Frankly, I think that too much of the marketing relates to flavor and appearance-- also that elusive 'quality of high'. The focus is all wrong; these qualities can be managed somewhat in growing technique. We need improvements for growers.
Everybody likes yield and potency (though I am sure there are exceptions), so strains will continue to brag (and exaggerate) on that variable. I would like to see more focus on mold/disease resistance, branching, odor, etc. In short, I would like the seed companies to spend more effort improving the plant for different types of growing setups, instead of turning grass into some sort of fashion statement.
Cannabis is one of the largest cash crops in the world--- and we don't have a genetically modified strain yet? I know some folks would boycott Frankenweed, just like other genetically modified crops. But, wouldn't it be neat if there were a spider-mite resistant strain, or one that wouldn't stretch?
I will say that feminized seeds and auto-seeds are innovations for the market. They give growers more options. More of that, please!