1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey don i know i dont really post pics any more but i have to show off this bitch..........its devil from mr nice seeds ......its at 5 week today under my 400w hps....hope you dont mind me invading your thread :joint::joint::joint:
feel free man i aint got any wicked budshots to show off unless folks want to see the cured stuff lol
edit: cant seem to enlarge or rotate my pics
Looks real good Willy
This stinking ganga you speak of Don, how is it? coz i would like to know coz as you know i can't smoke owt til the end of june FFS and i'm always interested in other folks weed lol
BTW who the feck are you calling a fairy? LMFAO
hahah well its some fine stink livers really nice clear tasty high in fact im going to rip a bong for breakfast !
Got new pic up in my Journel here a taste for ya Don
View attachment 964830ill be there in a jiffy hem

PURPLE NUKEN!!!!!! Some OF BC's fineest, smells like purple if purple had a smell..LOL
the shnozzberries taste like shnozzberries man!!!
Nice pictures fellow.

Waiting desperately for you to get crackin again.
i know its making me drijnk more and im hooked on call of duty for the xbox tho i think the mrs is a lot happier. crazy eh...
ahh phew! lol that's better eh don. well good luck with it!!

i got very very bad news today which means i'm most likely gonna have to pull my grow. can't really go into details in public but it's fucking mental and i'm devo
oh shit thats not good its not the bloody inlaws again i hope?!!? is it a temp stop or a full stop? either way welcome to the 'id love to grow but... club'


Well-Known Member
mmmm, temp? lol maybe....

its a sad day indeed. gonna hit the hay and hope for brighter skies lol


Well-Known Member
it's definitely a load of bollocks. shit things happen because shit people do shit things. good things happen, well - luck? ha. fucking mother in law is dead to me. grrr, knew i shouldn't have let that crazy mole in my house.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you never know the sitution may change, hopefully!?

god im broken today. wine plus beer plus cat scratching at the door all night = a not very well rested don

heads a shed


Well-Known Member
haha you poor bugger! lol my monday started shitty, been in a weird way since the shit went down with the crazy wench in the wee hours of sunday morn but i decided to suck it up and soldier on lol we will suss things out over the next day or so and if worse comes to worse i have a mate who will take my shit and finish it off, and gimme half. so all is not completely lost, it's just a massive pain in the arse. also pretty disappointed that she would pass judgement on our parenting skills when i had to look after her child (not my husband, she had one a fair bit later on) for over a year, for most of which i was pregnant, she didn't pay anything she barely called him, i did everything for him and not coz i wanted a gold star but because SOMEONE needed to give that kid a bit of stability.

ok rant over lol

hope ya feel better mate, i dont touch the beer and wine myself - makes me very very messy. will dabble with the spirits on rare occasions tho, mmmm

mr west

Well-Known Member
poor cat, should of let it in, theres no closed doors in my flat lol sept the outside doors. Avoid hangovers and dont drink, works for me. Im lucky my girlfriend ran away from home afew years ago and her perants aint botherd and dont wanna seee her poor gal.


Well-Known Member
huh westy? lol

and yeah, when i drink i get ill lol funny tummy and just blah. rather be stoned, yep yep


Well-Known Member
Here's something I just felt I had to share with the lads and lasses - hopefully it will cheer everyone up a bit (I know I need to be cheered up and it brought a smile to my fizog...my mate just emailed me it....going solo doesn't always produce the best in people....haha


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha you poor bugger! lol my monday started shitty, been in a weird way since the shit went down with the crazy wench in the wee hours of sunday morn but i decided to suck it up and soldier on lol we will suss things out over the next day or so and if worse comes to worse i have a mate who will take my shit and finish it off, and gimme half. so all is not completely lost, it's just a massive pain in the arse. also pretty disappointed that she would pass judgement on our parenting skills when i had to look after her child (not my husband, she had one a fair bit later on) for over a year, for most of which i was pregnant, she didn't pay anything she barely called him, i did everything for him and not coz i wanted a gold star but because SOMEONE needed to give that kid a bit of stability.
thats a shitty situation, i feel for you kmoo. sometimes you just have to take the moral high ground however much you want to kick off. you never know in years to come you might make it up.
ok rant over lol

hope ya feel better mate, i dont touch the beer and wine myself - makes me very very messy. will dabble with the spirits on rare occasions tho, mmmm
im just about recovered have had steak n chips for dinner and am contemplating a beer but maybe not haha
poor cat, should of let it in, theres no closed doors in my flat lol sept the outside doors. Avoid hangovers and dont drink, works for me. Im lucky my girlfriend ran away from home afew years ago and her perants aint botherd and dont wanna seee her poor gal.
sorry but im the alpha round my gaff. the cat knows his place now. i should mention this cat stinks to high heaven and i dont want him in bed with me.
huh westy? lol

and yeah, when i drink i get ill lol funny tummy and just blah. rather be stoned, yep yep
hey Kmoo, yeah im all good, learnt a lot of years ago that me an booze dont mix well lol.
yeah yeah ok i get the message drinking is bad for you it makes you do bad things say bad things is expensive and can destroy everything in your life. ya know what i dont give a monkeys.
Here's something I just felt I had to share with the lads and lasses - hopefully it will cheer everyone up a bit (I know I need to be cheered up and it brought a smile to my fizog...my mate just emailed me it....going solo doesn't always produce the best in people....haha

sweet jesus thats awful. lol whats up D why do you need cheering up?

right quick shower then i think ill have a drink in the sun


Well-Known Member
Ach man, people just pi$$ me off, but hey, that's what happens when you work in my industry, you just don't expect it to happen 10 minutes before take off...bah, at least plants normally do what you want em to.

Loving the Chas and Dave Westy!!

Keep forgeting you lads have a holiday today....enjoy.



Well-Known Member
oh DST that's pure gold!!! lol i personally like the lyric 'she took off er at, she had luvly air' lol and what a french accent! haha. what a class act

yeah sorry for the rant lads, i know most females will understand the strange dynamic that occurs between someone and their mother in law. he came from yours luv but all he wants now is mine, so feck off lol

HAHA i've got that song playing while i write this. the french is outstanding lol


Well-Known Member
it is a funny one for sure. There is a very worrying lyric where I think he says something about "getting the hovercraft, people will think I am your dad...." or words to that effect....PC didn't exist in those days, you were actually cool if you were 40+ and hung around with teenage girls, now you are just a dirty perv, hahaha.