A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Right, i chopped my last plant last night so i now have zero plants in my house (gutted)
I still couldn't a good pic of the whole thing. I think its gonna have a bit of weight to it the buds are really hard and feel heavy.
The smell is pretty intense

I'll bump it mesen lol will i go blind if i bump myself too often


Well-Known Member
I'm missing it already coz about this time of the day i'd be in me tent pottering and just looking at em. i'll be out of it for over a year i reckon coz i only do it for percy and i'd have a job explaining away what i've got now as percy thats why i bury it up the woods. i was gonna do some outdoor but i just didn't get round to it.
Here's a few more harvest pics




Well-Known Member
Cheers Fred, its a smelly one and its rock hard. i reckon its gonna be a pretty good yeild coz there was a lot of big dense buds on that plant. Its one of those that an oz will look like three quarters lol. It was a good one to sign off with.
Any guesses on the weight? i reckon 3 1/2oz (98g i think)

mr west

Well-Known Member
wel yeah a man with no honour can lie an say wot he wants but ur not like that i want the difrence between the guesses

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm missing it already coz about this time of the day i'd be in me tent pottering and just looking at em. i'll be out of it for over a year i reckon coz i only do it for percy and i'd have a job explaining away what i've got now as percy thats why i bury it up the woods. i was gonna do some outdoor but i just didn't get round to it.
Here's a few more harvest pics

blinging oscar man look like some hefty buds man, im going to shoot at 3 n 3/4 easy on there man, im missing it like crazy you must be starting to get twitchy? i was thinking about some tomato's on the windowsill :(


Well-Known Member
I've weighed it and i'm very pleasantly surprised, i knew the buds were dense but i didn't think they would be that dense. Its totally dry even the thick stems snap.
drum roll please............. 6oz and 5g and thats not counting the bits i took early.
I'm gutted coz i can't smoke any til the end of june FFS its buried up the woods curing in the hole until then lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Right, i chopped my last plant last night so i now have zero plants in my house (gutted)
I still couldn't a good pic of the whole thing. I think its gonna have a bit of weight to it the buds are really hard and feel heavy.
The smell is pretty intense

gota bump the big old gal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: heedband