I'm a noob I have 1, 3 foot tree

I have a 3 foot weed plant in a 5 gallon bucket. Can somebody give me tips and help on water and how long do I have til I get some bud. I got this plant today I live in the woods in fl. The plant is skinny but 3 foot helthy green but some top leaves are white. Is the buckets size good?
I'm on my iPhone it won't let me post pic sorry I'll have to wait til tomarow but do u have eny tips on water cycle and when I'll get bud on a 3 footer


Well-Known Member



Look up nutrient deficiencies. Off hand I can't remember which, but blanching of the growing tips is a nute deficiency. Zinc, I think.


Well-Known Member
um at best in the fall man... as far as bud... u need to read read read man... read and when your done ... um reading... read some more...


Well-Known Member
lookin in the grow book i just got and i guess it could either be Iron or Zinc deficiancy. are the tips crispy or do they look normal, but white?
Not crispy just white it's not full white but a faded green that looks white but does anybody know how to water this plant. Also will this deficiancy kill my plant

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
sounds like light bleaching to me. was it an indoor plant that was given to you??? the pot size is perfect. in FL and depending on the strain it will be aug or sept before you see buds, that is if you keep it out side. but be care full i know the humidity isnt all that great for erb plants so you may want to get her in side under some lights. hope this help. good luck and stay green.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
stick your finger in the top of the soil down to your 2nd Knuckle and if the tip of your finger is dry water it. In my 5 gallon buckets i use a 2 litre bottle and water half in the morning and the other half at night and i do this about every 5 to 6 days. if your going to use ferts, use 1/4 strength to start out and us them every 2nd or 3rd watering. i do water, water, Nutes. every time you use nutes you can SLOWLY increas your dosage to full strength.


Active Member
I would still water it even without holes, spraying it isnt really going to do any good the roots need to absorb the water. If it were me id water it no more than 1/2 gallon and check it the next day to see if it wants more. There are no drain holes so if you give it to much that excess water could cause root rot and other proublums. Also slowly pouring the water on the soil may help it spread out evenly and help it not all leach to the bottom where it cant escape. Good Luck!