Glenn Beck Hates Education


Active Member
Public schools like to deny the gun in the room and how they are funded...that tells me everything I need to know about public schools.

If that isn't enough, the fact that public schools produce people incapable of understanding the statement above is the veritable cherry on top of the Sundae. Not to be confused with Sunday School, that is another indoctrination topic.
You are still my favorite poster Rob Roy... not sure if I've ever told you that. :hug:


Well-Known Member
The title of this thread is incorrect. Glenn didn't say he hates education, the public system has problems, that should be obvious. One fucked up thing about public education is that the books used and the information taught is controlled by the government. This thread was just a way for pad to attempt smearing a conservative and religion, period.


Well-Known Member
Those young turks hate everyone on Fox, they make great day time drama for ratings. They don't even refute anything he says, they just spin it.

Home Schooled children do better on all those standardized tests than the public screwel system churns out.

Case in point, this young home-schooled girl turned down offers from Yale and Stanford.

Mormons are big into Home Schooling, Beck is Mormon. Kinda like Catholics are big into sinning and being resolved and Lutherans are into Lutefisk.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Publik skools are controlled communist style here. They like to keep our children dumb, so they will go along with the charade. More sheeple to the fold if you will.

Anyone saying they won't home school because of the social aspects their kids will miss out on...have you heard little kids cussing like drunken sailors lately? I sure have. Little kids aren't like we were when the principals could spank your ass themselves. These little kids are out of control at very young ages now.

Leave religion and everything else out of it, teach your kids facts and common sense first and foremost.

Not, "We came to America, made friends with Indians and had a huge meal to celebrate."

Becky is speaking the truth on this. Even though I don't care for him, he tells the truth sometimes at least. But I doubt he would like kids to be taught how the Federal Reserve is the biggest scam to ever hit America. No, I doubt he and his bosses like that idea.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Beck bashes the FED quite often.
Is he advocating for an audit and ending the Fed though? Bashing is one thing, calling for action is another.

He might say things here and there, but the overall agenda is still intact. It's what he doesn't say that speaks volumes.

Fox news is there to create Republicans, Conservatives, Right Wing...whatever you call them it will always be hijacked by the same douche bags.

Just look at how Hannity and Sarah Palin hijacked the Tea Party and claimed it as their own for the Republicans.

I appreciate the fact Beck is bringing to light a lot of things, but will the people watching him be more likely to vote for a republican because he is on Fox news?
I believe that could be the case.

Every time one party gets into power, the other party starts sucking up and acting like the "good guys". When we vote them in they go right back to the same old shit they said in their campaigns they would fight against.

Do people really need to see this happen over and over again until we are destroyed to get the picture?

Get over the left right paradigm people.

p.s. last part not directed at anyone in particular, just a rant..gonna go smoke one :weed:


Active Member
Don't know if he calls for the end of the FED...but he sure as hell says it should have never been allowed to take over our money system in the first place. And I agree with that!


Well-Known Member
Public schools were created solely for the intention of indoctrinating children with false ideologies and philosophies. With the intention of building a sense of false hope in this masonic founded nation.


Active Member
Public schools were created solely for the intention of indoctrinating children with false ideologies and philosophies. With the intention of building a sense of false hope in this masonic founded nation.
If that's true, misssion acomplished.


Active Member
Public education is the downfall of America. All one need do is take a realistic look at the level of IQ that we have fallen to as a nation. We are becoming a nation of ignorant, self serving gluttons. Fat and lazy individuals who look to the goverment for everything from education to retirement.


Well-Known Member
If that's true, misssion acomplished.
No doubt. One of the first steps taken to achieve this goal was the womens liberation movement of 1920. This movement was funded and founded by the Rockefeller foundation. Not that women don't deserve equal rights. That is how it should have been from the beginning. What this did essentially was get the women out of the home, pursuing their own interests and careers reducing family time greatly. Children whose parents were home schooled now attended government run public schools. You can all see the downward spiral that commenced from there. As almost all of us can attest to the viability of the public school system in this country as a whole.


