general chemistry is usually the first step(prereqs). 2 semesters of that, gen chem 1001 n 1002 (1.5hr lecture 2xs a week +3hr labs once a week) or how ever they do it at that school. from that you go to Organic chemistry (2semesters, 1.5hr lecture 2xs a week, FIVE HOUR LABs once a week. Orgo will seperate the men from the boys in the chemistry world. its where you will gain the experience and knowledge to properly manipulate lab equipment and handle cmps correctly. Orgo will teach you the properties of molecules (aldehydes, ketone, thiol, esters alkenes, aromatics etc....). The knowledge you gain in class will reflect how committed you are to the class, doing hw and going to class will greatly help you out if you wish to gain the full spectrum. Organics is the BASE of actually synthesizing molecules, even with the knowledge you gain it may not be possible to do what you want. Lotsa hrs in the lab and face in the text will enable you to grasp all the concepts and you WILL be able to properly and effectively synthesize molecules. After orgo you usually do on semester of inorganic + IO lab. And from there you take physical chem:quantum mechanics and then pchem thermodynamics. These upper level classes almost always require calc 1 and in my school calc 2 is needed for the pchem series (calc kills me). From here you have effectively gained a ba in chemistry assuming u passed all core classes and whatnot. you can work ina lab, go to grad school, teach, research etc. The hardest part about synthesizing is controlling you environment and obtaing the right compounds and glassware