Midwest Medical Grow - Soil & Indoor


New Member

1. Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth (x3) (Feminized) - 2x 17 day old seedlings - 1x 2.5 day old seedling in RED CUP - in 3.5GAL POTS - MG ORGANIC + LIME + PERLITE 1000W MH 18/16
2. Low Lyfe Easy Rider (autoflower) (x1) (Feminized) - New sprout has not shed its shell yet - In Jiffy pellet + CFL 24/0
3. Flower Power (autoflower) (x1) (Feminized) - has not sprouted. - In Jiffy pellet + CFL 24/0
4. Barneys Farm Pineapple Chunk (x1) (Feminized) - Appears to have germinated today Jiffy Pellet + CFL 24/0
5. Seedsman White Widow (x1) (feminized) has not Sprouted. - In Jiffy pellet + CFL 24/0
6. Barneys Farm Vanilla Kush (x1) (feminized) 12 day old seedling. In 16 oz party cup, RED CUP. Spaghum moss + "seed starter" 1000W MH 18/16
7. Unknown Bagseed (x2) (non-feminized) 1x 12 day old seedling in BLUE CUP. 1x has not sprouted. In 16 oz party cup & Jiffy Pellet. Spaghum moss + "seed starter" 1000W MH 18/16
8. Lemon Skunk (x1) (Feminized) 12 day old seedling. In 16 oz party cup. Spaghum moss + "seed starter" BLUE CUP 1000W MH 18/16

Here we are day 18 -

Here is what the setup looks like currently (Note: Any changes mentioned in this update are not pictured here)

Pictured below we have, Sweet tooth in the large pot at age of 17 days, Sweet tooth in the other big pot near the thermometer, the red cup is vanilla kush, blue cups are bagseed & lemon skunk, the blue cup to the right of the thermometer is the lemon skunk.

Lemon skunk,vanilla kush, and bagseed are on day 12.

Pictured are Easy Ryder and Sweet tooth seedlings, the most mature seedling in sweet tooth and it was moved to a party cup after taking these pictures.

Easy ryder seedling still has not hed its shell:

This tiny little plant I found growing in the sweet tooth pot? Anyone know what this, I found like 5 these tiny little ones and killed them.

Today I cleaned the room mopping with lysol, I installed two bug strips (the name escapes me of them right now but they are like 5$ each bug killer strips.

It looks like pineapple chunk is finally germinating!

My dog found a spider web on one of the sweet tooths leaves and it had a little bug on it that destroyed part of the leaf BAD NEWS!...

Temps Peaking the past two days at 85, the average is 80F, The low temps is 75F..Plants seem to be lovin the heat wave

So in summary the 12 day old plants nearly caught up with the sweet tooth I think this is due to the low temps it suffered or maybe transplant shock but the sweet tooth have really kicked into gear lately, perhaps it was working on its new root system in the new pots IDK but everything looks good and healthy eh?



New Member
So I just picked up some Superthrive and I am going to start using that in there water sometime this week.


New Member
Ok the pics are gunna be later tonite or tommorow but here is some stuff that is going on,

1. I went and got 3 big bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, A digital PH Meter, and 3.5galon pots. I gotta go back and get calibration stuff for the meter. Going to get that when I pickup the light this weekend with some PH down and UP.
2. I transplanted all of the seedling each to their own pot with straight fox farm ocean forest.
3. I watered with Super Thrive and Water mix (I mixed about 1.5 capful in a 5 galon res, hopefully this is not to much but should be okay. Hopefully the vitiman B will help fight transplant shock.
4. I built a spill over for any water that is drained it now goes into a 45 gallon rubbermaid.

Ok now what you all want to know, how are the plants doing?

* The Sweet Tooth has actually not quite shed its Cotolydon (did I spell that right) - so I supposed technically it is still seedlings. There has been development of the nodes and leaves but not a whole lot of height gain since my last pics, however some width, the sweet tooth now occupy a good portion of their pot with the leaves stretched out and stand about 5 inches tall with 2-3 nodes.

*The Vanilla Kush is still drooping and un-ordinarily small..hopefully the transplant will help it.

*The bagseed - wow incredible development, when I transplanted the roots had filled the whole cup and are about 12 inches long...wowza...nothing like the other ones..and the bagseed has a faint odor of marijuana

*The Lemon Skunk - The other plant that has already developed a smell - can only be smelled if you put your nose close but its pretty obvious. The lemon skunk has grown quite a bit also developing more nodes and bigger leaves.

*The youngins: The sweet tooth that is only around 5 days old has made much progress and I did go ahead and pot it in a 3.5 gallon hopefully all the fox farm nutes wont be to much but its roots are still confined to the jiffy pellet for the most part anyway. The autoflower Easyryder is still unable to shed its shell, looks kind of mutated or something...weird looking guy. Pineapple chunk is doing something underneath the soil but has still not popped.


Well-Known Member
Yea its an additive..more specifically its a Hormone and vitiman supplement...it helps all growth...I got it at walmart for 10 dollars..makes 2,000 gallons...its just a drop per gallon..it can be used safely in every stage of growth with cannabis..organically made

View attachment 944605http://www.superthrive.com/
I would use more than 1 drop per gallon, as you are growing cannabis....... II use 1 tsp per gallon when using it in an aeroponic cloner and about half that when cloning in a humidity dome with RW or RR. Good stuff. Very versatile, but 1 drop per gal is a lil low...... but maybe not right now in their seedling/ small stage...