Padawan your the moron of morons like your liberal friend said about beck. This guy is clearly trying to twist a story like every other person in liberal media just to bad mouth someone. This needs to stop.


Well-Known Member
Padawan your the moron of morons like your liberal friend said about beck. This guy is clearly trying to twist a story like every other person in liberal media just to bad mouth someone. This needs to stop.

Thanks for the distinguishing title, friend, but I'm not the one who titled the video...

Beck, like most "conservatives" on Fox, goes on rants about how there's some "liberal agenda" in schools because they don't allow shit like intelligent design in classrooms, abstinence only programs in light of the facts. The retarded shit most self proclaimed Fox watching conservatives support. He, and they, are missing the point completely - our public school system isn't shit because they DON'T teach the curriculum they want... They're shit because they DO teach it, and have been teaching it to generations of Americans, which is a HUGE reason we're at the point we're at right now, education wise.

Not the "liberal agenda" as Beck, and Fox, would have you think.

Thomas Jefferson... that goddamn liberal..


Well-Known Member
Padawan your the moron of morons like your liberal friend said about beck. This guy is clearly trying to twist a story like every other person in liberal media just to bad mouth someone. This needs to stop.
Agreed. Padawan I wouldn't call you a moron, but I do disagree with you. At no point does Beck say he is against education. Beck is against big government telling us how to live and raise our children. He's stated numerous times on both his radio show and tv show that educations should be administered at the state and local level. We don't need Washington coming in micromanaging our lives. I'm not sure why the left has such a hard on for Glen Beck. He isn't a republican, just a regular guy who is conservative and loves his country. He has flaws and made mistakes just like the rest of us. Yeah, maybe he is a little nutty, but he speaks the truth. I'm not sure what changed in this country over the past 50 years to think that we all need "big brother" coming in and providing these social welfare programs. It goes against everything our country was founded on.

I went to a small predominantly white high school then moved on to a large state university. My small high school might not have been the best, but it was better than going to a more progressive school that spends more time teaching political correctness than history, math, and science. I went to one of the best state universities in the country and got an excellent education, but to tell you the truth, it was so liberal I almost couldn't take it. The entire system pushed this anti-white, anti-christian, anti-american philosophy. Then if you say anything against it you are automatically "racist." Hell, the don't even teach the classics anymore. Unless it was written by a black women with AIDS or a homosexual, don't expect to see it on the required reading list.

I'm know I'm going on a little bit of a tangent, but when are liberals going to open their eyes? These government welfare programs and now government healthcare have nothing to do with helping us. It is all about POWER. Healthcare for example is 1/8th of the economy. If they can come in and take it over, it is like basically taking control of 1/8th of the economy. They make is seem like oh the rich people can pay for it. But at the end of the day, when it's all said and done, the ever shrinking middle class will be left holding the bill. Correction, the shrinking middle class's CHILDREN will be holding the bill. Same thing with global warming. It's just another way to take more control. I really think that some of these progressives are hell bent on de-industrializing the United State and turning us into some banana republic.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Padawan I wouldn't call you a moron, but I do disagree with you. At no point does Beck say he is against education. Beck is against big government telling us how to live and raise our children. He's stated numerous times on both his radio show and tv show that educations should be administered at the state and local level. We don't need Washington coming in micromanaging our lives. I'm not sure why the left has such a hard on for Glen Beck. He isn't a republican, just a regular guy who is conservative and loves his country. He has flaws and made mistakes just like the rest of us. Yeah, maybe he is a little nutty, but he speaks the truth. I'm not sure what changed in this country over the past 50 years to think that we all need "big brother" coming in and providing these social welfare programs. It goes against everything our country was founded on.

I went to a small predominantly white high school then moved on to a large state university. My small high school might not have been the best, but it was better than going to a more progressive school that spends more time teaching political correctness than history, math, and science. I went to one of the best state universities in the country and got an excellent education, but to tell you the truth, it was so liberal I almost couldn't take it. The entire system pushed this anti-white, anti-christian, anti-american philosophy. Then if you say anything against it you are automatically "racist." Hell, the don't even teach the classics anymore. Unless it was written by a black women with AIDS or a homosexual, don't expect to see it on the required reading list.

