who goes though the woods following shit smells so it should not actract attention,,, personally i hate shit and try to stay away from it...


Well-Known Member
fox piss, lion piss, polar bear milk and fried alpaka lips all mixed together in a blender then poor over you soil... or take a big shit and piss every time you go to check your plants... soon the smell will drive them off... and for people? who goes though the woods following shit smells so it should not actract attention,,, personally i hate shit and try to stay away from it...
lmao how do you guys come up with this shit


Well-Known Member
Fishing line wrapped trees around your plants to make a perimeter fence is cheap and if you paint it with flat back & green paint is camouflages very well, for deer you need like a 6 - 8 foot tall fence and have the bottom part of the fence closer to your plants and have the top go outward a few feet over the bottom so make it more difficult to jump and leave a way in and out for yourself

This has work for me in the past


Active Member
Fishing line wrapped trees around your plants to make a perimeter fence is cheap and if you paint it with flat back & green paint is camouflages very well, for deer you need like a 6 - 8 foot tall fence and have the bottom part of the fence closer to your plants and have the top go outward a few feet over the bottom so make it more difficult to jump and leave a way in and out for yourself

This has work for me in the past
once again a physical barrier


Active Member
if your are taking your plants home from outdoor via car... hide them well and see if you cant find a bitch dog in heat to ride with you... all dogs freakout when the smell bitch in heat pussy... even bitch dogs not in heat wanna jump on that shit.. the drug dog will be franticly trying to get the bitch and her smell in his or her nose... you cant train them not to react to that... sorry this just hit me and i had to write it down...


Active Member
lmao how do you guys come up with this shit

i dont know man i was joking half way... my point is the only thing that isnt phsical is sent... many will do the job... but cooger piss. works for my freind in idaho... he hunts mountian lions... the fried alpacka lips was just for fun:)

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i like the shotgun, but was thinking 22. bullets are cheaper, and its sounds fun. if not a gun, then get a pit bull. it will keep everything away. it might even kill the neighbors dog if you don't like it, and he likes you. mine did. he knew i hated that fucking neighbor dog, so he killed it. the city killed him. sad, i know. yes, i know the gun and dog are physical barriers here, but work with me. i'm in a weak emotional state over the dog, when i saw this thread and it brought up all this emotion again......


Active Member
i like the shotgun, but was thinking 22. bullets are cheaper, and its sounds fun. if not a gun, then get a pit bull. it will keep everything away. it might even kill the neighbors dog if you don't like it, and he likes you. mine did. he knew i hated that fucking neighbor dog, so he killed it. the city killed him. sad, i know. yes, i know the gun and dog are physical barriers here, but work with me. i'm in a weak emotional state over the dog, when i saw this thread and it brought up all this emotion again......
i have a pitbull! hes my best friend!



Well-Known Member
I'm using soap and moth balls and still having problems. I lost a plant earlier in the week and not sure what it was. Nothing was eaten, just looked uprooted. I blamed it on the wind since it was really windy last week. Today when I went to a different plot, it looks like something small was digging in my soil. No damage this time, but have no idea what the hell it could have been looking for! It crossed my mind just to throw a bunch of poison out and just wipe out everything in the area, but that seems a little drastic. Instead I bought some cayenne pepper and garlic powder and mixed like 3 tablespoons each into like a quart of water and sprayed it all around. Hopefully this helps. I was thinking about putting some on the foliage, but I don't know if pepper will harm the plant. That liquid fence stuff is nothing but pepper and garlic, with some egg, so I figured I'd make my own minus the egg.

Most of my plants are about a foot and a half high. At what point can you stop worrying about animals? I know they can nibble all year, but I'm talking about complete destruction. I'm thinking once everything comes into full bloom they will have other food sources and leave it alone.