Ground Zero Mosque


New Member put a mosque at ground zero is a slap in the face to those people who lost somebody on 911 and undermines the integrity of this country at a time when our Muslim friends of the world are waging a jihad against us.
First of all, it is a community center that includes a mosque. I guess you did not read anything posted though.

Secondly, hundreds of Muslim Americans died on 9/11. I guess you did not read anything posted though.

Thirdly, extremist Muslims are waging a jihad on us. Lumping in peaceful, non-extremist Muslims like the ones building this community center along with the extremists only promotes more hatred and division. I guess you did not read anything posted though.

Also, it kind of seems like you are rooting for Muslims to commit acts of terror that kill Americans so more folks will agree with you. Were you not loved as a kid or something?


Active Member
dukeofbaja, how does one tell a "peaceful" Muslim from one looking to blow up a subway I wonder? Little bit of a security issue there huh? Being that most of the 911 mankind loving muslims were trained here in the USA... And yes, I was loved as a kid.


New Member
dukeofbaja, how does one tell a "peaceful" Muslim from one looking to blow up a subway I wonder? Little bit of a security issue there huh? Being that most of the 911 mankind loving muslims were trained here in the USA... And yes, I was loved as a kid.
How do you tell a peaceful MAWG from one that wil fly his plane into an IRS building? Little bit of a security issue there, huh?

Sorry to hear about your green crayon. NIce drawing though!


Well-Known Member
this is america. americans are free to choose their religion. regardless of how you fell, americans want to practice their freedom. and ffs its 2 blocks away.
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He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself. ~Thomas Paine


Well-Known Member
what's that response supposed to mean??

oh the hypocrisy in america... here's the gist of the article:

"you(local governments) can't use zoning laws to prevent churches from being built!" - crazy bunch of religious nuts

"we (crazy bunch of religious fanantics) plan to use zoning laws to prevent this 'victory mosque' from being built near Ground Zero"


Active Member
what's that response supposed to mean??

oh the hypocrisy in america... here's the gist of the article:

"you(local governments) can't use zoning laws to prevent churches from being built!" - crazy bunch of religious nuts

"we (crazy bunch of religious fanantics) plan to use zoning laws to prevent this 'victory mosque' from being built near Ground Zero"
I think you two actually in agreement if I understand that post correctly....

Anyone with half a brain realizes that there is no reasonable objection to building this thing. There are only unreasonable objections by people who whip up some bullshit political storm over some bullshit. The irony is that it's the very same people who are always going on about freedom and how it's under threat who are trying to deny their fellow countrymen one of the most basic freedoms....i.e. to worship freely and whichever way they want. This is america, not medieval europe....


Well-Known Member
The japanese are not wanting to build a cultural center in pearl harbor now are they.
The muslim community out of respect should move it farther away,or have it house multi-cultural religions.


Active Member
The japanese are not wanting to build a cultural center in pearl harbor now are they.
The muslim community out of respect should move it farther away,or have it house multi-cultural religions.
Actually.....they did, interestingly enough.

The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i (JCCH), a non-profit organization, strives to share the history, heritage and culture of the evolving Japanese American experience in Hawai‘i. Located at 2454 South Beretania Street in Mō‘ili‘ili, the Cultural Center features a Community and Historical Gallery, Resource Center, Kenshikan martial arts dōjō, Seikōan Japanese teahouse and Gift Shop. The Cultural Center presents various programs, festivals and exhibitions throughout the year. For more information call (808) 945-7633 or email

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I am not against Islam, only radical Islam and Islamic revolution.
I think I must be intolerant or something because I think I'm against Islam in general. I'm not seeing the great benefit it brings to society. This "religion of peace" just seems to start shit all around the world.

For a religion of peace, a lot of people kill in it's name. Not just terrorism either, but wars vs other religions and fighting between factions of Islam. I'm pretty sure the world would be a better place without it.

sludge factory

Active Member
Eh, i'm not in favor of building a mosque near ground zero.
I'm definitely not racist or anything, but I feel like it'll just add salt to the wound if they build it.


Active Member
If the principle of 'some members of religious group X did something heinous at this location, so no building any of their places of worship near that site', there wouldn't be much room for churches, mosques or synagogues anywhere.

This is just some more ridiculous bullshit brought to you by the united muslim-haters of america...


Well-Known Member
And you are just full of assumptions...
And not everyone is a racist,xenophobe or muslim hater as you like to think.
You are the one full of bullshit.