I'm know I'm going on a little bit of a tangent, but when are liberals going to open their eyes? These government welfare programs and now government healthcare have nothing to do with helping us. It is all about POWER. Healthcare for example is 1/8th of the economy. If they can come in and take it over, it is like basically taking control of 1/8th of the economy. They make is seem like oh the rich people can pay for it. But at the end of the day, when it's all said and done, the ever shrinking middle class will be left holding the bill. Correction, the shrinking middle class's CHILDREN will be holding the bill. Same thing with global warming. It's just another way to take more control. I really think that some of these progressives are hell bent on de-industrializing the United State and turning us into some banana republic.
At some point we became a "me first" society. We've had it so good in this country that we forgot there are winners and losers in society. It would be great if this weren't true but it is. Not everybody gets to win. We can't all be rich. We can't all get the corner office. Most of the people hating on Glenn Beck have no real idea of what he's about. They get some little snippet on MSNBC and Dylan Ratigan hands them their opinion. I think he's the real deal. I don't agree with everything he says but I am a libertarian so I do agree with a lot of it. He's a bit over the top but he's entertaining. The left is obviously scared of this guy because he's touched a nerve with them. In the movies it's usually when someone gets to close to "the truth" that the powers that be start trying to destroy them. It probably works that way in real life too. lol!:lol:


New Member
...Most of the people hating on Glenn Beck have no real idea of what he's about.... I think he's the real deal...The left is obviously scared of this guy because he's touched a nerve with them.... it's usually when someone gets to close to "the truth" that the powers that be start trying to destroy them.
Try to reconcile this statement with Lewis Black's artful illustration of Mr. Beck's 'nazi tourrettes'....


Well-Known Member
Try to reconcile this statement with Lewis Black's artful illustration of Mr. Beck's 'nazi tourrettes'....
I stand by my statement. Lewis Black, a comedian, is artfully taking things out of context in an attempt to be humorous (which he does quite brilliantly). This is almost the same thing that is always done by the real media. It's called "spin". They all do it, and if done correctly it evokes an almost immediate emotional response which trumps logic and common sense. I agree that Beck uses the nazi reference way too much. That is called hyperbole and they all do that as well. ;-)

spin: To provide an interpretation of (a statement or event, for example), especially in a way meant to sway public opinion

source: the free dictionary


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. How about when Mr. Beck claims God talks to him? Or when he claims that Obama has a deep-seated hatred of white people?

Or here....skip to 2:11...

I could go on all day with drivel that this guy spouts....
I've heard just about all of this and his detractors like to take things he says out of context. My Grandmother claims God talks to her too. I think (I don't want to speak for Mr. Beck) when most people claim that God speaks to them, it is through their conscience. Through their sense of morals and instincts. We all know that there are those who quite literally think God is speaking to them. Perhaps they need stronger meds or hospitalization so they don't harm themselves or others.bongsmilie

As for his claim about Obama............I don't know if Obama hates white people or not. Since he is the prez of a nation of mostly whites (at least for the moment) I hope that's not the case. Obama's mother was white so if he trully hates whites then it would stand to reason that he hates his mother. I think it might be the white man's guilt talking but maybe Obama really does hate white people. In that case he needs to immediately fire Geithner and Emmanuel. lol! Those are 2 white people I don't particularly care for. :lol:


New Member
Geithner, what a fuck up. Made of 80% douche, 20% cotton. About as fun as a nun in an orgy.

As far as God speaking to these people, they may be simply calling upon some sort of 'moral compass', which is itself a step up from the crude and unreliable moral sextants used by our founding fathers (that last joke was stolen from America: The Book). In any case, they can just say that, instead of "I think this is what God wants".

By the way, Beck saying he is following God (or that he thinks he is, at least) is NOT taken out of context. Dude is either nutty/acting/both.