New Member
Hey guys just want to give you all a quick update to whats going on, these are the pics I took from yesterday which was day 21 for the eldest two sweet tooth seedlings, day 16 for Vanilla Kush, Lemon Skunk, and Bagseed seedlings, and finally it is day 7 for the new sweet tooth seedling. The reason so few pictures is because I transplanted all the seedlings in fox farm ocean forest in 3.5 gallon pots shortly after taking these pictures and revamped the grow room quite a bit only to find my camera was dead after I finished leaving me unable to snap some more pics.

- I went ahead and just added the superthrive to my 5 gallon reservoir for watering them so they will be getting superthrived water for the next few days, I used about 1.25 caps full (a cap full is 175ml). Hopefully this will help them deal with the recent transplants better. (vitamin B)

The Good News-Sweet tooth continues to thrive in this environment and grow well-Lemon Skunk already has a skunky smell
-All the plants have a nice root system
-Temps are stable at 78-82F - Humidity very high in the 70s for two days.
-The Fox farm ocean forest I got is in really good condition, great soil!
-Tomorrow I will snap new pics but you guys will see them the following day, hopefully much better than these and pics of all the plants actually and the new setup.
-One of the white widow seeds germinated and I put it in a jiffy cube.

The bad news
*Vanilla Kush Continues to droop and not grow. Dont know what its deal is, it has a vast root system and was not under or overwatered, hopefully it shapes up.

*Pineapple chunk still has not popped.

*The Auto Easyryder is basically a mutant and I don't think its going to make it



New Member
I would use more than 1 drop per gallon, as you are growing cannabis....... II use 1 tsp per gallon when using it in an aeroponic cloner and about half that when cloning in a humidity dome with RW or RR. Good stuff. Very versatile, but 1 drop per gal is a lil low...... but maybe not right now in their seedling/ small stage...
Thanks man for the reassurance, I have read and been told by an expert grower that they use this stuff on every watering during veg. Yea you are right it definitly seems everyone uses about the same 1tsp value per gallon that you use, I went with 1.25 tsp for 5 gallons this time around but I am going to do it a little thicker next time for sure.


New Member
hey guys a few of the plants developed a few 'rust' spots on a few leaves (burgandy-ish color with a silver tent), I will get pics likely tuesday, people are telling me its likely no big deal but I am going to check for possible PH lockout when I get some more calibration fluid. I spill some superthrived water on the leaves when I was watering just the day before also this is all occuring right after we switched their water so it is likely either spots from where I left water droplets sitting (very likely as it looks like waterdrop shape) OR it could be PH lockout in pariticuliar due to adding superthrive to their water (does this change the PH much?)..There is only a few spots on a few leaves and the plants still look healthy other than that nice and perky and green aside from the sickly vanilla kush runt...

Very hot today it got up to 85F - I observed signs of heat stress on some plants today for several hours(minor leaf cupping) from noon untill about 3PM when I got it down to 80F - the outside temp was exactly the same as the temp of the room so it seems the ventilation is adequete. Luckily we only have a couple days a year that get to around 90F highs so we are thinking we can make it without an A/C for now, when we add another light we are adding another 500CFM fan going out, does HPS typically run hotter than MH or vice versa? - for the next light we are going with a cooled hood also.

In order to anticipate any bug problems I think I am going to go with AZAMAX in several weeks I will start using either this or just plain neem oil.

Regarding the legal situation honestly I am coming to realize I have been over paranoid, Its bred into my psych how mj is illegal and for only the last 2 months I have had my cards and I don't think it really hit me untill today that 'hey its fucking legal so who gives a fuck stop being paranoid about it'


Well-Known Member
yea man the easyryder i got is a freakin mutant IDK thinking about puttin it out of its misery if it dont die on me first
i say film the execution and put it on riu ... lol. besides the mutant and that vanilla that just wont grow right everything looks really good man! i look forward to seein all these in flower : D


New Member
i say film the execution and put it on riu ... lol. besides the mutant and that vanilla that just wont grow right everything looks really good man! i look forward to seein all these in flower : D
thanks man appreciate it, wtf is with your new avatar lol


Well-Known Member
thanks man appreciate it, wtf is with your new avatar lol
well that green thing with the potent shit on it ... thats the bud i grow. Because the bud i grow is flame ... i have attempted to recreate my bud as accurately as possible ... therefore i have drawn fire around the bud ... because that shit is fire! oh and all those dots and stuff ... thats like purp and hairs and stuff.

LOL. honestly ... it is a pretty funny avatar. i made it when i was medicated sheesh.



New Member
After a very long and intense action packed 24hours at work..

I arrive at my growop, I haven't toked in over 70 hours at this point and waiting for me was an ounce chunk of some brown mexican brick schwagg..

You know, there is one really good thing about brick schwagg, you dont break it up and you shove a whole nickle size peice in a bowl and what you get is A LOT of hits seeing as a nickle size weights about 4 grams typically. So I do just that and head off to the plants room to see the plants which I have not seen in 72 hours....

To my great excitement I see an explosion of growth, the plants are huge! The sweet tooth are more than triple the width and gained several new nodes they stand about 8 inches in height now with many tightly space nodes and leaves, their leaves stretch nearly the entire length of the 12 inch pots! The vanilla kush has recovered and started to grow also! The Lemon skunk and bagseed gained a lot of height as well! The spots do indeed appear to be stains from the Superthrived water that was splashed on leaves because no new ones have developed, all growth looks healthy!

The 2 eldest Sweet tooth are now officially past the seedling stage and have been I believe for quite some times.

Well what a great ending to the day...I'm incredibly high from this schwagg staring at my lovely ladies...feeling such great peace and happiness after a very stressful day...zen...I'm uploading the pictures but I am not sure If I will fall asleep b4 they finish uploading so update some time today or late tonite. Love Life RIU