Violator Kush picture updates!


New Member
Right on man, nice thread
Hope alot of ppl post their VK's
This is a strain that's on my list to grow out.
Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
that pheno you got right there is their indica dominant one and it produces some of the chunkiest kush ive had to date.
i call it the grapefruit pheno cuz it smells so good at the end of its flowering.

Punky McBadbone

Active Member
Alrighty here's more pics up to date!

4 New Clones:
Mother (2 days after tied down):
And like I said should be about wednesday when I get my new 250w MH/HPS and mama's a bloomin!


is it fine to veg for a few weeks under 2 2' t-12 gro-lux??? ANY TIPS WHEN TO UP MY LIGHTING AND FEED WOULD BE COOL... TY

5-17-2010_01.jpg5-17-2010_02.jpgSeedling Room_5-17-2010.jpg

Punky McBadbone

Active Member


I just bought four 26 watt 6500k cfl's, adding 104 more watts to my 40 watt two foot t12 tubes. I figure at 60 lumen per florescent watt, I have 8,640 lumen as long as I keep the area as closed off as possible except for my ventilation in and out of the space. I also added a CO2 maker with a 2 liter sugar and yeast, which I put in front of the intake side of the veg. area. The room also has a small window bringing in fresh outside air which I have another fan near to move some fresh air to the intake fan. (its basic for now without ducts or a tube to bring the CO2 closer to the plants) I germed 10 seeds in soil on 5-11 not all of my seeds were healthy looking so now I have 5 good looking seedlings and a few are split and showing the root, I hope the pop up too. For now I just want to grow a strong female to clone off of...

2 of the 5 healthy seedlings have a little bit of a darker red stem, Could this be lack nitrogen in my soil??? what should I do??? does anyone veg. 24/24 or should i do 18/6 or 20/4??? will it help them to go outside on my deck high off the ground to veg. or should they stay indoors where its a constant 72degrees to 80 on the thermo??? when should I do the final pot transplant??? what size is recommended??? please view my pics and any comments or answers, I will be sure to rep you... I know the 4 cfls on the strip need to be properly set up ideas will help me... ty see pics


Punky McBadbone

Active Member
I just bought four 26 watt 6500k cfl's, adding 104 more watts to my 40 watt two foot t12 tubes. I figure at 60 lumen per florescent watt, I have 8,640 lumen as long as I keep the area as closed off as possible except for my ventilation in and out of the space. I also added a CO2 maker with a 2 liter sugar and yeast, which I put in front of the intake side of the veg. area. The room also has a small window bringing in fresh outside air which I have another fan near to move some fresh air to the intake fan. (its basic for now without ducts or a tube to bring the CO2 closer to the plants) I germed 10 seeds in soil on 5-11 not all of my seeds were healthy looking so now I have 5 good looking seedlings and a few are split and showing the root, I hope the pop up too. For now I just want to grow a strong female to clone off of...

2 of the 5 healthy seedlings have a little bit of a darker red stem, Could this be lack nitrogen in my soil??? what should I do??? does anyone veg. 24/24 or should i do 18/6 or 20/4??? will it help them to go outside on my deck high off the ground to veg. or should they stay indoors where its a constant 72degrees to 80 on the thermo??? when should I do the final pot transplant??? what size is recommended??? please view my pics and any comments or answers, I will be sure to rep you... I know the 4 cfls on the strip need to be properly set up ideas will help me... ty see pics
It is normal for seedlings stems to start a reddish maroon color, as for veg I would keep it inside at all times that'll also help avoid buggies, I veg mine for 24/24 keeps them at a constant growth...

Punky McBadbone

Active Member
OK so my first try of ghetto rigging a set up for my clones failed so i just bought a lil set up and helpin em with some Liquid Karma.
Still waiting on that light to get here any day now.

6 new clones:
Also this is my new veg. box for while I flower mama.

Punky McBadbone

Active Member
Alright I know it's been awhile but here's an update...
I got my 250w HPS now on about fourth day of flower
I trimmed up mama and added a few more clones as you can see in the pics while the previous six clones have all survived and been transplanted.
Here they are:


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, keep it up. I'll be adding Violator Kush to my grow very soon. Can't wait to see how it turns out.