A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I've just been looking at the sensi website and they are now doing NL#5xHaze in 5 packs and femmed. I've always wanted to try that but the price kinda put me off. I might get a pack for when i start up again just in case i can't get em then. Its 90 sheets for 5. I think i read somewhere that psychosis could be a pheno of it


Well-Known Member
Right, i chopped my last plant last night so i now have zero plants in my house (gutted)
I still couldn't a good pic of the whole thing. I think its gonna have a bit of weight to it the buds are really hard and feel heavy.
The smell is pretty intense



mr west

Well-Known Member
Aww mate bet u feel like u have lost a family member but on the other hand it must also be a nice relife?


Well-Known Member
The room looks bigger without the tent in there. There is a flat sqare on the carpet where it was lol i might draw a chalk line around it, like a murder scene lmao


Well-Known Member
BTW it was 9 weeks 12/12 and it was ready at 8 but that last week of ripen really hardened the buds up. I'm gutted i just had my set up how i wanted it but i've got enough bud and a good variety to last me ages so if i'd carried on it would be an unnessacary risk.


Well-Known Member
exactly, thats why i bury my weed in the woods miles away lol and only go when i need to go so i only have 10 or so grammes at once indoors.


Well-Known Member
an u dont need that for the next month or so lol
Yep, it cures nicely too. I'll be having my last spliff for a while today ffs so i'm gonna be a moody mofo for the next week lol last year i felt really healthy and clear headed after a month off and i thought shall i stop for good but then i though fuck it i like getting mashed lmfao

new page, i feel a bump coming on lol


Well-Known Member
you alright lads?...not been on in a while. i see you have shut down for now osc, what you gonna do with all that spare time mate? you could take up egg painting or some shit lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
you alright lads?...not been on in a while. i see you have shut down for now osc, what you gonna do with all that spare time mate? you could take up egg painting or some shit lol
egg painting lol wtf? of all the recreations he could do wot on earth made u think of egg painting lol. U must be mashed willy lol, good to see ya bout mate>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
egg painting lol wtf? of all the recreations he could do wot on earth made u think of egg painting lol. U must be mashed willy lol, good to see ya bout mate>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
haha i dont know mate, i really dont. maybe i waked and baked too early, i had a fat one this morning and i feel wrecked. gotta go for a meal with the inlaws in next half hour aswell.
yeah its good to be back on, i dont get much time these days and i still havent cracked this new rollitup. i may even start a new thread just for bud porn because i dont have time to keep a full journal any more.
not a fan of egg art? oh well theres always midget tossing or cheese rolling lmao