Growing In The Woods

dudeeeee, weather tonight is mant to be lows of -1 accross the country, with severe weather warnings in like devon. You might wanna pray for your girls tonight XD

Also, you should consider a grow box inside to atleast start them off, i'm making one form an old PC case, it's going pretty well at the moment :)


Active Member
mate i would do but theres just nowhere to hide them inside, at least nowhere which would receive sunlight

its an operation which is like do what you can see how it goes and if it doesnt work out i cant rly help it id grow completely differently if i could, when i move out ill grow inside properly.


Yes make sure you mark your territory my three plants that i had going got eaten by deer there was a huge pile of shit that they left right next to where my beautiful plants use to be
schec, that sucks man, i'm lucky to have a desk i can hide it under and with it being a oc case it's pretty inconspicuous and stays dark when i want it to. Good luck outside though :)

Jees, brutal rob.


Active Member
hey schec hows things going for ya dude n e updates? me got my jurney up today check it and u can see where im at at the moe from april.


Active Member
dunno man its rained a few dayds been sunny for a few days so it should look ok, im gonna go up there tomorrow with my camera and see if there have been any assignments, as for seeds germinating havnet cecked them for says been rly busy,

finally found some time to get high now update tomorrow if there i anything, hopefully.


Active Member
man im so highi started crying do u rekn its justat that point of emotional high when ur brain just fucking explodes and does whatever man that was weird.


Active Member
well man its a littl ebit bigger and greener in scolour.

but now some of the trees have goteen their leaves back i dont think its gewtting as much light

could justbe the time of day but i may have to move the plant.


Active Member
yeh thats what i was gonna do, although when i went up there i didnt know it was like that so next time i go i will, but some of the branches are waaaaaay ip there, the only thing i can do is tear the trees down and i dont wanna do that, so ill get the branches down

yeh man weather is soooo good, now i just want my fucking seeds to sproout out of the ground, some of the ones im germing are actually showing their roots now so fingers crossed i could have more plants


Active Member
For all of you downers out there lemme show you something...

If you watch all the parts, and see the success maybe you would realize that marijuana is a plant that grows on its own. If it needed people to put it in plates and whatnot, it would have been extinct a long LONG time ago. I understand some of you have had success with you germing methods and I respect that, but don't over complicate stuff.

They were AF's is why their so small, and also 10 in a pot. Now that's funny.


Active Member
cool man cheers watching it now

yeh i want everything to be as easy and simple as possible! i understand that its natural and can grow naturally but its just england im growing it inm is shit well atm its fucking sunny but normally its shit

im gonna get rid of these branches which are stealing all the sunlight today and hopefully some more have sprouted out of the ground
nice one man, it's like perfect weather at the moment, i wanted to move two out of my 4 plants outside but there's always people around in my house and my next door neighbour is a police officer :/
it's a case grow so it's not like he's ever gonna see/smell it :) i'm just not sure where to put them outside because he has a dog, so walks all through the fields etc...


Active Member
shit man. yeh my woods are right next to a dog walker field, its risky but its all i can do. do u rekn these plants will even grow because the seeds have taken a few weeks to germ