Hey, sorry about that I just missed it. As far as what you mean, it is a matter of ideology and I being and cynic really am incapable of such a feat. I mean it must be nice but I question my sanity on a daily basis, and then revert to my ways. Its hard to say really, I mean I don't hallucinate or anything....

unless this is all a hallucination.
Originally Posted by
....Some are innate and natural to us. ...Well clearly all skills are natural, as is the nature of the universe. All skills are not natural, Clearly. They are skills that we bring into the present life from our past lives.....Again you must once assume that there are past lives, unless its an allegory for the nature of ideas staying in the universe. Except the ideas people die with, unless there is no death. Allegory depending how viewed to an certain extent, however, this was a reference to DNA. Skills and traits passed on by our parents, again much more intropect is needed....Other skills are acquired, the fortuitous result of our numerous negative and positive present-life experiences....Technically speaking good/bad is a frame of mind, all experience just is.... Good or bad isn't mentioned, everything in the Universe is viewed as positive negative to another event or thing, regardless if it's good or bad, which you just stated is a frame of mind. Together, they form each of our present skill arsenals.I would agree that we have a set of skills present to us at each moment, whether we have every set of skills we possess is available to us at every moment is a matter of debate. Skills develop with maturity as they are needed, even then it doesn't mean a person has mastery over using it. This is farfetching what is being said
There are many, many skills to be found in our personal arsenals; no one is without them....What about the incontinent? Are you asking if bed wetting is a skill?
Although they do have some skills, but comatose victims, well I guess they wouldn't be needing to hear this guy anyway. There are some complete vegatables, but such a few I will give you that. I'm sure comatose victims had skills, before they went comatose, and vegetables skills I would assume is just living while brain dead, Can you do that? (silly& absurd)
... You have only to take an inventory to find out just what your particular skills are....I think an inventory is a practice in self-validation, although I do practice it I don't have any skills to show for it..... Belief in yourself don't equate to having skills. I can watch basketball all day, and say I love basketball, but that doesn't make me a great player. Naturally, this requires a great deal of introspection, but you will come to learn that it is time well spent....I am the king on introspection, oh I had a saying about introspection but I forget it. I think you stopped a few paces short from the mirror>
.... There are skills, for example, such as the ability to reason, to feel, to assimilate knowledge,....I feel I am an autodidact......(A skill many don't have)... to deal with misfortune, pain, suffering,........but not an empathist....(Sorry). Are you a great communicator?.... Not in person... .... A good nuturing mother?...Not skill, instinct. Its a skill to not care, to be so detached from your seed is the most reckless thing in nature. Oxytocin is a powerful mother fucker. To be a good nuturing mother has nothing to do with if she cares or not, A mother could struggle endlessly trying to attend to their child without neglect and still fall short to the mother who adopted and provides care without a hitch. Oxytocin is a Hormone not a miracle worker ....They are skills. In Short, skills are the tools of our lives that help make us strong and viable human beings. In fact, we couldn't survive without them.Well I think that is fairly obvious.
As I mentioned, skills exist in order to help facilitate our journey through life, but they can only be employed to our advantage when they are used correctly and are drawn on at the proper time.....Holy fuck this guy is good!.... Bearing this in mind, it should be no great surprise to learn that, although everyone has a large number of skills in their arsenals, many people lack the ability to use their skills to their best advantage.Hmmm, I wonder why that is? All peoples skills are different, but they learn about reality in the exact same way..... big fucking mystery. People do not learn about reality in the exact same way, but their skills allow them to survive in the same exact reality regardless>
To properly react to life's negative situations, you must have an understanding of the general nature of life, the specifics of our particular difficulty, a mastery over the survival tools that you have available to you, and the right timing. Without all four elements, you will find it nearly impossible to escape negative situations unscathed." R.B.
But nice things to think about none the less.
Thats it, did he leave me hanging or did I miss something. 
So you see it isn't a matter of bashing you or anything, just taking the other side of the coin. But please explain what you mean about DNA, it sounds interesting but as far as I know its only responsible for protein creation.
And those BP mother fuckers should be shot, America is a fucking downer these days.